Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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refers to the process known as gene transfer, or, genetic engineering; that is, genetic material containing DNA being intentionally transferred in order to modify the genome

Gene transfer is germ line gene transfer, which means that the transferred gene can be passed on to future generations through the germ cells (spermatozoa or ova).

capable of transmitting light so that objects and images can be seen as if there were no intervening material; glass is transparent
a transparent object
the quality or state of being transparent

trauma.noun;.plural-traumas or traumata
serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident

a very upsetting and unpleasant experience

Celsius or centigrade.adjective-abbreviation C 
of or relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 0° and the boiling point as 100° under normal atmospheric pressure (after Celsius, Anders. 1701-1744; Swedish astronomer who devised (1742) the centigrade thermometer)
Fahrenheit.adjective-abbreviation F, Fahr
of or relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32°F and the boiling point as 212°F at one atmosphere of pressure (after Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, 1686-1736, German born physicist who invented the mercury thermometer (1714) and devised the Fahrenheit temperature scale
kelvin.noun-abbreviation K 
a unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. This unit is equal to one Celsius degree (after First Baron Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist). The Kelvin scale is an absolute scale of temperature in which each degree equals one kelvin. Water freezes at 273.15 K and boils at 373.15 K.

violently agitated or disturbed; tumultuous.(turbulent rapids; having a chaotic or restless character or tendency.(the Inquisition was a turbulent period in history); causing unrest or disturbance; unruly (his character exhibited turbulence)

the state or quality of being turbulent (times of turbulence and confusion); an eddying motion of the atmosphere that interrupts the flow of wind

a rope or chain for holding an animal in place, allowing it a short radius in which to move about; to fasten or restrict with or as if with a tether
tether, tethered, tethering, tethers.transitive verbs

the act or practice of one that thinks; thought; intellectual activity; attention on something; intention; purpose; how do we think? 
characterized by thought or thoughtfulness; rational
think, thought, thinking, thinks.transitive verbs
to use the imagination in such a way as to turn mental pictures into descriptive words by using questions on thoughts presently in focus in order to arrive at new meaning; to have or formulate in the mind; ideas; to reason about or reflect on; ponder.(think how complex language is, think the matter through); to decide by reasoning, reflection, or pondering (thinking what to do); to intend; to call to mind (remember); to visualize (imagine); to devise (invent – thought up a plan to get rich) to concentrate one's thoughts on
intransitive use.to exercise the power of reason, as by conceiving ideas, drawing inferences, and using judgment; to weigh or consider an idea (they are thinking about moving)

tachyon.noun.(Greek for 'swift')
a hypothetical.subatomic-particle-that travels faster than the speed of light, having no observable mass, no negative or positive charge, but nevertheless, thought by some scientists as having purpose. Perhaps a means of communication with the Creator.

terse, terser, tersest.adjectives
brief and to the point; effectively concise-(a terse one word answer)

true, truer, truest.adjectives
consistent with fact or reality; not false or erroneous; real; genuine; authentic; reliable; accurate (a true prophecy); faithful, as to a friend, vow, or cause; loyal.; incerely felt or expressed; unfeigned (true grief); fundamental; essential (his true motive); rightful; legitimate (the true heir); exactly conforming to a rule, standard, or pattern (trying to sing true); accurately shaped or fitted (a true wheel); determined with reference to the earth's axis, not the magnetic poles (true north); in accord with reality, fact, or truthfulness

a sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H10N2O4, withdrawn from sale after it was found after being released as safe (and this after 'extensive' pharmaceutical testing), to cause severe birth defects, especially of the limbs (people born with missing hands, or severely deformed hands, feet, stubs for arms, etc), when taken during pregnancy

Tolstoy.or.Tolstoi, Count Leo or Lev Nikolayevich, 1828-1910. Russian writer and philosopher whose great novels War and Peace (1864-1869) and Anna Karenina (1873-1876) offer extraordinary detail and profound psychological insights. His later theories of ethics and morality recommended nonparticipation in and passive resistance to evil
Tolstoyan or Tolstoian.adjectives

the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing

Nikola Tesla.1856-1943
Serbian born American electrical engineer and physicist who discovered the principles of alternating current (1881)(no it wasn't the deceiver Thomas Edison) and invented numerous devices and procedures that were seminal to the development of radio and the harnessing of electricity

an arrangement of two or more persons or objects placed one behind the other; a two-wheeled carriage drawn by horses harnessed one before the other; a team of carriage horses harnessed in single file; a tandem bicycle
one behind the other (driving horses in tandem)

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