Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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facilitate, facilitated, facilitating, facilitates.transitive verbs
to make easy or easier (political agreements that facilitated troop withdrawals)

fast, fasted, fasting, fasts.intransitive verbs
to abstain from food; to eat very little or abstain from certain foods; the act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food; a period of such abstention or self denial

flimsy, flimsier, flimsiest.adjective
lacking plausibility; unconvincing (a flimsy excuse); light, thin, and insubstantial (a flimsy fabric); lacking solidity or strength (a flimsy table)
thin paper usually used to make multiple copies; something written on this thin paper

fluffy, fluffier, fluffiest.adjectives
fuzzy (hazy, fluffy thinking that only confused the matter); of, relating to, or resembling fluff; covered with fluff; light and airy; soft (fluffy curls; a fluffy soufflé); light or frivolous-(a fluffy musical comedy; lacking depth or precision)

frankenfood a colloquialism derived from Frankenstein (a monster having the appearance of a man {from Frankenstein, the creator of the artificial monster in Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley}), meaning a creation that slips from the control of and ultimately destroys its creator

the doctrine that the function of an object should determine its design and materials; a doctrine stressing purpose, practicality, and utility

designed for or adapted to a particular function or use (the functional design of the hand); capable of performing; operative (a functional set of hands); of or relating to a function; of, relating to, or indicating a mathematical function or functions

the condition or quality of being frail; a fault, especially weakness of resolution, arising from the imperfections of human nature

formulate, formulated, formulating, formulates.transitive verbs
to devise or invent (formulate strategy); to prepare according to a specified formula; to state as or reduce to a formula; to express in systematic terms or concept
formulation, formulator.nouns

fancy.noun, plural.fancies
an image or a fantastic invention created by the mind; the mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature

fanciful, fancifully.adjective
created in the fancy; unreal (a fanciful story; tending to indulge in fancy (a fanciful mind); showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative

condemned to death or destruction; doomed (the fated city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.); governed by fate; predetermined

a group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group; conflict within an organization or nation; internal dissension-("Our own beloved country . . . is now afflicted with faction and civil war" ...Abraham Lincoln)

fledgling also fledgeling.noun
a young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers; a young or inexperienced person
as adjective
a new and untried or inexperienced (a fledgling enterprise; a fledgling skier)

fairy tale.noun
a fictitious, highly fanciful story or explanation

highly elaborate; ornate; richly colored; resplendent; marked by striking audacity or verve; given to ostentatious display; showy
flamboyant, flamboyance.or.flamboyancy.nouns

a soft, rich candy made of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring; nonsense; humbug
fudge, fudged, fudging, fudges.transitive verbs
to fake or falsify (fudge account figures); to evade (an issue, for example); dodge
intransitive use.to act dishonestly; cheat; to go beyond the proper limits of something (fudged on the building code requirements); to act in an indecisive manner (always fudged on the important questions)

any of various electric, electronic, acoustic, or optical devices used to reject signals, vibrations, or radiations of certain frequencies while passing others; a porous material through which a liquid or gas is passed in order to separate the fluid from suspended particulate matter; a device containing such a substance
filter, filtered, filtering, filters.transitive verbs
to pass (a liquid or gas) through a filter; to remove by passing through a filter (filter out the sediment)
intransitive verbs.to pass through or as if through a filter (light filtered through the blinds)

filch, filched, filching, filches.transitive verbs
to take (something, especially something of little value) in a furtive manner; snitch; steal

an imperfection, often concealed, that impairs soundness (a flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter); blemish; a defect or shortcoming in something (they share the same character flaws; the tire is of blemished quality); a defect in a legal document that can render it invalid
flaw, flawed, flawing, flaws.transitive.and.intransitive verbs
to make or become defective

a point at which rays of light or other radiation converge or from which they appear to diverge, as after refraction or reflection in an optical system (the focus of a lens - also called focal point); the state of maximum distinctness or clarity of such an image (in focus; out of focus); a center of interest or activity; close or narrow attention; concentration
focus, focused, focusing, focuses.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause (light rays, for example) to converge on or toward a central point; concentrate; to render (an object or image) in clear outline or sharp detail by adjustment of one's vision or an optical device; bring into focus
intransitive verb use.to converge on or toward a central point of focus; be focused; to adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image; to concentrate attention or energy (a campaign that focused on management issues)

of or relating to a focus; placed at or measured from a focus focally.adverb
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