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a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others; rumor or report of an intimate nature -.more in depth
gossip, gossiped, gossiping, gossips.intransitive verbs
to engage in or spread gossip
gossiper, gossipry.nouns

Mohandas Gandhi, known as 'Mahatma', 1869-1948.Mohandas Gandhi when young Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience.

Mahatma Gandhi, was educated in law at University College, London. In 1891, after havingMohandas Gandhi when old been admitted to the British bar, Gandhi returned to India and attempted to establish a law practice in Bombay (now Mumbai), with little success. Two years later an Indian firm with interests in South Africa retained him as legal adviser in its office in Durban.Mohandas Gandhi teaching Arriving in Durban, Gandhi found himself treated as a member of an inferior race. He was appalled at the widespread denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle for elementary rights for Indians.

Gandhi remained in South Africa for 20 years, suffering imprisonment many times. In 1896, after being attacked and beaten by white South Africans, Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance to and noncooperation with the South African authorities. Part of the inspiration for this policy came from the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, whose influence on Gandhi was profound. Gandhi also acknowledged his debt to the teachings of Christ and to the 19th-century American writer Henry David Thoreau, especially to Thoreau's famous essay.Civil Disobedience..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

groped, groping, gropes.intransitive verbs
to reach about uncertainly; feel one's way (groped in the dark for the telephone); to search blindly or uncertainly (grope for an answer)
transitive use.to make (one's way) by reaching about in an uncertain manner
the act or an instance of groping
one who gropes

a classification of plants or animals with common distinguishing-characteristics; the main subdivision of a family and includes one or more species

stately, imposing, grand
nobility of spirit or action; courage
chivalrous attention toward women

characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand

elementary particles thought to bind quarks together. A gluon is the gauge boson of the Strong Interaction. Gluons exert an astounding strong force binding quarks, a force that resists diminishing when quarks are pulled apart; and, unusually, the farther the quarks are separated, the greater is the energy that builds between them and the more unavailing are efforts to disunite them; this is the antithesis to what occurs when the electromagnetic force binds electrons to the nucleus by using its photon energy vehicles

a carbohydrate linked covalently to a protein formed in the Golgi apparatus; this is the creation of a compound in which a protein is combined with a carbohydrate group. Glycoproteins are important components of cell-membranes. They are also a constituent of mucous

Golgi apparatus
an assembly of vesciles and folded membranes within the cytoplasm of cells, which assembly branches from the endoplasmic reticulum to carry proteins to this apparatus that modifies, stores and in turn transports these modified secretory-protein products (enzymes and hormones) as needed by the cell; the vesciles deliver the product to the component of the cell calling for a particular parcel; like you may call a manufacturer for a product and give your address, expecting delivery by a courier

gravity is not really a force but a name we give to an occurrence due to pressure of the mysterious dark matter-mass, with perhaps also photons and neutrinos playing a part; it's not possible to tell if you are being pulled downward by gravity or accelerating  upward; gravity and acceleration are equal

Can the result of resistance to movement (movement of the photons, neutrinos, etc., the dark matter being the inert carrier) by mass (mass held in place by dark matter), be really called gravity?

Gravity is one of the four fundamental 'forces' necessary for all existence thoroughout the Universe; the others being electromagmetism, the strong interaction (or, the strong force), and the weak interaction (or, the weak force).

Gravity is the phenomenon that causes an attractive force between any two bodies that have mass.

occurs in nucleotides and-nucleic acids-RNA and DNA

deep and wide open (a gaping wound; a gaping hole)
gape, gaped, gaping, gapes.intransitive verbs
to open the mouth wide; yawn; to stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open; gaze; to open wide (the curtains gaped when the wind blew)
the act or an instance of gaping; a large opening

the fundamental-constitution of an organism in terms of its hereditary factors; a group of organisms having the same combination of hereditary characteristics; compare phenotype

the act or period of carrying young in the uterus from conception to birth; pregnancy

a grouping of millions of stars grouping into a luminous band that extends across the sky

an association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards; a similar association, as of merchants or artisans, in medieval times

money made dishonestly, as in a swindle; a swindle or confidence game
grift, grifted, grifting, grifts.verbs
intransitive use.to engage in swindling or cheating
transitive use.to obtain by swindling or cheating

a persistent, irritating critic; a nuisance; one that acts as a provocative.stimulus; a goad; any of various flies, especially of the family Tabanidae, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals

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