Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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dissemble, dissembled, dissembling, dissembles.verbs
inflected form(s).dissembled, dissembling
transitive verb senses.to hide, to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; to put on the appearance of; simulate; feign
intransitive verb senses.to put on a false appearance; to disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance; conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense
dissemblance, dissembler.nouns

disseminate.transitive verb
inflected form(s)-disseminated; disseminating
to spread abroad as though sowing seed (disseminate ideas); to disperse throughout 
dissemination, disseminator.nouns
widely dispersed

disagreement; contentious quarreling; discord

dissent.intransitive verb
to withhold assent; to differ in opinion 
dissent as-noun
difference of opinion; a justice's non concurrence with a decision of the majority – called also dissenting opinion

dissertate.intransitive verb
to discuss formally

a formal or lengthy discussion in speech or writing; an extended usually written treatment of a subject

dissimulation, dissimulator.noun
to hide one's feelings by pretense or deception 
dissimulate.transitive-and.intransitive verb
not like the real self

dissipate, dissipated, dissipating, dissipates.verbs
transitive verb senses.to break up and drive off (as a crowd); to drive away; disperse; scatter; to cause to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish (the rain has dissipated); to attenuate to or almost to the point of disappearing (the wind finally dissipated the smoketo lose (as heat or electricity); irrecoverably; to spend or use up wastefully or foolishly (lifelong tendency to dissipate his gifts in travel and pleasure; his fortune is dissipated in imprudent political adventures) 
intransitive verb senses.to break up and scatter or vanish; to be extravagant or dissolute in the pursuit of pleasure; especially; to drink to excess
the act of dissipating or the condition of having been dissipated; wasteful expenditure or consumption; dissolute.indulgence in sensual pleasure; intemperance

a dissolving or being dissolved; breaking up into parts; an ending; termination

lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices

disagreeing, as in opinion or belief
one who disagrees; a dissenter

disagreement, as of opinion or belief; dissent

a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord; lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict; a combination of musical tones conventionally considered to suggest unrelieved tension and require resolution

harsh and inharmonious in sound; discordant.adjective
being at variance; disagreeing
Music.-.constituting or producing a dissonance

dissuade, dissuaded, dissuading, dissuades.transitive verb
to deter (a person) from a course of action or a purpose by persuasion
the act or an instance of dissuading
synonyms.deter, discourage

a disordered or abnormal bodily state especially of quadruped mammals; as a highly contagious virus disease especially of dogs marked by fever, leukopenia, and respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms

distend, distended, distending, distends.verbs
to expand from internal pressure; to extend; dilate

clearly marked off; not alike; separate; individual
distinction, distinctness.nouns

serving to identify; distinguishing.(distinctive tattoos); characteristic or typical.(Calgary has a distinctive western flavor); distinctive indicates.qualities distinguishing and uncommon and often superior or praiseworthy (a distinctive aura.{atmosphere} of grace and elegance); differentiating between or among things different, peculiar

the act of distinguishing; differentiation; the condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference; a distinguishing factor, attribute, or characteristic; excellence or eminence, as of performance, character, or reputation

distinguish, distinguished, distinguishing, distinguishes.transitive verbs
to make noticeable or different; to separate or mark off by differences, set apart; differentiate; to perceive as being different or distinct; to perceive distinctly; discern-(distinguished the masts of ships on the horizon); to cause (oneself) to be eminent or recognized (they have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers); 
noticeable as eminent; celebrated
that can be distinguished
intransitive senses-to perceive or indicate differences; discriminate.(distinguish between comfort and discomfort)

distort, distorted, distorting, distorts.transitive verbs
to twist out of shape; change the appearance of; misrepresent; misshape; misstate; pervert
distortion, distorter.nouns

divulge, divulged, divulging, divulges-transitive verbs
to make known (something private or secret); reveal
divulgence, divulger.noun

one of the ten Arabic numerical symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0; a human finger or toe

debilitate, debilitated, debilitating, debilitates.transitive verbs
to sap the strength or energy of; enervate

desist, desisted, desisting, desists.intransitive verbs
to cease doing something; forbear; stop; to bring to a standstill; cease; abandon; abolish; abort; abrogate; annul; cancel; cut; drop; eliminate; end; halt; quash; quit; scratch; scrub; shutdown; stop; suspend; terminate; call off

droll.adjective.comparative.and.superlative forms.droller; drollest
having an odd and amusing quality (a droll little man with a peculiar sense of humor, a book of droll stories)

any of various theories or philosophical.systems that explain the universe in terms of force or energy; a process or mechanism responsible for the development or motion of a system; continuous change, activity, or progress; vigor

dwindle, dwindled, dwindling, dwindles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become gradually less until little remains
transitive verb use.to cause to dwindle; decrease
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