Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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very troubled in mind; torn asunder; bewildered; agitated

inflected form(s).plural.dittos
a thing mentioned previously or above

to move, lie or extend in different directions from a common point
Mathematics – to fail to approach a limit, as an infinite-sequence
diverged, diverging.intransitive verbs

drawing apart from a common point; diverging; departing from convention; differing from another (a divergent opinion)

different; dissimilar; variety; multiformity
diversity.noun, plural.diversities, diversification.nouns
variation; a diversifying or being diversified; the existence of many different species on the planet
in different ways; differently; variously

diversify, diversified, diversifying, diversifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to give variety to; vary: diversify a menu; to extend (business activities) into disparate fields; to distribute (investments) among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry
intransitive verb use.to spread out activities or investments, especially in business

divest, divested, divesting, divests.transitive verbs
to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or rights or title; to undress or strip especially of clothing, ornament, or equipment; rid, free; to take away from a person; strip

DNA sequencing
sequencing is a man manipulated process whereby a chromosome is made easier to handle by cutting it into small pieces. Then these divided pieces are grafted (joined together) into imitation chromosomes which in turn are implanted into bacteria which replicates them

"Researchers take a short piece of a chromosome and make thousands of incomplete copies, all starting from one end. They attach a fluorescent label to the other end, using different colors for different letters. These fragments are separated according to size, allowing the sequence to be read out. Then the short sequence is strung together to give the chromosome's particular sequence.

Another faster way instead of sequencing adjacent segments of chromosomes is; an entire genome is chopped into little pieces and sequenced. Then, like an intricate puzzle, the random bits are put together by computers that look for overlapping fragments....Some DNA segments somehow prevent the artificial chromosome replicating. As a result, these segments will be missing from the final sequence...one segment of DNA looks like every other, so there is no way to pinpoint where in the mass of repeats it came from." ...New Scientist, May 20, 2000. See also recombinant DNA

tractable; easy to teach; easy to discipline

teaching; instruction; something that is taught; established principles

characterized by, belonging to, or concerning doctrine

dogma.noun;.plural.dogmas or dogmata
an authoritative.principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true; a doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church 

characterized by an authoritative, arrogant.assertion of unproved or unprovable principles; relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from dogma
arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief
an arrogantly assertive person; one who expresses or sets forth dogma

dolt, doltishness.nouns
a low consciousness easily influenced dull of mind person with selfish base concepts such as greed and evil things; a weak willed stupid person lacking insight who allows others to set the course of their behavior believing that safety is in consensus; an imbecile; one allowing his mind to be possessed by alternate concepts to those of higher thinking

a territory over which rule or control is exercised (the domain of God); field or sphere of activity or influence (as the domain of science); a sphere of activity, concern, or function; a field (the domain of history)

commanding from a superior position; predominant

the condition or fact of being dominant

dominate, dominated, dominating, dominates.verbs
transitive verb use.to control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power (successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them); to exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over (ambition dominated their lives); to enjoy a commanding, controlling position in (an oil company that dominates the market); to overlook from a height (a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley)
intransitive verb use.to have or exert strong authority or mastery; to be situated in or occupy a position that is more elevated or decidedly superior to others

to rule or control by superior power

intransitive verb senses.to exercise arbitrary or overbearing control 
transitive verb senses.to tyrannize over 

inflected forms.dickers; dickered; dickering
to talk or argue with someone about the conditions of a purchase, agreement, or contract

separated; disconnected (a detached part; a detached plug of the vacuum); sStanding apart from others; separate (a house with a detached garage); marked by an absence of emotional involvement and an aloof, impersonal objectivity; cool; indifferent
detach, detached, detaching, detaches.transitive verbs
to separate or unfasten; disconnect (detach a check from the checkbook; detach burs from one's coat); to remove from association or union with something (detach a calf from its mother; detached herself from the group)

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