Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a natural propensity or inclination; predisposition

peter, petered, petering, peters.intransitive verbs
to diminish slowly and come to an end; dwindle; often used with out (their enthusiasm soon petered out); to become exhausted

a chemical secreted by an animal, especially an insect, that influences the behavior or development of others of the same species

putting an end to all debate or action (a peremptory decree) ; not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative.(the officer issued peremptory commands); having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent (the teacher spoke in a peremptory tone; offensively self assured; dictatorial

prempt.or.preempt, preempted, prempting, preempts.transitive-and.intransitive verbs
to take the place of; to have precedence or predominance over; displace; to appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others

the roof of the mouth in vertebrates having a complete or partial separation of the oral and nasal cavities and consisting of the hard palate and the soft palate; the sense of taste

of, relating to, being, or affecting only a part; not total; incomplete (the plan calls for partial deployment of missiles; the police have only a partial description of the suspect); favoring one person or side over another or others; biased or prejudiced (a decision that was partial to the plaintiff); having a particular liking or fondness for something or someone (partial to romantic novels)
synonyms.fractional, incomplete, fragmentary, imperfect
antonyms.complete, whole, perfect

to a degree; not totally

the state of being partial; favorable prejudice or bias; a special fondness; a predilection.(a child with a grown up partiality for organic foods)

a partiality or disposition in favor of something; a preference
synonyms.bias, leaning, partiality, penchant, prejudice, proclivity, propensity

prefer, preferred, preferring, prefers.transitive verbs
to choose or be in the habit of choosing as more desirable or as having more value (prefers coffee to tea)

the selecting of someone or something over another or others; the right or chance to so choose; the state of being preferred; precedence
synonyms.priority, predominance, prerogative

tediously.prolonged; wordy (editing a prolix manuscript); tending to speak or write at excessive length

affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp, acrid sensation; penetrating, biting, or caustic.(pungent satire); to the point; sharp; pointed

something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty (the trial was a parody of justice); a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule; the genre of literature comprising such works
parody, parodied, parodying, parodies.transitive verbs
to make a parody of
parodic or parodical.adjective
synonyms.imitate, caricature, burlesque, travesty, satire, lampoon

of or relating to long chain carbon compounds, especially fats, having many unsaturated bonds

prompt, prompter, promptest.adjective
being on time; punctual; carried out or performed without delay (a prompt reply)
prompt, prompted, prompting, prompts.transitive verbs
to move to act; spur; incite.(a noise prompted the guard to go back and investigate); to give rise to; inspire (the accident prompted a review of school safety policy); to assist with a reminder; remind; to assist (an actor or a reciter) by providing the next words of a forgotten passage; cue
the act of prompting or giving a cue; a reminder or cue; a symbol that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input
prompter, promptitude or promptness.also.nouns

a lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship

prod, prodded, prodding, prods.transitive verbs
to jab or poke, as with a pointed object; to goad to action; incite; urge
a pointed object used to prod (a cattle prod); an incitement; a stimulus

premeditated, premeditative.adjectives
characterized by deliberate purpose, previous consideration (thinking before about it), and some degree of planning (a premeditated crime
premeditate, premeditated, premeditating, premeditates.verbs
transitive use.to plan, arrange, or plot (a crime, for example) in advance
intransitive use.to reflect, ponder, or deliberate beforehand

the office or term of office of a pontiff
pontificate, pontificated, pontificating, pontificates.intransitive verbs
to express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way; to administer the office of a pontiff; to act as an ecclesiastic, from Latin pontifex, pontifex
pontification, pontificator.nouns

the pope; a bishop; a pontifex (French pontife, from Old French pontif, from Latin pontifex, pontifex. See pent- below)
pent-.important derivatives are find, pontiff, pontoon, punt1, sputnik, path.
pent-.to tread, go; find, from Old English findan, to find, from Germanic finthan, to come upon, discover; PONS, PONTIFEX, PONTIFF, PONTINE, PONTOON, PUNT1; (TRANSPONTINE), from Latin bridge (earliest meaning way, passage, preserved in the priestly title pontifex, "he who prepares the way";
-fex.maker; SPUTNIK, from Russian sputnik, fellow traveler, sputnik, from put', path, way

capable of happening, existing, or being true without contradicting proven facts, laws, or circumstances; capable of occurring or being done without offense to character, nature, or custom; potential (a possible site for the new truck)

possibility as compared to probability is that possibility is less likely to occur; it exists in a realm all by itself and outside the realm of probability; it's closer to mentalness, deals with mind; when a possibility is squared it produces a probability (a minus plus a minus equals a positive) and the fact or state of being possible; something that is possible; potentiality for results (the spirit of man has tremendous possibilities); deals with what is known as chance, which is non randomness once one understands chance 
(compare probabilities)

likely to happen or to be true
most likely; presumably

the quality or condition of being probable; likelihood; a probable situation, condition, or event; the likelihood that a given event will occur (a great probability of rain this evening); probability means more likely to occur than a possibility; probability exists in normal realm of space time in which we live, probability exists inside this space time realm; probability is closer to physicalness (the ego world), deals with matter; probability is always greater than zero; deals with numbers in the everyday world (probability of a person passing as used by insurance companies; probability that a coin flipped will turn up heads); probability deals with what is believed to be randomness
compare possibilities

in all probability.idiom
most probably; very likely
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