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any of various small, shrimplike, chiefly marine crustaceans of the order Mysidacea, the females of which carry their eggs in a pouch beneath the thorax (area of a body containing the heart and lungs); also called opossum shrimp

Maharishi Mahesh Yoga
spiritual teacher of over 50 years, and major contributorMaharishi Mahesh Yoga at his passing. to world peace, Maharishi has continuously revived and restored ancient Vedic technologies for creating inner and outer peace and has offered this transforming knowledge to the citizens and governments of every nation. Now passed, his work carries on with, among others, Dr. John Hagelin, finder of the elusive.unified field theory.Einstein spent 30 years trying to find. Due to Maharishi's and others' efforts, the attitude that the Infinite One (more commonly referred to as God) exemplified to mankind in the person of one called Emmanuel the Christ, has now reached a point of 'critical mass', where there are now enough sincere spiritually minded people that the world will soon have the peace it has always desired, the peace necessary so that all mankind prospers in all areas of his living. This is called the kingdom of God in the Holy Bible, and we are at this point in time now. Concentration, comtemplation engage the mind. TM is where no thinking is, where one has stilled the mind to the point of being devoid of thought and here is reached pure consciousness, the consciousness where all things we see and know of are 'anchored', the realm of the Creator. It is here we experience the Creator.

Transcendental means to transcend, to pass beyond, in this case to leave off from the daily chatter that runs incessantly through our minds. Trancendence is going beyond all boundaries. The difference between boundaries and boundlessness is a prisoner of the ego. Transcending is the mind's way of unfolding to itself. Mankind is designed to transcend.

At the transcendent stage, one becomes an observer of what is occuring in his or her own life. He or she sort of stands aside and doesn't add any mental messages to what is happening. He or she realizes that all is made up of the same energy and that is what occurs as the result of our individual mindsets affecting the collective mind of mankind, thus making the next act on the stage of life.

Transcendental Meditation and exposure to the sun helps lower blood pressure without the side effects that can come from medication, according to a new study.

Dr. James W. Anderson of the University of Kentucky reviewed nine previous studies and found that meditation lowered blood pressure an average of 4.7 points on the top number -- the systolic -- and 3.2 points on the diastolic.

Anderson said that blood pressure reductions like that could significantly reduce the chances of heart disease.

He also said that studies of other relaxation techniques did not have the same results.

"Adding Transcendental Meditation is about equivalent to adding a second antihypertension agent to one's current regimen, only safer and less troublesome.".Anderson said.

a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.; an inclination or a habit

meager also meagre.adjective
deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty; deficient in richness, fertility, or vigor; feeble: the meager soil of an eroded plain
synonyms-spare, sparse, skimpy, scanty, scant

measly,measlier, measliest.adjective
contemptibly small; meager (gave the parking attendant a measly tip)

Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564. Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who created some of the greatest works of art of all time, including the marble sculpture David (what about David, why did he touch Michelangelo's heart enough to be painted?)Sculpture of David by Michaelangelo (1501), the paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1508-1512) including the Creation of Adam Sistine Chapel by Michaelangelo, and the plans for Saint Peter's Church in Rome. He is noted for saying "I saw an angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.".Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a very large molecule, such as a polymer or protein, consisting of many smaller structural units linked together, also called supermolecule

large; long; inclusive

standardized, often interchangeable component of a system or construction that is designed for easy assembly or flexible use (a sofa consisting of two end modules)
of, relating to, or based on a module or modulus; designed with standardized units or dimensions, as for easy assembly and repair or flexible arrangement and use (modular furniture; modular homes)
modular, modularity.noun

Genetics – of or relating to the association of three or more homologous-chromosomes during the first division of meiosis; Immunology – having several sites of attachment for an antibody or antigen

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).noun
the use of a nuclear-magnetic-resonance-spectrometer to produce electronic images of specific atoms and molecular structures in solids, especially human cells, tissues, and organs

meander, meandered, meandering, meanders.intransitive verbs
to move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction (vagabonds meandering through life); to follow a winding and turning course (streams tend to meander through level land)
circuitous windings or sinuosities, as of a stream or path; a circuitous journey or excursion; ramble

a unit of length equal to one millionth (10–6) of a meter (no longer in general technical use)

a picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface; the process or art of making such pictures or designs; a composite picture made of overlapping, usually aerial, photographs; something that resembles a mosaic (a mosaic of testimony from various witnesses)
mosaic, mosaicked, mosaicking, mosaics.transitive verbs
to make by mosaic (mosaic a design on a rosewood box); to adorn with or as if with mosaic (mosaic a sidewalk or a stained glass window)

of or relating to Moses or the laws and writings attributed to him

mRNA.abbreviation.for messenger RNA
messenger RNA, made from a cell copying the DNA-sequence in the nucleus, thus making an RNA copy, know as messenger RNA. Thousands of copies are sent, just like sperm, to ensure one gets through. Nature is efficient so it can be lavish in maintaining itself.

any of a group of glycoproteins found especially in the secretions of mucous-membranes

containing, producing, or secreting mucus (a mucous tissue); relating to, consisting of, or resembling mucus (a mucous substance)

the viscous, slippery substance that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic salts and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by cells and glands of the mucous-membranes

misappropriate, misappropriated, misappropriating, misappropriates.transitive verbs
to appropriate wrongly or dishonestly

map of the province of Manitoba, Canada

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