Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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an outline or synopsis of the plot, play, scene, etc.; an outline or a model of an expected or a supposed sequence of events

a following of one thing after another; succession; an order of succession; an arrangement; a related or continuous series; series
sequence, sequenced, sequencing, sequences.transitive verbs
to organize or arrange in a sequence; to determine the order of constituents in (a polymer, such as a nucleic acid or protein molecule)

a following of one thing after another; succession; forming or characterized by a sequence, as of units or musical notes

that can be dissolved

position; rank; standing

the very small world occurring with an atom; subatomic particles like the photon must travel at the speed of light, therefore having no zero momentum states. Subatomic matter is pictured in terms of quantum strings and dealt with by the theory of quantum mechanics

an argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premises are made and a logical.conclusion drawn from them
syllogistic, syllogistical.adjectives
syllogize.transitive-and.intransitive verb
to reason or infer by use of syllogisms

secrete, secreted, secreting, secretes.transitive verbs
to conceal in a hiding place; cache; hide; to steal secretly; filch

the separation and elaboration of a substance from the blood or sap

having the function of secretion

secretory vesicles.(vesicles are  small membranous cavities that store cargo before it is sent out of a cell to a vacule)

Freshly made proteins are carried in these little bags. Their functioning is like our intestines. When a vescile reaches its destination, it merges with the membrane and releases its contents. When a courier comes to your home or place of business, he sees you for a signature (merges with you) and then releases the package he has for you.

Inciting this merging are two proteins, t-SNARE and v-SNARE. The vesicle knows exactly which 'address' to go to, as an 'address' has been put on the package. How it does this is not understood; but can you see the electricity that carries your request by phone for an item to be delivered by courier?

Vesicles with ER (endoplasmic reticulum) v-SNARE shake hands only with Golgi t-SNARE.

seep, seeped, seeping, seeps.intransitive verbs
to leak through small openings or pores; to run out; drip; ooze

sphere.noun.(pronounced 'sfear')
an area of power, control, or influence; domain; the extent of a person's knowledge, interests, or social position
Mathematics..three dimensional surface, all points of which are equidistant from a fixed point; a spherical object or figure; a celestial body, such as a planet or star; the sky, appearing as a hemisphereto an observer (the sphere of the heavens)
sphere, sphered, sphering, spheres-transitive verbs
to form into a sphere; to put in or within a sphere; to surround or encompass

having the shape of a sphere; globular (looks like a globe, round like the Earth)

an exploding star with a characteristic red light emission of great brilliance, producing neutrinos, and often producing a black hole; when a massive star goes supernova, it leaves behind a neutron star, however, many supernova remnants show no evidence of neutron stars

assembled, classified data used in presenting information about a given subject
based on statistics 

planning and directing an operation; a plan based on this 

strategic also strategical.adjective
of or relating to strategy; important or essential in relation to a plan of action (a strategic offensive); essential to the effective conduct of war (strategic materials); highly important to an intended objective (the committee discussed strategic marketing factors); intended to destroy the military potential of an enemy (strategic bombing)

shifty, shiftier, shiftiest.adjectives
having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character; evasive or untrustworthy

shift, shifted, shifting, shifts.verbs
transitive verb use.to move or transfer from one place or position to another; to alter (position or place); to change gears, as in an automobile; to exchange (one thing) for another of the same class (shifted assignments among the students)
intransitive verb use.to change position, direction, place, or form; to change gears, as when driving an automobile; to select uppercase characters by depressing a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard
a change from one to another; a substitution; a group of workers that relieve another on a regular schedule; the working period of such a group (worked the night shift); a change in direction (a shift in the wind); a change in attitude, judgment, or emphasis; a change in position

a piece of food soaked or dipped in a liquid; something yielded to placate or soothe; a bribe
sop, sopped, sopping, sops.verbs
transitive verb use.to dip, soak, or drench in a liquid; saturate; to take up by absorption (sop up water with a paper towel)
intransitive verb use.to be or become thoroughly soaked or saturated

appetizing to the taste or smell (a savory stew); piquant, pungent, or salty to the taste; not sweet
a dish of pungent taste, such as anchovies on toast or pickled fruit, sometimes served in Great Britain as an hors d'oeuvre or instead of a sweet dessert
an annual Mediterranean aromatic herb (Satureja hortensis) of the mint family, having flowers with a pale lavender to white corolla. Also called summer savory; a related Mediterranean aromatic herb (Satureja montana) having flowers in a long, white or pink corolla; also called winter savory.; the leaves of either of these plants, used as seasoning; any of several plants of the genus Micromeria in the mint family

a person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool

requiring great effort, energy, or exertion (a strenuous task); vigorously active; energetic or zealous

having sense perception; conscious; experiencing sensation or feeling

saturate, saturated, saturating, saturates.transitive verbs
to soak, fill, or load to capacity; to imbue or impregnate thoroughly; charge

simulate, simulated, simulating, simulates.transitive verbs
to have or take on the appearance, form, or sound of; imitate; to make in imitation of or as a substitute for; to make a pretense of; feign: simulate interest; pretend; to create a representation or model of (something similar)

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