Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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discriminate, discriminated, discriminating, discriminates.intransitive verbs
to make a clear distinction; distinguish.(discriminate among the options available); to make sensible decisions; judge wisely; to make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice.(was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies)
transitive verb use.to perceive the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct (discriminate right from wrong); to distinguish by noting differences; differentiate (unable to discriminate colors)

the act of discriminating; the ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment; treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.(it's necessary to eliminate all forms of sexual discrimination)

disdain, disdained, disdaining, disdains.transitive verbs
to regard as unworthy or beneath one's dignity or status; spurn; to reject, regard or treat with haughty.contempt; despise; to consider or reject as beneath oneself
a feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn
scornful and aloof; proud
expressive of disdain; scornful and contemptuous; proud

disguise, disguised, disguising, disguises.transitive verbs
to make appear, sound, etc. different from usual so as to be unrecognizable; to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition; to conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent (disguise one's true intentions)
the act or an instance of disguising; the condition of being disguised; clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity; appearance that misrepresents the true character of something (a blessing in disguise); a pretense or misrepresentation (his repeated references to his dangerous hobbies were only a disguise to cover up his insecurity)
disguisement, disguiser.nouns

dishearten, disheartened, disheartening, disheartens.transitive verb
to shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit; discourage

dishevel.transitive verb
inflected form(s).disheveled or disheveled; disheveling or disheveling
to throw into disorder or disarray; marked by disorder or disarray

disintegrate, disintegrated, disintegrating, disintegrates.verbs
to lose or cause to lose wholeness; disunite; to separate into pieces or fragments; decay 
intransitive use.to become reduced to components, fragments, or particles; to decompose, decay, or undergo a nuclear transformation
transitive use.to cause to disintegrate; decay

the act or process of disintegrating; the state of being disintegrated
Chemistry & Physics.-.the natural or induced.transformation of an atomic.nucleus from a more massive to a less massive configuration by the emission of particles or radiation

disparage.transitive verb
to lower in esteem; discredit; belittle; decry; deprecate
that disparages; slighting; belittling 
detraction; a disparaging; anything that detracts or discredits

the condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree; difference (narrow the economic disparities among regions and industries); unlikeness; incongruity; discrepancy

inflected form(s).dispensed; dispensing
transitive verb senses.to deal out in portions; administer (dispense justice); to give dispensation to; exempt; to prepare and distribute (medication) 
synonyms.distribute, deal, disburse, disperse, divide, divvy, dole (out), lot (out), measure (out), partition; give; furnish; hand, hand over; supply; transfer; turn over; portion; prorate
dispense with (to set aside) discard (dispensing with the usual introduction); to do without (could dispense with such a large staff)

not essential; unimportant (dispensable items of personal property; capable of being dispensed, administered, or distributed (dispensable medications); subject to dispensation, as a vow or church law

disperse, dispersed, dispersing, disperses.transitive verbs
to scatter in all directions; distribute widely
transitive verb use.to drive off or scatter in different directions; to strew or distribute widely (the airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city); to cause to vanish or disappear; scatter; to disseminate.(knowledge, for example); to separate (light) into spectral rays
intransitive verb use.to move in different directions; scatter; to vanish; dissipate.(the storm clouds had dispersed by noon)

the act or process of dispersing; the state of being dispersed

dispose, disposed, disposing, disposes.verbs
inflected form(s).disposed, disposing
transitive verb use.to place or set in a particular order; arrange; to give a tendency to; incline.(faulty diet disposes one to sickness); to put (business affairs, for example) into correct, definitive, or conclusive form; to put into a willing or receptive frame of mind
intransitive verb use.to settle or decide a matter
phrasal verb.dispose of; to attend to; settle (disposed of the problem quickly; to transfer or part with, as by giving or selling; to get rid of; throw out; to destroy (a corrupt government that disposed of documents that revealed truths they wanted to hide from the public)
designed to be disposed of after use (disposable diapers; disposable razors); free for use (disposable income); available (every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire)
an article, such as a paper diaper or toilet paper that can be disposed of after one use

the normal or prevailing-aspect of one's nature (a genial-disposition, the way a person is inside); mindset; the way a person is that makes them what it is they are, and perceived by others to be like (the uniqueness of every individual); inclination, tendency; predilection

dispute, disputed, disputing, disputes.verbs
transitive verb use.to argue about; debate; to question the truth or validity of; doubt.(her friends disputed her intentions); to strive to win (a prize, for example); contest for (our team disputed the visitors' claim to the championship; to strive against; resist.(disputed the actions of his competitors
intransitive verb use.to engage in discussion or argument; debate; discuss; to quarrel angrily
a verbal controversy; a debate; an angry altercation; a quarrel; argument

a disputing; dispute; controversial discussion; debate; argument
inclined to dispute; fond of arguing; contentious
disputacious; having to do with disputation 
that can be disputed; debatable 
a person who disputes or debates 
in a disputable manner 
dispute.intransitive verb
to argue; debate; to oppose; resist; controversy

discompose, discomposed, discomposing, discomposes.transitive verbs
to disturb the composure or calm of; perturb
discomposedly, discomposingly.adverbs
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