Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a system of names used in an art or a science  (the nomenclature of mineralogy); the procedure of assigning names to the kinds and groups of organisms listed in a taxonomic classification

an extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence; a doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated; rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief

having a nucleus or nuclei.(the nucleated cell of a spermatozoon)
nucleated, nucleate.verbs
nucleated, nucleating, nucleates.transitive verbs
to bring together into a nucleus; to act as a nucleus for; to provide a nucleus for; to form a nucleus 
nucleation, nucleator.nouns

not significant or important enough to be worth considering; trifling
negligibility or negligibleness.noun

Nebuchadnezzar II, 630?-562 B.C., King of Babylonia (605-562) who captured (597) and destroyed (586) Jerusalem and carried the Israelites into captivity in Babylonia

neurology, neurologist.nouns
the medical science that deals with the nervous system and disorders affecting it
neurologic or neurological.adjective

seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent; cool
casual; unconcerned; doesn't get rattled easily 

Newton, Sir Isaac.1642-1727. English mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theories of universal gravitation, terrestrial mechanics, and color. His treatise on gravitation, presented in.Principia Mathematica.(1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple

offensive to the point of arousing disgust; foul (a noisome odor); harmful or dangerous (noisome fumes)

insipid and sentimental; lacking vigor or decisiveness; spineless
one that is insipid, sentimental, or weak

narrate, narrated, narrating, narrates.verbs
transitive verb use.to tell (a story, for example) in speech or writing; to give an account of (events, for example); describe
intransitive verb use.to give an account or a description; to supply a running commentary for a movie or performance
narratability, narrator or narrater.nouns

the act, process, or an instance of narrating; narrated material

a narrated account; a story; the art, technique, or process of narrating
consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story: narrative poetry; of or relating to narration.(narrative skill)

a recess in a wall, as for holding a statue or an urn; a cranny, hollow, or crevice, as in rock; a situation or an activity specially suited to a person's interests, abilities, or nature (found her niche in life); a special area of demand for a product or service (some specialized computer operating systems have developed a niche market)

nirvana.noun.from Buddhism
the ineffable.ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion; Hinduism.-.emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment; an ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy

of little or no importance; trifling; having no force; invalid; vain

the study of the interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and their secretions (how brain chemicals work)

Nobel Prize.noun
any of the six international prizes awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation for outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and economics, and for the promotion of world peace; funded by the will of Alfred Nobel

Nobel, Alfred Bernhard (1833-96), Swedish chemist, inventor and philanthropist, born in Stockholm. After receiving an education in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and in the United States, where he studied mechanical engineering, he returned to St. Petersburg to work under his father, developing mines, torpedoes and other explosives. In a family owned factory in Heleneborg, Sweden, he sought to develop a safe way to handle nitroglycerin, after a factory explosion in 1864 killed his younger brother and four other people. In 1867 Nobel achieved his goal; by using an organic packing material to reduce the volatility of the nitroglycerin, he produced what he called dynamite. He later produced ballistite, one of the first smokeless powders. At the time of his death he controlled factories for the manufacture of explosives in many parts of the world. His will provided that the major portion of his $9 million estate be set up as a fund to establish yearly prizes for merit in physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, and world peace..From Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Nero.A.D. 37-68, Emperor of Rome (54-68) whose early reign was dominated by his mother Agrippina the Younger (great granddaughter of Emperor Augustus).Nero - the crackpot Emperor of Rome
He was declared Emperor at 17 years old. In 59 A.D. Nero had his mother murdered for her criticism of his mistress Poppaea. In 62 he divorced (and later executed) Octavia his wife and married Poppaea Sabina whom he subsequently kicked to death. He then married Statilia Messalina after executing her husband.

Throughout his first five years as Emperor he relied on the counsel of Burrus who soon died, possibly poisoned. Nero had his rival Britannicus poisoned and he may have set the Great Fire of Rome (64 A.D.). 

His cruelty and irresponsibility provoked widespread revolts, which led to his suicide. In 68 the Gallic and Spanish legions, along with the Praetorian Guards, rose against him and he fled Rome. Declared a public enemy by the Senate, he committed suicide on June 9, 68 A.D., near Rome.

Nantes a city of western France on the Loire River west of Tours. Dating to pre Roman times, it was captured by Norse raiders in the ninth century and later fell to the dukes of Brittany. The Edict of Nantes, granting limited religious and civil liberties to the Huguenots, was issued in 1598 by Henry IV of France and revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV. Population, 240,539. See.Fox's Book of Martyrs.for details.

negotiate, negotiated, negotiating, negotiates.verbs
transitive verb use.to succeed in accomplishing or managing (negotiated through life well so far); to arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement (negotiate an agreement); to transfer title to or ownership of (a promissory note, for example) to another party by delivery or by delivery and endorsement in return for value received; to succeed in going over or coping with (negotiate a sharp curve)
intransitive verb use.to confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement ("It is difficult to negotiate where neither will trust." ...Samuel Johnson, writer)
the act or process of negotiating

a standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical

the act of noting or observing; perception or attention (that detail captured my notice); a written or printed announcement (a notice of sale); an announcement, notification (give one's employer two weeks' notice); raised the price without notice
notice, noticed, noticing, notices.transitive verbs
to take notice of; observe (noticed the sun's pattern); see; to perceive with the mind; detect

a brief record, especially one written down to aid the memory (took notes on what he was learning); a brief informal letter; a promissory note
note, noted, noting, notes.transitive verbs
to observe carefully; notice; see; to make a note of; write down (noted the time of arrival); to show; indicate.(a reporter who is careful to note sources of information)

worthy of note or notice; remarkable.(notable beauty; sled dogs that are notable for their stamina); characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.(notable citizens); noted
a person of distinction or great reputation; celebrity

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