Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a protein; its function being to link microtubule

nucleic acid.noun
a complex.organic.compound occurring in organic nuclear material, such as in living cells that consists of a chain of nucleotides; the two types of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA

nucleoid.noun.(nuclear region)
the part of a cell of a bacterium (singular of bacteria), a prokaryotic cell, being a chromosome and containing the bacterium's important genes, as well as the genetic mitochondrial DNA, controlling the genetic activity of the cell; its shape is lengthy circular, wound around an imaginary stick and has an overall appearance like coral, as the chromosome attaches to the cytoplasmic.membrane at one point and branches out creating its unique appearance, which appearance is maintained by proteins binding to the particular nucleic acid.(DNA in this case); the varying strengths of the coral looking nucleoids causes areas to be either tightly wound (coiled), or more loosely wound; the nucleoid not delimited by a membrane exhibits an organizational structure of extreme complexity, and here we see similarity of design by the Creator

an organic.compound consisting of a nitrogen containing base linked to a sugar and a phosphate group.(nucleoside) (combination of a phosphate with a carbohydrate and a base of nitrogen); the nitrogen component of these three contains one of either adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, a four base 'quantum computer' system; DNA and RNA are made up of long chains of nucleotides, the nucleotide variations being designated by DNA letters; nucleotides contain large numbers of specific chemical compounds and appear as a double stranded chain (like a spiraling vine) comprising DNA

nuclear magnetic resonance.noun
a method used for chemical anaylsis and structure determination involving the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a suitable precise frequency by a nucleus with nonzero magnetic moment in an external magnetic field

excessive love or admiration of oneself; conceit; egoism, egocentrism; love of or sexual desire for one's own body

negate.transitive verb
to deny the existence of 
the opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive, or affirmative; the act or process of negating; a denial, contradiction, or negative statement; 

a nucleon is a subatomic.particle such as a proton or neutron in the nucleus of an atom.(part of what comprises an atom); within this nucleus the strange quarks reside; the photon is a nucleon; material objects are held together by some force or other – nucleons in a nucleus by the nuclear force; electrons in an atom by the electric force (Electromagnetic Force); cellulose molecules of wood by the balance of atomic (Strong Force) and molecular forces (Weak Force); and the material of stars by the gravitational force. The amount of energy that would be required to take apart objects held together is called the binding energy; check www.ab.com for nucleons, etc

an isotope with a specified nucleon number; radiocarbon-14 dating for example uses the nuclide 14C, whereas the standard atom for measuring relative atomic.masses is another nuclide of carbon, 12C

words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas; language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good sense;  things of no importance or value; the molecular chain in protein synthesis

light, misty, cloudlike patches seen in the night sky, consisting usually of groups of stars too far away to be seen singly, or of masses of gaseous matter

any of several worms of the phylum Nematoda, having unsegmented, cylindrical bodies, often narrowing at each end, and including parasitic forms such as the hookworm and pinworm (also called roundworm) nematode.adjective

the origin of the elements and their isotopes

not taking part in either side of a quarrel; in a middle position between two extremes

neutron star.noun
neutron stars are the forerunners to supernova; neutron stars are super dense cores of exploded stars; a neutron star is the collapsed iron core of a very masive star; the energy released by the formation of a neutron star is so great that the explosion can hurl most of the original star, whose weight is 10 suns or more, into space at a velocity of 10,000 kilometers per second (6,000 miles an hour); from here neutrinos escape into space

the government of a sovereign state; a relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country; a people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality

the material world and its phenomena; the forces.(the laws of nature) and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world; the world of living things and the outdoors (the beauties of nature); a primitive state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization or artificiality (couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature)

a kind or sort (the nature of a thing; how it behaves); type; the essential.characteristics and qualities of a person or thing (she has such a loving nature); the fundamental.character or disposition of a person (her nature showed she was both strong and kind); temperament

necrosis.noun, plural.necroses
death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body

numb, number, numbest.adjectives
deprived of the power to feel or move normally; benumbed.(toes numb with cold); emotionally unresponsive; indifferent.(numb to anything that doesn't provide immediate selfish benefit)
numb, numbed, numbing, numbs.transitive and.intransitive verbs
to make or become numb
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