Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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governmental rule or control; the systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or process; a regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect; a course of intense physical training

the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others; discrimination or prejudice based on race

'my master', a title of dignity given by the Jews to their doctors of the law and their distinguished teachers who were trained in Jewish law, ritual and tradition, and ordained for leadership of a Jewish congregation, especially one serving as chief religious official of a synagogue (a building or place of meeting for worship and religious instruction in the Jewish faith); a scholar qualified to interpret Jewish law

of, relating to, or being the widely diffused bodily system constituting all phagocytic cells except certain white blood cells

a fixed portion, especially an amount of food allotted to persons in military service or to civilians in times of scarcity; rations; food issued or available to members of a group
ration, rationed, rationing, rations.transitive verbs

the act or process of resorbing

resorb, resorbed, resorbing, resorbs.verbs
transitive verb use.to absorb again; to dissolve and assimilate (bone tissue, for example)
intransitive verb use.to undergo resorption

ratify, ratified, ratifying, ratifies.transitive verbs
to approve and give formal sanction to (basically the government body said it was ok); confirm; approve
the act of ratifying or the condition of being ratified

being in fact; having verifiable existence (real objects; a real person; true and actual; real people, not computer animations; a real joy; a film based on real life; genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious (real mink; real humility); being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name (a real friend); free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation; not to be taken lightly; serious (they were in real trouble); of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land
very (I'm real sorry about that)
a thing or whole having actual existence; truly so in fact or actuality (Is this place for real?) 

real number.noun
a number that is rational or irrational, not imaginary

the quality or state of being actual or true, the only reality truly being the invi; the totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence; that which exists objectively and in fact (your observations do not seem to be about reality); real
in reality.idiom
in fact; actually

of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are (a realistic novel about how to get to a better life); tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are (she had a realistic appraisal of her chances); graphic

an inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism; the representation in art or literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are, without idealization or presentation in abstract form
Philosophy.-.the scholastic.doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought; the modern philosophical doctrine, opposed to idealism, that physical objects exist independently of their being perceived

realize, realized, realizing, realizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to comprehend completely or correctly; to make real; fulfill (he finally realized his lifelong ambition to learn how to play the violin); to make realistic; to obtain or achieve, as gain or profit (she realized a substantial return on the investment); to bring in (a sum) as profit by sale
intransitive verb use.to exchange holdings or goods for money

the act of realizing or the condition of being realized; the result of realizing

retrieve,-retrieved, retrieving, retrieves.verbs
transitive verb use.to get back; regain; to rescue or save; to bring back again; revive or restore; remedy; recover; to find and carry back; fetch
intransitive verb use.to find and bring back game (a dog trained to retrieve)
the act of retrieving; retrieval
the act or process of retrieving; the possibility of being retrieved or restored
Computer Science.-.the process of accessing information from memory or other storage devices

generally supposed to be such; supposed
repute, reputed, reputing, reputes.transitive verbs
to ascribe a particular fact or characteristic to; to consider; suppose
reputation; a good reputation

of, relating to, or characteristic of the country; of or relating to people who live in the country (rural households); of or relating to farming; agricultural

of, relating to, or typical of country life or country people; rural; marked by a lack of sophistication or elegance
things of country living

seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation; providing seclusion.(a reclusive dwelling

a person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
recessed from the world; reclusive

a temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit; the period of such cessation; pause; a remote secretive or secluded place; an indentation or small hollow; an alcove
recess, recessed, recessing, recesses.verbs
transitive verb use.to place in a recess; to create or fashion a recess in (recessed a portion of the wall)

rarefy also rarify, rarefied, rarefying, rarefies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make thin, less compact, or less dense; to purify or refine
intransitive verb use.to become thin or less compact or dense

the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger; a hazard; the danger or probability of loss to an insurer; the amount that an insurance company stands to pay out
risk, risked, risking, risks.transitive verbs
to expose to a chance of loss or damage; hazard; to incur the risk of; endanger
at risk.idiom
being endangered, as from exposure to disease or from a lack of parental or familial guidance and proper health care

risky, riskier, riskiest.adjectives
accompanied by or involving risk or danger; hazardous

heedless or careless; indifferent to or disregardful of consequences (a reckless driver

remark, remarked, remarking, remarks.transitive verbs
to express briefly and casually in spoken words as a comment; to take notice of; observe
intransitive verb use.to make a comment or an observation (remarked on her good meal)
the act of noticing or observing (a country scene worthy of remark); a casual or brief expression of opinion; a comment

worthy of notice; attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary; noticeable

recite, recited, reciting, recites.verbs
transitive verb use.to repeat or utter aloud (something rehearsed or memorized), especially before an audience; to relate in detail; describe
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