Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a person who wields power oppressively; dictator; autocrat; a tyrant.-.example Karl Marx a ruler who uses power to subjugate those who probably would have supported him had he the peoples' best interest at heart
a government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power; a state so ruled; rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority; actions of a despot; tyranny

in a proper manner (a duly appointed official); at the expected time

devout,-devouter, devoutest.adjectives
devoted to the fulfillment of religious obligations; sincere; earnest (devout wishes for their success)

being in a state of decline or decay; marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self indulgent
a person in a condition or process of mental or moral decay

dissent, dissented, dissenting, dissents.intransitive verbs
to differ in opinion or feeling; disagree; to withhold assent or approval
difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement; the refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity; dissenting opinion

dedicate, dedicated, dedicating, dedicates.transitive verbs
to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate; to set apart for a special use (dedicated their money to scientific research; to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action (dedicated ourselves to starting our own business); devote; to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection; to open (a building, for example) to public use; to show to the public for the first time (dedicate a monument)
wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action; devoted (a dedicated musician) 
the act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated; a note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem; a rite or ceremony of dedicating; selfless devotion (served the public with dedication and integrity)
dedicative or dedicatory.adjective

dynamo.noun, plural.dynamos
a generator, especially one for producing direct current; an extremely energetic and forceful person (a vice president who was the real dynamo of the corporation)

directrix.noun, plural.directrixes or directrices
Mathematics..the fixed curve traversed by a generatrix (a geometric element that generates a geometric figure) in generating a conic (like a cone) section or a cylinder; the median line in the trajectory (the path of a projectile or other moving body through space) of fire of an artillery piece

devil's advocate.noun
one who argues against a cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply for the sake of argument or to determine the validity of the cause or position

a succession of rulers from the same family or line; a family or group that maintains power for several generations (a political dynasty controlling the state)

the state or quality of being decent; propriety; conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty

characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality; free from indelicacy; modest; meeting accepted standards; adequate.(a decent salary); morally upright; respectable; kind or obliging.(very decent of them to lend you money {you/they borrow, they/you lend)

dainty, daintier, daintiest.adjective
delicately beautiful or charming; exquisite; of refined taste; discriminating; overly fastidious; squeamish
dainty.noun, plural.dainties
something delicious; a delicacy

daunt, daunted, daunting, daunts.transitive verbs
to abate the courage of; discourage; dismay
incapable of being intimidated or discouraged; fearless; brave

detect, detected, detecting, detects.transitive verbs
to discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of; to discern the true nature or character of (detected joy behind the smile)

disrupt, disrupted, disrupting, disrupts.transitive verbs
to disturb the way things are; to throw into confusion or disorder; to interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or procedure of (our two year old was constantly disrupting the board game; our efforts in the garden were disrupted by an early frost)
disrupter.or.disruptor, disruption.nouns

doubt, doubted, doubting, doubts.verbs
transitive verb use.to be undecided or skeptical about (began to doubt some accepted doctrines); to tend to disbelieve; distrust (doubts politicians after seeing contradictions); to regard as unlikely (I doubt that we'll arrive on time considering the traffic). intransitive verb use.to be undecided or skeptical
a lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution; uncertainty; a lack of trust; the condition of being unsettled or unresolved (an outcome still in doubt)
beyond doubt.or.without doubt.idioms
without question; certainly; definitely
no doubt.idiom
certainly; probably

subject to or causing doubt; experiencing or showing doubt: (doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it); of uncertain outcome; undecided

dissolve, dissolved, dissolving, dissolves.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to pass into solution (dissolve salt in water); to reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt; to cause to disappear or vanish; dispel; disintegrate; to bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; terminate
intransitive verb use.to pass into solution; to become liquid; melt; to break up or disperse; to become disintegrated; disappear; to shift scenes in a motion picture film or videotape by having one scene fade out while the next scene appears behind it and grows clearer as the first one dims
a scene transition in a motion picture film or videotape made by fading out one scene while the next scene grows cleare

pleasing to the senses, especially in a subtle way (a delicate flavor; a delicate violin passage; saffron is a delicate spice); exquisitely fine or dainty.(delicate china plates); frail in constitution or health; easily broken or damaged (a kite too delicate to fly in strong wind)

delicacy.noun, plural.delicacies
the quality of being delicate; something pleasing and appealing, especially a choice food; fineness of appearance, construction, or execution; elegance.(brushwork of great delicacy; frailty; sensitivity of perception, discrimination, or taste; refinement; sensitivity to the feelings of others; tact.(phrased the apology with delicacy); sensitivity to what is proper; propriety; undue sensitivity to or concern with what may be considered offensive or improper; squeamishness.(scenes that might offend a viewer's delicacy); the need for tact in treatment or handling (a topic of some delicacy); sensitivity to very small changes; precision.(the delicacy of a set of scales)
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