Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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splendid; stately; beautiful; grand; exalted

a mixed up mess; hodgepodge; jumble

mumbo jumbo.noun
complicated activity usually intended to obscure and confuse; a complicated often ritualistic observance with elaborate trappings; unnecessarily involved and incomprehensible language; gibberish (unintelligible chatter), etc.

magnetic field.noun
a field that is concentrated around electric currents and magnets, which determines their effect on moving charges on for example the Earth's magnetic field

something intermediate; a middle state; any means, agency or instrumentality, as radio and TV, are mediums of communication through which signals are transmitted

having the same relationship or feelings toward (the feelings we both had for the girl were mutual); reciprocal

myopia, myopy.nouns

manipulate, manipulated, manipulating, manipulates.transitive verbs
to manage and control with skill; to operate or control by skilled use of the hands; handle (she manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted); to influence or manage shrewdly or deviously.(manipulated public opinion for his own selfish gain by omitting much truth); to tamper with or falsify for personal gain ( tried to manipulate the people on the causes of inflation)
manipulative, manipulative, manipulatable, manipulatory.adjectives
manipulability, manipulation, manipulator, manipulator, manipulativeness.nouns

material; stuff; what a thing is made of; whatever occupies space and is perceivable to the senses in some way; matter is different modes of vibration of the strings.comprising.molecules

We have bones and tissues made up of cells, which are in turn composed of molecules and molecules containing atoms; atoms' building blocks includes quarks and quarks have strings in them, perhaps comprising neutrinos.

The constituents of matter are 6 particles called leptons and 6 called quarks. Why not 4, or some other number?

All of the matter around us is made up of particles of matter, as compared to particles that transmit forces.

Why nature has 3 families of matter is not known. Ask God. He knows. The matter particles come in three families of four, each family differing only by mass.

These are up quarks, down quarks, electrons and electron neutrinos, with the other being neutrinos. Quarks are stuck together by the strong force, carried by gluons to form hadrons.

Gluons include the protons and neutrons that combine to form atomic nuclei. Electrons attracted to these nuclei by the electromagnetic force. carried by photons, orbit nuclei to form atoms and molecules.

The weak interaction is carried by the W and Z particles and is responsible when an atomic nucleus decays and emits a proton and an neutrino.

Gravity acts on mass by what is believed to be particles called gravitons, but have yet to be detected. The strong force acts on quarks binding them together to form hundreds of particles known as hadrons. The proton and the neutron are hadrons.The weak force operates at very short range.

a subject of concern, feeling, or action (matters of the heart; a personal matter); trouble or difficulty (what's the matter with your car?); an approximated quantity, amount, or extent.(the construction will last a matter of years); something printed or otherwise set down in writing (reading matter)
matter, mattered, mattering, matters.intransitive verbs
to be of importance (love matters); count
as a matter of fact.idiom
in fact; actually
for that matter.idiom
so far as that is concerned; as for that
no matter.idiom
regardless of (no matter where it's going I'm on it)

capable of making the distinction between soul promptings; an accepted principle used to regulate one's conduct which does not provide an adverse affect to another; standards of highest conduct (does no hurt to another in any way; is honest, fair and forthright)
moral quality or character; the quality of being in accord with standards of conduct which produce good for self and others; virtuous conduct
moralize, moralized, moralizing, moralizes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to think about or express moral judgments or reflections
transitive verb use.to interpret or explain the moral meaning of; to improve the morals of
moralization, moralizer.nouns

a meson is a class of subatomic.particles consisting of a quark and an anti quark particle (an anti particle) which includes the lighter pion and kaon particles; mesons are a sub class of hadrons and carry 1/2 integer spin, measured in units of Planck's constant h divided by 2 pi; together the mesons and baryons are called hadrons (Greek strong) because all these particles feel the strong force; meson is from the Greek, meaning 'medium', a meson weighs more than an electron, but less than a proton

modify, modified, modifying.transitive verbs
to change slightly or partially in character, form, etc.
that can be modified
modificatory.adjective-(pronounced 'mod if ah kay turee')
modifying or tending to modify
a person or thing that modifies

a muon is a massive electron and one of the leptons, its lifetime measured in microseconds (one millionth of a second), the muon is formed when a neutrino occasionally interacts with other particles. To change from one form to another a particle must have mass.

magnetic pole.noun
either of two variable points on the Earth, close to but not coinciding with the geographic poles, where the Earth's magnetic field is most intense and toward which a compass needle points

the unit of magnetic flux in the centimeter/gram/second system, equal to the flux perpendicularly intersecting an area of one square centimeter in a region where the magnetic intensity is one gauss

a type of cell division in which a nucleus divides into 4 daughter nuclei, each containing half the chromosome number of the parent nucleus

an increased amount of black or nearly black pigmentation (as of skin, feathers, or hair) of an individual or kind of organism; intense human pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair

a millionth part (from Greek meaning 'little')

mathematics follows algorithms using symbols; the science of structure and pattern, involving measurements of properties and relationships of quantities using numbers and symbols - more

a name given to someone such as a king, queen, emperor or empress having constitutionally limiting authority (a constitutional monarch, such as is the Queen of England)

a form of government in which one person has the physical hereditary right to rule as head of state during their lifetime; the term is also applied to the state so governed; the power of the monarch varies; today constitutional monarchies possess little, if any power
compare sovereign

intense ill will or hatred; great malice; an act or a feeling of great malice; the condition or quality of being highly dangerous or injurious; deadliness

something illusory or insubstantial; an optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water, often with inverted reflections of distant objects, and results from distortion of light by alternate layers of hot and cool air

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