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belie, belied, belying, belies.transitive verbs
to picture falsely; misrepresent

belittle, belittled, belittling, belittles.transitive verbs
to represent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage.(a person who belittled our efforts to do the job right); to cause to seem less than another or little (the size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings)
belittlement, belittler.nouns

the state or quality of being kind, charitable, or beneficial; a charitable act or gift

producing, promoting, contributing to a favorable result; receiving benefit; advantageous

marked by or disposed to doing good; organized for the purpose of doing good 

berate.transitive verb
to scold or rebuke severely

inflected form(s).beseeched.or.besought, beseeching
transitive verb senses-to beg for urgently or anxiously; to request earnestly; implore 
intransitive verb senses.to make supplication 

bespeak, bespoke, bespoken.or.bespoke, bespeaking, bespeaks.transitive verbs
to speak for in advance; to be indicative of (his charity bespeaks a generous nature); to be or give a sign of; indicate; to foretell

beta decay.(radiation)
beta decay is a heavy particle converting into a lighter one; this radioactive decay consists of the emission of electrons (that occur when an atom ejects an electron from its nucleus), known as beta particles and the emission known as beta radiation – the disintegration of the nucleus of an atom to produce a beta particle; this decay is accompanied by the emission of a neutrino (high speed electron) and an anti neutrino. Beta decay is governed by the weak force. During the process of decay a neutron changes (a neutron in the nucleus changes into a proton – a new element is formed as the atom transmutes), thereby increasing the atomic number by one, while the mass remains about the same. Any mass lost in the process is converted to movement (kinetic energy) of the beta particle. (see also 'alpha particles')

bewilder.transitive verb
inflected form(s).bewildered, bewildering
to cause to lose one's bearings to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations
the quality or state of being bewildered; a bewildering tangle or confusion 
bewilderedly, bewilderingly.adverbs
synonym.puzzle (ed)

counterfeit or fake

bent; tendency; favoring some outcomes over others; an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially – a personal and sometimes unreasoned.judgment, and one that inhibits.impartial.judgment; prejudice; an unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice; a statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others (such as the computer models of Global Warming, now called Climate Change)
marked by or exhibiting bias; prejudiced.(gave a biased account of the trial)
bias, biased, biasing, biases.transitive verbs
to influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice

bicker, bickered, bickering, bickers.intransitive verbs
to have a petty.quarrel; wrangle; squabble; argue
a petty quarrel; a squabble

bifurcate, bifurcated, bifurcating, bifurcates.verbs
transitive verb use-to divide into two parts or branches
intransitive verb use-to separate into two parts or branches; fork
forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers

binding energy.noun
the net energy required to decompose a molecule, an atom, or a nucleus into its components; the net energy required to remove an atomic electron to an infinitely remote position from its orbit

bioelectric, also.bioelectrical.adjective
of or having to do with the electric current generated by living tissue; of or relating to the effects of electricity on living tissue

extreme happiness for no reason - just because you are that way, a human being, not a human becoming; ecstasy

a wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification; a rampart; something serving as a defense or safeguard; a breakwater
Nautical.-.the part of a ship's side that is above the upper deck bulwark, bulwarked, bulwarking, bulwarks.transitive verbs
to fortify with a wall, an embankment, or a rampart; to provide defense or protection for
synonyms.bulwark, barricade, breastwork, earthwork, rampart, bastion, parapet - all of these nouns refer literally to structures used as a defense against attack; a bulwark can be a mound of earth, an embankment, or a wall like fortification; barricade pertains broadly to a barrier to passage but usually implies hasty construction to meet an imminent threat; breastwork denotes a low defensive wall, especially a temporary one hurriedly built; earthwork is a defensive construction of earth; a rampart, the main defensive structure around a guarded place, is permanent, high, and broad; a bastion is a projecting section of a fortification from which defenders have a wide range of view and fire; parapet applies to any low fortification, typically a wall atop a rampart; of these words bulwark, barricade, rampart and bastion are the most frequently used to refer figuratively to something regarded as being a safeguard or a source of protection

ny of a group of biologically active substances found in plants and functioning in the maintenance of the walls of small blood vessels in mammals

the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights establishes basic American civil liberties that the government cannot violate.

The states ratified the Bill of Rights in 1791, three years after the Constitution was ratified. Originally the Bill of Rights applied only to the federal government, but in a series of 20th-century cases, the Supreme Court decided that most of its provisions apply to the states. Many countries have used the Bill of Rights as a model for defining civil liberties in their constitutions.

The Bill of Rights includes a wide range of protections with a common theme and purpose..to define the scope of individual freedom in the United States and to make the political system more democratic.."Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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