Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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influencing or applying to a period prior to enactment (a retroactive pay increase)

one who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor; one that equals or almost equals another in a particular.respect
attributive.often used to modify another noun (rival companies, rival products, rival teams, rival schools)
rival, rivaled, rivaling, rivals.verbs
transitive verb sense.to attempt to equal or surpass; to be the equal of; match
intransitive verb sense.to be a competitor or rival; compete
the act of competing or emulating; the state or condition of being a rival

revoke, revoked, revoking, revokes.verbs
transitive use-to void or annul by recalling, recinding, withdrawing, or reversing (her license was revoked)
intransitive use-Games..to fail to follow suit in cards when required and able to do so
revoke.noun-Games..failure to follow suit in a card game

customary, usual, or normal (the train's regular schedule; a regular guy)

one that is playfully mischievous; an unscrupulous, dishonest person; a scoundrel
rascal, rascally.adjectives

a crafty.stratagem; a subterfuge; artifice

the state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy; an expression of ecstatic feeling
rapture, raptured, rapturing, raptures.transitive verbs
to enrapture

remunerate, remunerated, remunerating, remunerates.transitive verbs
to pay a person a suitable.equivalent in return for goods provided, services rendered, or losses incurred; recompense; to compensate for; a reward for (remunerate his efforts)
remunerability, remunerator.nouns

the act of remunerating; something, such as a payment, that remunerates

something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior or in retribution for evil acts

something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or a custom whose original culture has disappeared (the Inquisition almost made a relic of Christianity); something cherished for its age or historic interest; an object kept for its association with the past (a museum filled with relics); a memento

capable of or qualified for receiving; ready or willing to receive favorably (receptive to the advice asked for)

a swift, witty reply; conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts; wit

functioning as a receiver
one that receives

recommend, recommended, recommending, recommends.verbs
transitive verb sense.to praise or commend one to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse.(recommended him for the job; recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon); to make (the possessor, as of an attribute) attractive or acceptable (honesty recommends any person); to advise or counsel.(she recommended what seemed like the most helpful and accommodating solution)
intransitive verb sense.to give advice or counsel

the release of property or a person in return for payment of a demanded price; the price or payment demanded or paid for such release
Theology.-.a redemption from sin and its consequences
ransom, ransomed, ransoming, ransoms.transitive verbs
to obtain the release of by paying a certain price; to release after receiving such a payment
Theology.-.to deliver from sin and its consequences; to buy back ransomer.noun

a response to a stimulus; the state resulting from such a response; a reverse or opposing action; a tendency to revert to a former state
Physics - an equal and opposite force exerted by a body against a force acting upon it

a sudden, strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent.disgust or loathing; a withdrawing or turning away from something

reinforce, reinforced, reinforcing, reinforces.transitive verbs
to give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen (the good news reinforced her hopes; strengthened by adding extra support or material

an attempt or a tendency to explain complex.phenomena or structures by relatively simple principles, as by asserting that life processes or mental acts are instances of chemical and physical laws

of or relating to reduction; relating to, being an instance of, or exhibiting reductionism; relating to or being an instance of reductivism

reductivism, reductivist.nouns

correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse; a poem or verse having a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends of lines; poetry or verse of this kind; a word that corresponds with another in terminal sound, as behold and cold
rhymed.also.rimed, rhyming, riming, rhymes, rimes
intransitive verb use.to form a rhyme; to compose rhymes or verse; to make use of rhymes in composing verse
transitive verb use.to put into rhyme or compose with rhymes; to use (a word or words) as a rhyme
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