Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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status quo.noun
the existing condition or state of affairs; average; conventional

sting, stung, stinging, stings.verbs
transitive verb senses.to pierce or wound painfully with or as if with a sharp pointed structure or organ, as that of certain insects; to cause to feel a sharp, smarting pain by or as if by pricking with a sharp point: smoke stinging our eyes; to cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings
intransitive verb senses.to have, use, or wound with or as if with a sharp-pointed structure or organ, as that of certain insects; to cause or feel a sharp, smarting pain
the act of stinging; the wound or pain caused by or as if by stinging; a sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes; a stinging power, quality, or capacity; a keen stimulus or incitement; a goad or spur (the sting of curiosity)

Standard Model.noun
in physics, a theory that summarizes scientists' current understanding of elementary particles-(the 12 fundamental particles) and the fundamental forces of nature. The standard model is consistent with all experiments performed so far, but has many shortcomings. It does not incorporate gravity, the weakest force; it does not explain the spectrum of particle masses; it has many arbitrary parameters; and it does not completely unify the strong and electroweak interaction.

The Standard Model doesn't allow for those things so numerous they outweigh all the stars & galaxies in the Universe.....comprised with information from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a mainframe (a large, powerful computer, often serving several connected terminals) computer that is among the largest, fastest, or most powerful of those available at a given time

self governing; independent (a sovereign person or state); having supreme rank or power (people are sovereign in their territory unless they have been bamboozled out of it); paramount; supreme
one that exercises supreme, permanent authority (a human being (has a non physical mind {the sovereing power of the universe), a person having potential of all the qualities of his soul, a king, a queen, a corporate sole, or other chief of state; a ruler or monarch; a constitutionally approved national governing council or committee; a nation that governs territory outside its borders; a gold coin formerly used in Great Britain
compare Monarch

can only be exercised by those that own the land; the right to exercise the power of Eminent Domain is inherent in sovereignty; sovereignty is supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state (possessing Eminent Domain status {those who live on the land and work in the area, own the land}); sovereignty is complete independence and self government; sovereignty is a territory existing as an independent state; sovereignty is supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state; royal rank, authority, or power; internationally, a sovereign state is equal to other sovereign states; a sovereign state can, in accordance with the constitution laid down by its citizens (if they have indeed written a constitution that means something, to represent them {Provinces in Canada haven't yet}), govern its own territory, acquire offshore properties, regulate trade and commerce, raise money by any mode or system (taxation), postal service, militia, military, naval service, defence, navigation, shipping, currency, coinage, banking, incorporation of banks & business, issue of paper money, matters of indians and lands reserved for the indians, naturalization and aliens, criminal law, marriage, divorce, raise revenue through licences for administrative, local & municipal purposes, management & sale of public lands & timber & wood on item, administration of justice, property & civil rights, local projects, works & undertakings, and so on
the United Nations is the main legal body today that acts as a check on sovereignty (no wonder Switzerland and other nations refuse to be a part of the UN, and the US is a reluctant member)

a person, especially a woman, who habitually uses abusive language; one who persistently nags or criticizes
scolded, scolding, scolds.verbs
transitive verb use.to reprimand or criticize harshly and usually angrily
intransitive verb use.to reprove or criticize openly

subjugate, subjugated, subjugating, subjugates.transitive verbs
to bring under control or subjection; to cause to become subservient; subdue; enslave; defeat; override
a subjugating or being subjugated 
one who subjugates

strew, strewed, strewn.transitive verbs
scatter; spread here and there 

an unvarying form or pattern; having no individuality, as though cast from a mold; a clone
having the nature of a stereotype; not original or individualized

synthesize, synthesized, synthesizing, synthesizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to combine so as to form a new, complex product; to form or produce by chemical synthesis
intransitive verb senses.to form a synthesis
Music.-.relating to or being an instrument whose sound is modified or augmented by a synthesizer; relating to or being compositions or a composition performed on synthesizers or synthesized instruments

the combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole; the complex whole so formed
Chemistry.-.formation of a compound from simpler compounds or elements
Philosophy.-.reasoning from the general to the particular; logical.deduction; the combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian.dialectical process whereby a new and higher level of truth is produced

one that synthesizes.(a synthesizer of varied ideas conceived by others
Music.-.an electronic instrument, often played with a keyboard, that combines simple waveforms to produce more complex sounds, such as those of various other instruments

a piece of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig; a potsherd; fragment of a brittle.substance, as of glass or metal; a small piece or part; the elytron or outer wing covering of a beetle

Music.-.a composition for one to four instruments, one of which is usually a keyboard instrument, usually consisting of three or four independent movements varying in key, mood and tempo

something characterized by a harmonious combination of elements; an extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra, essentially a large scale, complex.sonata; an instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition; a symphony orchestra

appealing to or stimulating sexual desire; lascivious; lustful; bawdy; wanton
salaciousness or salacity.noun
more synonyms
    • promiscuous
    • dissolute
    • immoral
    • impure
    • lecherous
    • lewd
    • licentious
    • loose
    • unchaste
    • debauched
    • whorish
    • prurient
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