Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a wingless, carnivorous (flesh eating) class of Arthropoda comprising spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks, characterized by a two segmented body with eight appendages and no antennae

determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle; based on or subject to individual judgment or preference; not limited by law; capricious, whimsical

the process by which the parties to a dispute.submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person or group appointed by mutual.consent or statutory.provision

a person chosen to settle the issue between parties engaged in a dispute; to judge; one having been given the ability to make authoritative decisions

arbitrate, arbitrated, arbitrating, arbitrates.verbs
transitive verb senses.to judge or decide in or as in the manner of an arbitrator: arbitrate a dispute between neighbors; to submit to settlement or judgment by arbitration (labor and management agreed to arbitrate their differences)
intransitive verb senses.to serve as an arbitrator; to submit a dispute to arbitration

the systematic recovery and study of material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery, remaining from past human life and culture

expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling;.passionate.(an ardent lover); displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion; eager; intense; fervent

a colorless, odorless, inert gaseous element constituting approximately one percent of Earth's atmosphere, from which it is commercially obtained by fractionation (break down into different parts) for use in electric light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, and radio vacuum tubes and as an inert gas shield in arc welding – atomic number 18; atomic weight 39.94; melting point 189.2°C; boiling point 185.7°C; it is also used to detect a neutrino

demanding great effort or labor; difficult; testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous-(a long, arduous and exhausting war; hard to traverse, climb or surmount)

inflected form(s).argued, arguing
intransitive verb senses.to give reasons for or against something; reason; to contend or disagree in words; dispute
transitive verb senses.to give evidence of; indicate; to consider the pros and cons of; discuss; to prove or try to prove by giving reasons; maintain; to persuade by giving reasons; induce; discuss

a discussion in which disagreement is expressed; a debate; a quarrel; a dispute; a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood (presented a careful argument for confederation); a fact or statement put forth as proof or evidence; a reason (the current low mortgage rates are an argument for buying a house now)

given to arguing; disputatious; of or characterized by argument

an arrangement for display (such as a special tray or basket of food would be laid out)
array, arrayed, arraying.transitive verb
to place in an orderly arrangement

a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims (an arrogant person has a personality exhibiting an overtone of superiority)

making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride; marked by or arising from arrogance (an arrogant contempt for the weak); proud

arrogate.transitive verb
inflected form(s).arrogated; arrogating
to claim or seize without justification; to make undue claims to having; assume; to claim on behalf of another; ascribe

arthropod; arthropoda.plural
a phylum of invertebrate animals with segmented bodies and jointed limbs, including the insects, arachnids, and crustaceans

causing consternation or dismay; frightful.(appalling working conditions; appalling morals)
appall, appalled, appalling, appalls.transitive verbs
to fill with consternation or dismay

accomplish, accomplished, accomplishing, accomplishes.transitive verbs
to succeed in doing; bring to pass; perform; to reach the end of; complete
skilled; expert (an accomplished pianist); unquestionable; indubitable.(an accomplished fact it is that highway travel brings people together faster than wagon travel)

the act of accomplishing or the state of being accomplished; completion; something completed successfully; an achievement

assign, assigned, assigning, assigns.transitive verbs
to set apart for a particular purpose; designate; to select for a duty or office; appoint; to give out as a task; allot; to ascribe; to attribute; to allocate; to apportion
assignability, assigner.nouns

the act of assigning; something, such as a task, that is assigned; task; a position or post of duty to which one is assigned
Law.-.the transfer of a claim, right, interest, or property from one to another; the instrument (document) by which this transfer is effected
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