Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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incur, incurred, incurring.transitive verbs
to acquire something, usually undesirable; to bring upon oneself by one's own actions

that is

that cannot be explained
the quality or state of being inexplicable
in an inexplicable manner

the ability to see and understand the inner nature of things by intuition
showing or having insight; perceptive

having elaborate detail or puzzling parts, therefore being hard to understand or follow (an intricate problem); complicated
intricateness, intricacy.nouns
an intricate state or quality
something intricate; involved

intuit, intuited, intuiting, intuits.transitive verbs
to know intuitively

of, relating to or arising from intuition; known or perceived through intuition; instinctive; possessing or demonstrating intuition

the direct knowing or learning of something without conscious reasoning
intuition is a characteristic thought to be unique to mankind and two animals, where the heart sees what is often invisible to the eyes. It's a lookiing inside.."Major discoveries in science are not made through rational thought but through intuitive insights, which are quantum leaps in thinking. Intuition is a heightened sense of awareness. It is non algorithmic, contextual, relational, wise, nourishing and is beyond linear cause effect relationships. Intuition is not a thought, it's the non local cosmic field of information that whispers to you in the silence between your thoughts and that expresses itself as a message of comfort or discomfort in your physical body."....Deepak Chopra.

Intuition, also called one's gut feeling, tells you exactly what is right when nothing else can. Intution provides special insight. Intuition is the only thing that deals with variation, will, desire, beauty, truth, love, etc.; all depends on intuition. Intuition allows you to follow your dream, find a fit for a partner. Intuition develops from silence. It comes the more in unconditional love we unfold from within ourselves.

True intuition is only possible with present attention. Intuition only rises when your attention is in the present.."Creativity is an extension of intuition."....Deepak Chopra.

Intuition, common sense and visualization have been bypassed for mathematical explanations of things - such as in quantum physics. Mathematics is a further down the path verification of what could have been found earlier through intuition, common sense and visualization, had our ancestors developed their intuitive abilities as those who wrote the ancient Vedic scriptures had done.

"Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance.(sensing objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses; deep inner seeing); it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality."....Alexis Carrel

Intuition is often from experience, a sort of a 'yes' or a 'no' from beyond the mind which may be absorbed with all it is dealing with at any present time. Learn to reach beyond your mind and into the soul's wisdom.

easily annoyed or provoked; excessively or pathologically sensitive to a stimulus

irritate, irritated, irritating, irritates.transitive verbs
to rouse to impatience or anger; annoy.(a loud bossy voice that irritates listeners); annoy; to chafe or inflame
intransitive verb use.to be a cause of impatience or anger

the act of irritating; the condition of being irritated; vexation (honked the horn with irritation at the delay; a source of irritation
Pathology.-.a condition of inflammation, soreness, or irritability of a bodily organ or part

a beginning; commencement

in the first stage of existence; just beginning to exist or come into notice
incipience, incipiency.nouns

without adequate ability, knowledge, fitness, etc.; failing to meet requirements; incapable; unskilfulnot qualified in legal terms (a defendant who was incompetent to stand trial); inadequate for or unsuited to a particular purpose or application; devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action; not competent
an incompetent person

induce, induced, inducing, induces.transitive verbs
to lead or move, as to a course of action, by influence or persuasion; persuade; to bring about or stimulate the occurrence of; cause (the bonuses induced better attendance; the birth was induced by her exitement over having the baby); to infer by inductive reasoning
something that helps bring about an action or a desired result; an incentive.(an inducement to greater learning); the act or process of inducing (inducement of sleep with nature sounds)

induct, inducted, inducting, inducts.transitive verb
to place ceremoniously or formally in an office or a position; install (a service to induct the new president of the university); to admit as a member; receive; to admit to military service (a draftee waiting to be inducted into the army); to introduce, as to new experience or knowledge; initiate.(she was inducted into the ways of the legal profession)
Physics..to induce

the property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it or in a nearby circuit by a change of current in either circuit; a circuit element, typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by electromagnetic induction

the act or an instance of inducting; a ceremony or formal act by which a person is inducted, as into office or military service; the act of inducing (induction of sleep); presentation of material, such as facts or evidence, in support of an argument or a proposition; a preface or prologue, as to a literary composition, especially an early English play
Biochemistry-– the process of initiating or increasing the production of an enzyme or other protein at the level of genetic-transcription
Electricity-– the generation of electromotive force in a closed circuit by a varying magnetic-flux through the circuit; the charging of an isolated conducting object by momentarily grounding it while a charged body is nearby
Embryology-– the change in form or shape caused by the action of one tissue of an embryo on adjacent tissues or parts, as by the diffusion of hormones or chemicals
Logic-– the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances; a conclusion reached by this process (opposed to deduction)
Mathematics-– a two part method of proving a theorem involving a positive integral variable. First the theorem is verified for the smallest admissible value of the integer. Then it is proven that if the theorem is true for any value of the integer, it is true for the next greater value. The final proof contains the two parts.

of, or proceeding from methods of logical.induction.(inductive reasoning); causing or influencing; inducing
Electricity.-.of or arising from inductance.(inductive reactance) inductively.adverb
compare deductive

having habitants; lived in
inhabit, inhabited, inhabiting, inhabits.verbs
transitive verb use.to live or reside in; io be present in; fill (childhood memories inhabited the attic)
intransitive verb use.to dwell
inhabitability, inhabitation, inhabiter.nouns
one that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent.resident

destitute of a backbone or vertebral (spinal) column; compare vertebrates

invoke, invoked, invoking, invokes.transitive verbs
to call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration; to call for earnestly; to summon; solicit (invoked the help of a passing motorist)

that cannot be reconciled; or brought into agreement; incompatible; conflicting; inconsistent

incapable of being disproved

impel, impelled, impelling, impels.transitive verbs
to push, drive or move forward

impotence, impotency.nouns
lack of physical strength; weakness, powerless or helpless

a driving forward with sudden force

inclined to act on impulse rather than thought; motivated by or resulting from impulse (such impulsive acts as hugging); impulsive generosity; spontaneous; having force or power to impel or incite; forceful

lacking limits or bounds; extending beyond measure or comprehension; very great; vast; immense; never ending; inexhaustible

too small to be measured; infinitely small

a definite and separate.occurrence; an event; a usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another
tending to arise or occur as a result or an accompaniment
Physics.-.falling upon or striking a surface (incident radiation)

occurring or likely to occur as an unpredictable or minor accompaniment (the snags incidental to a changeover in policy); of a minor, casual, or subordinate nature (incidental expenses)
a minor accompanying item or expense

the act or an instance of happening; occurrence (did not expect criticism and was surprised by its incidence); extent or frequency of occurrence (a high incidence of sunburn due to not knowing the rules of working up to longer sun exposure)

incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable; unspeakable

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