Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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boldness of enterprise; initiative or aggressiveness; guts; spunk

characterized by kindness and warm courtesy; characterized by tact and propriety.(responded to the insult with gracious humor; of a merciful or compassionate nature); characterized by charm or beauty; graceful; characterized by elegance and good taste (gracious living)

gallivant also galavant, gallivanted, gallivanting, gallivants.intransitive verbs
to roam about in search of pleasure or amusement; wander; to play around amorously; flirt

graft, grafted, grafting, grafts.verbs
transitive verb senses.to unite (a shoot or bud) with a growing plant by insertion or by placing in close contact; to join (a plant or plants) by such union
intransitive verb senses.to make a graft; to be or become joined
graft.noun a detached shoot or bud united or to be united with a growing plant; the union or point of union of a detached shoot or bud with a growing plant by insertion or attachment

graft.meaning 2
noun unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion; money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means
graft, grafted, grafting, grafts
to gain by or practice unscrupulous use of one's position

gloat, gloated, gloating, gloats.intransitive verbs
to feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction (don't gloat over your rival's misfortune)
the act of gloating; a feeling of great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction

a surface shininess or luster; a superficially or deceptively attractive appearance
gloss, glossed, glossing, glosses.verbs
transitive senses-to give a bright sheen or luster to; to make attractive or acceptable by deception or superficial treatment (a résumé that glossed over the applicant's lack of experience); palliate
intransitive senses-to become shiny or lustrous

a purposefully misleading interpretation or explanation
gloss, glossed, glossing, glosses.transitive senses
to give a false interpretation to

grandiloquence (gran-dil-uh-kwance).noun
pompous or bombastic speech or expression

partial or total darkness; dimness (switched on a table lamp to banish the gloom of a grey, cloudy winter afternoon); partially or totally dark place, area, or location; an atmosphere of melancholy or depression (gloom pervaded the office); a state of melancholy or depression; despondency
gloom, gloomed, glooming, glooms.verbs
intransitive use-to be or become dark, shaded, or obscure; to feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful; to become dark, look glum
transitive use-to make dark, shaded, or obscure

gloomy, gloomier, gloomiest.adjectives
partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary (a damp, gloomy day); showing or filled with gloom (gloomy faces); causing or producing gloom; depressing (gloomy news; marked by hopelessness); very pessimistic (gloomy predictions); glum

glum, glummer, glummest.adjective
moody and melancholy; dejected; gloomy; dismal; gloomy, morose, dour, saturnine
the quality or state of being moody, melancholy; glums (the blues)
glum implies silent dejection.(why so glum? the votes haven't been counted yet)
gloomy suggests somber melancholy (she takes a gloomy view of the future) morose implies sourness of temper and a tendency to be uncommunicative (he stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner)
dour especially suggests grimness or humorlessness and sometimes an obstinate nature (they seemed dour in their clothing style) 
saturnine suggests gloominess or melancholy of temperament and often a tendency to be bitter or sardonic (the saturnine faces of the judges)

having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly; gracious; conducive to life, growth, or comfort; mild
geniality or genialness.noun

Galileo.(gal-uh-LEE-oh, gal-uh-LAY-oh)
Physical Sciences and Mathematics--an Italian scientist of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries; his full name was Galileo Galilei. Galileo proved that objects with different masses fall at the same velocity. One of the first persons to use a telescope to examine objects in the sky, he saw the moons of Jupiter, the mountains on the moon of the Earth and Sunspots. Authorities of the Church back then forced Galileo to renounce his belief in the model of the solar system proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus.
   Galileo had to assert that the earth stands still, with the sun revolving around it. A famous legend holds that Galileo, after making this public declaration about a motionless earth to satisfy the ignorant 'religiots' of the day, on his way out of their kangaroo court, muttered."Nevertheless, it does move."
   His history (and more in.Foxes Book of Martyrs.Chapter 5, page 1):
...1616  A committee of advisors to the Inquisition declares that holding the view that the Sun is the center of the universe or the earth moves is absurd and formally heretical.
...1616 Cardinal Bellarmine warns Galileo not to hold, teach, or defend Copernican theory. According to an unsigned transcript found in the Inquisition file in 1633, Galileo is also enjoined from discussing his theory, either orally or in writing (welcome to world controllers).
...1624 Galileo goes to Rome. He has six audiences with the Pope and meets with influential cardinals. Pope Urban VIII tells Galileo that he can discuss Copernican theory, so long as he treats it as an hypothesis. (welcome to world controllers where you can't do a thing without permission).
...1632 Based on the special commission's report, the Pope refers Galileo's case to the Roman Inquisition.
...1632 Galileo receives a summons to appear before the Inquisition. Galileo asks that his trial be moved to Florence.
...1633 Galileo is interrogated before the Inquisition. For over two weeks he is imprisoned in an apartment in the Inquisition building. Galileo agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence. He declares that the Copernican case was made too strongly in his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems and offers to refute it in another book.
...1633 Galileo is sentenced to prison for an indefinite term.  Seven of ten cardinals presiding at his trial sign the sentencing order. Galileo signs a formal recantation. Galileo is allowed to serve his term under house arrest in the home of the archbishop of Siena.
...1820 Papal Inquisition abolished.
...1992 Catholic Church formally admits that Galileo's views on the solar system are correct.
"In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." ...Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642.
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