Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a hydrogen atom is a single proton orbited by an electron: atomic number 1; atomic weight 1.00797; melting point 259.14°C; boiling point 252.8°C; density at 0°C 0.08987 gram per liter; valence 1; it's a colorless, odorless gaseous chemical element having three isotopes, the lightest of all known substances; the perfect balance of abundances of hydrogen and helium in the Universe, also denotes a balance also in the gravitational and weak-nuclear energies. One hydrogen atom holds on to its heat, but two of them in a molecule.dissipate thermal energy. Such design and so tiny that 10 million of them can span the diameter of the head of a pin!

hydrogen peroxide.noun
a colorless, heavy, strongly oxidizing liquid, H2O2, capable of reacting explosively with combustibles and used principally in aqueous (water) solution as a mild antiseptic

hinder, hindered, hindering, hinders.verbs
transitive verb use.to be or get in the way of; to obstruct or delay the progress of; to make difficult for; thwart; impede; frustrate; to keep or hold back; restrain; hamper
intransitive verb use.to interfere with action or progress
the rear position; posterior; hind
the act of hindering; the condition of being hindered; one that hinders; an impediment; obstacle

a polygon having six sides

a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group

any baryon that does not decay.(except the proton or neutron); the heavier hyperons are lambda, sigma, xi, and omega particles

having a related or similar position, structure, etc.

perfectly horrid; dreadful (the tax rate was horrendous) 

hydrodynamics.noun.plural.but singular in construction 
a branch of physics that deals with the motion of fluids and the forces acting on solid bodies immersed in fluids and in motion relative to them – compare hydrostatics 

used so often so as to be trite, dull and stereotyped
hackney.transitive verb,-usually passive
to make commonplace and banal by too frequent use

rash, giddy, flighty

a helix's looping curve is identical to the one below or above; helixes are a form of, but different from spirals

the region in space through which the sun's gases and magnetic field extend

hoodwink, hoodwinked, hoodwinking, hoodwinks.transitive verbs
to take in by deceptive means; deceive; bamboozled

a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second (after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, 1857-1894; German physicist who was the first to produce radio waves artificially); a kilohertz thusly is one thousand hertz (1000 Hz)

until this time; (the weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold)

to or toward this place (reach in hither)
located on the near side
idiom.hither and thither or hither and yon
in or to many places; here and there (looked hither and thither for the ring; ran hither and yon)

a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent.repetition; an established.disposition of the mind or character; customary.manner or practice
habit, habited, habiting, habits.transitive verbs
to clothe; dress (a nun's garb is called a habit)
of the nature of a habit (habitual lying); being entrenched by habit (a habitual liar); chronic; established by long use; usual (my habitual place); usual

excessively critical; captious

false or distorted.perception of objects or events with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug; the objects or events so perceived; a false or mistaken idea; a delusion

hallucinate, hallucinated, hallucinating, hallucinates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to undergo hallucination
transitive verb use.to cause to have hallucinations

a slight.indication or intimation (wanted to avoid any hint of impropriety); a brief or indirect.suggestion; a clue (give me a hint about the big news); a barely perceptible amount (just a hint of color)
hint, hinted, hinting, hints.verbs
transitive verb use.to indicate or make known in an indirect manner
intransitive verb use.to give a hint (wouldn't hint at who was to be at the surprise party); suggest

a song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity; a song of praise or joy; a paean
hymn, hymned, hymning, hymns.verbs
transitive verb use.to praise, glorify, or worship in or as if in a hymn
intransitive verb use.to sing hymns

a printed sheet or pamphlet distributed by hand
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