Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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an imaginative creation; a literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact; the category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories

of, relating to, or characterized by fiction; imaginary; false; assumed for deception

Botany.-.the coiled young frond of any of various ferns, some of which are considered a delicacy when cooked (they are soooo good!, but eat in moderation only, and never raw); (nautical.-.a curved, scroll like ornamentation at the top of a ship's bow that resembles the neck of a violin)

reliance on faith alone rather than scientific reasoning

an area of special human activity or interest (he was involved in several fields of endeavor including, among other things, volunteer work, mountain climbing and being a fishing guide); a topic, a subject, or an area of academic interest or specialization; employment, or business (what field are you in?); an area or a setting of practical activity or application outside an office, a school, a factory, or a laboratory (computer administrators working in the field; a product tested in the field)
Computer Science.-.defined area of a storage medium, such as a set of bit locations or a set of adjacent columns on a punch card, used to record a type of information consistently; an element of a database record in which one piece of information (name, address, phone, etc.) is stored
Physics.-.space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure, having a determinable value at every point in the region
field, fielded, fielding, fields.verbs
to retrieve.(a ball) and perform the required maneuver, especially in baseball; to place in the field to play (field a team); to give an unrehearsed response to (fielded tough questions from the investigative reporters)

a fine or thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire; a threadlike part; botany; the stalk that bears the anther in a stamen; a chainlike series of cells, as in many algae; a fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp; electronics; high resistance wire or ribbon forming the cathode in some thermionic tubes
filamentous or filamentary-adjective

the ability to handle delicate and difficult situations skillfully and diplomatically 
finessed, finessing.transitive verbs
to bring by finesse into a certain condition

having measurable or definable limits; not infinite

flagella.noun,.plural.of flagellum
a long, threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or unicellular organisms that functions as an organ of locomotion; a whip

flighty, flightier, flightiest.adjective
given to capricious or unstable behavior; characterized by irresponsible or silly behavior; easily excited; skittish

marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; talkative; voluble

flit, flitted, flitting, flits.intransitive verbs
to move quickly from one condition or location to another; to move about rapidly and nimbly; flutter

inflected form(s).flogged; flogging
transitive verb senses.to publicize aggressively (flogging a new book); to beat with or as if with a rod or whip; to criticize harshly; to force or urge into action; drive; to move along with difficulty; slog

flossy, flossier, flossiest.adjective
superficially stylish; slick (wrote flossy articles about the lifestyles of the rich); of, relating to, or resembling floss

a woman regarded as gaudy or tawdry

inflected form(s).plural.floras also florae 
a treatise on or list of the plants of an area or period; plant or bacterial life; especially.-.such life characteristic of a region, period, or special environment (fossil flora, intestinal flora); compare fauna

flourish, flourished, flourishing, flourishes.verbs
(pronounced 'flur ish', not 'flower ish')
intransitive verb use.to grow vigorously; succeed; to grow well or luxuriantly; thrive.(the crops flourished in the rich bottomland); to do or fare well; prosper; to be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence
transitive verb use.to wield, wave, or exhibit dramatically
an ostentatious act or gesture.(a flourish of generosity)

fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating, fluctuates.verbs
to move back and forth or up and down; to be continually changing or varying in an irregular way; swing
intransitive verb use.to vary irregularly; swing; to rise and fall in or as if in waves; undulate
transitive verb use.to cause to rise and fall or vary irregularly

Physics.-.the rate of flow of energy, fluids, etc., over a surface

a search for food or provisions; to search for what one needs or wants
foraging, foraged.intransitive verbs

forbear, forbore, forborne, forbearing, forbears.verbs
transitive verb use.to refrain from; resist (forbear replying); refrain; to desist from; cease
intransitive verb use.to hold back; refrain; to be tolerant or patient in the face of provocation
forbear, forbearer.nouns
a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor

the act of forbearing; tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience; the quality of being forbearing
Law.-.the act of a creditor who refrains from enforcing a debt when it falls due
synonyms.patience, long suffering, resignation

the capacity to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, or active power
force, forced, forcing, forces.transitive verbs
to cause a person or thing to follow a prescribed or dictated course; to compel through pressure or necessity (I forced myself to practice daily. He was forced to take a second job. He forced his ideas upon the group; to put undue strain on (she forced her voice despite being hoarse)
synonyms.compel, coerce, constrain, oblige, obligate

facade.noun.pronounced 'fa sod'
an artificial or deceptive front (ideological slogans that were a facade for geopolitical power struggles)
Architecture - the face of a building, especially the principal face

frame, framed, framing, frames.verbs
transitive verb use.to put into words; formulate (frame a reply; frame a constitution); to build by putting together the structural parts of; construct (frame a house); to conceive or design (framed an alternate proposal); to arrange or adjust for a purpose (the question was framed to draw only one answer); to form words silently with the lips; to enclose in or as if in a frame (frame a painting); to make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate a person falsely; to prearrange say, a contest so as to ensure a desired fraudulent outcome; fix (frame a prizefight)
intransitive verb use.to go; proceed
something composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure that gives shape or support (the frame of a house); an open structure or rim for encasing, holding, or bordering (a window frame or the frame of a mirror)
frames-a pair of eyeglasses, excluding the lenses; the structure of a human or animal body; physique (a worker's sturdy frame); a general structure or system (the frame of government); a general state or condition (the news put me into a better frame of mind); a single picture on a roll of movie film
one that frames; a picture framer; a framer of new laws; one of the people who wrote the U.S. Constitution

a person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey; one who does menial or trivial work; a drudge

fer de lance.noun,.plural.fer de lance
a venomous tropical American pit viper (Bothrops atrox) having brown and grayish markings (French, from fer de lance, spearhead: fer, iron + de, of + lance, spear)
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