Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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neurons are nerve cells which are impulse conducting cells (a sensing process that relays information on what it is experiencing) that constitute.the brain.(we build new neurons each time we learn something, i.e., making a decision), spinal column and nerves, consisting of a nucleated.cell body with one or more dendrites and a single axon; a nerve cell and all its processes, having grayish or reddish granular appearance and specialized processes that comprise the fundamental functional unit of nervous tissue
neuronal, neuronic.adjectives

coming or having recently come into existence

inflected form(s).plural.nexuses, or nexus
connection, link; a causal link; a connected group or series; centre, focus

one billionth (10–9); one nanometer is 10-9 meters, or 1 billionth of a meter; nanosecond; – all from 'nano-' meaning extremely small (nanoplankton); (Greek nanos, nannos – little old man, dwarf, from nannas, uncle, from nanna, aunt)

a feeling of sickness in the stomach characterized by an urge to vomit; strong aversion; disgust
nauseate, nauseated, nauseating, nauseates intransitive and transitive verbs
to feel or cause to feel nausea; to feel or cause to feel loathing or disgust
synonyms.disgust, repel, revolt, sicken

NB, N.B., nb, n.b.
abbreviation for nota bene – Latin for 'note well', 'take note', 'notice', etc.

nitrates (NO3).noun
are comprised of a molecule of one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. Examination of nitrates on Earth gives clues to supernova explosions.

one that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious; a bother (having to stand in line was a nuisance; the disruptive child was a nuisance to the class)

a coenzyme, C21H27N7O14P2(21 parts {molecules} carbon, 27 parts hydrogen, 7 parts nitrogen, 14 parts oxygen, 2 parts phosphorus) occurring in most living cells and utilized alternately as an oxidizing or reducing agent in various metabolic processes

a coenzyme, C21H28N7O17P3(21 parts {molecules} carbon, 28 parts hydrogen, 7 parts nitrogen, 17 parts oxygen, 3 parts phosphorus) occurring in most living cells and utilized similarly to NAD but interacting with different metabolites

any of various compounds consisting of a sugar, usually ribose or deoxyribose, and a purine or pyrimidine base, especially a compound obtained by hydrolysis of a nucleic acid, such as adenosine or guanine

nonexistence; nothingness; the figure 0; a zero; nothing (all their work was for naught); nonexistent; insignificant

nominalism-(Latin nominalis, "of or pertaining to names")
"In medieval scholastic philosophy, doctrine stating that abstractions, known as universals are without essential or substantive reality and that only individual objects have real existence. These universals, such as animal, nation, beauty, circle, were held to be mere names, hence the term nominalism. For example, the name 'circle' is applied to things that are round and is thus a general designation but no concrete identity with a separate essence of roundness exists corresponding to the name. The nominalistic doctrine is opposed to the philosophical theory called extreme realism, according to which universals have a real and independent existence prior to and apart from particular objects." ...Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

botany – the central portion of an ovule in which the embryo sac develops

a source of harm or ruin

in the meter/kilogram/second system, the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second, equal to 100,000 dynes

the study of the hidden meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life

symbol N. A nonmetallic element that constitutes nearly four fifths of the air by volume, occurring as a colorless, odorless, almost inert diatomic (made up of two atoms) gas, N2-(2 parts {molecules} nitrogen) in various minerals and in all proteins and used in a wide variety of important manufactures, including ammonia, nitric acid, TNT (trinitrotoluene, a high explosive), and fertilizers. Atomic number-7; atomic weight-14.0067; melting point –209.86°C; boiling point –195.8°C; valence-3, 5. 

Neanderthal man
slang a crude or boorish person
of, having to do with, or resembling Neanderthal man
slang rude or boorish

of, relating to, or occurring in the night (nocturnal moods)
Botany.-.having flowers that open during the night
Zoology.-.most active at night (nocturnal animals)

natural law.noun
a law or body of laws that derives from nature (means, derived from the Creator) and is believed to be binding upon human actions apart from or in conjunction with laws established by human authority

Natural Law: The only actual law we need is to do good to others being careful not to do any harm; do unto others what you would have them do unto you and don't do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

The Greeks could see that we could recognize actions as inherently lawful or unlawful, without the need of the state to tell us; they had lived through some excellent examples of lawless states. They came out with an answer is quite amazing.

Aristotle believed each kind of animal has a special nature. They all know or discover what they need to do in order to lead the life that they are physically fitted to live. Humans too are naturally capable of knowing how to live together and do business with each other without killing each other.

The so-called 'Wild West' which history shows was not nearly as wild as many modern cities with strict gun control, existed beyond the reach of state power. People possessed the right of property, and businesses functioned. (Kopel, 323 -373)

Natural law follows from the nature of men. We have the right to life, liberty and property, the right to defend ourselves against those who would rob, enslave, or kill us. We have inalienable rights from the Creator.

Law derives from our right to defend ourselves and our property, not from the power of the state. 

Natural Law comes from each person being intuitive enough to sense the order in the universe that surrounds them.

Einstein did not create general relativity, nor did Newton create the law of gravity, nor does anyone create natural law. These things are discovered, then used by mankind. It just is there, proven by its ability to affect those who understand it, and those being affected by it who may not understand it. There are many natural laws universally applicable to all mankind.

Natural law was taught in the great Universities of Oxford, Salamanca, Prague, and Krakow, and in many other places. In England the theory of natural law led to the Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, the declaration of right, and the English Enlightenment. It was the basis for the US revolution and the US bill of rights. It is everyone's right and duty to forcibly uphold natural law, thus in order to get a law enforced, or to get away with enforcing it oneself, ones lawyer had to argue natural law, rather than customary law. Thus the Netherlands came to be governed predominantly by natural law, rather than by men or by customary law. From the right to self defense comes the right to the rule of law, but from the right to property comes a multitude of like rights, such as the right to privacy “An Englishman's home is his castle.” Further, Locke repeatedly, in ringing words, reminded us that a ruler is legitimate so far as he upholds the law.

A ruler that violates natural law is illegitimate. He has no right to be obeyed, his commands are mere force and coercion. Rulers who act lawlessly, whose laws are unlawful, are mere criminals, and should be dealt with.

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