Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a temporary projection of the cytoplasm of certain cells, such as phagocytes (cells that absorb garbage, like a white blood cell), or of certain unicellular organisms, especially amoebas, that serves in locomotion and phagocytosis

a method developed by Sigmund Freud.(Freud was a faithful Darwin follower, relying upon the maxim.'ontogeny.recapitulates.phylogeny') and others for treating neurosis and other disorders of the mind 

a factor that restricts what is possible or what results; one of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment; a quantity whose value varies with the circumstances of its application
parametric or parametrical.adjective

circumference; the outer limits of an area (a perimeter road around the city)
Mathematics.-.a closed curve bounding a plane area
the outer side, outer surface

round about speaking; circumlocution
periphrase.transitive verb
to express by circumlocution
periphrase.intransitive verb
to use circumlocution
using periphrasis

before living things emerged

one who has legal title to something; an owner; one who owns or owns and manages a business or other such establishment

the quality of being proper, fitting, or suitable; conformity with what is proper and/or fitting; conformity with accepted standards of manners or behavior appropriateness; conformity to prevailing customs and usages; etiquette; decorum
the usages and customs of polite society

a list of ancestors; family tree; lineage, descent; a recorded line of descent

persecute, persecuted, persecuting, persecutes.transitive verbs
to pursue in a hostile.manner; to oppress or harass with ill treatment (the school bully's persecution of others showed that his poor upbringing provided his warped need for attention); to annoy.persistently; bother
persecutee, persecutor.nouns

to afflict or to harass constantly so as to cause injury or distress

a level of development, existence, or achievement (scholarship on a high plane);
Mathematics..a surface that wholly contains every straight line joining any two points; if you want to divide a plane into regions of equal area, the one with the shortest perimeter will be hexagons, such as the efficient design bees use in construction of a honeycomb

a closed plane figure bounded by three or more line segments

a positively charged particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as the electron and constituting the anti particle of the electron, also called antielectron

positron emission tomography (PET).noun
a technique for revealing active areas of the brain while information is being processed by detecting radiolabeled glucose in the cerebral blood flow (blood flow in the brain); or, to put it another way: It's a tomography in which a cross sectional image of regional metabolism is obtained by a usually color coded cathode ray tube (a CRT tube's front can be a TV screen) representation of the distribution of gamma radiation given off in the collision of electrons in cells with positrons emitted by radionuclides incorporated into metabolic substances – a patient is injected with a substance that travels to regions of the body having high metabolic activity and emits positrons. Then because positrons annihilate electrons, and in the process produce gamma rays, these high metabolic regions glow, and areas so affected can be seen on TV like screens. Compare CAT scan.

first in time; original model

a right, advantage, immunity, permission, favor granted to some person, group of person, or class, not enjoyed by others
enjoying a privilege or having privileges (privileged students); confined to an exclusive or chosen group of individuals (privileged information)
those enjoying a privilege or having privileges (tax laws that favored the privileged at the expense of the disadvantaged)
privilege, privileged, privileging, privileges.transitive verbs
to grant a privilege to; to free or exempt

punctuate, punctuated, punctuating.transitive verbs
to interrupt from time to time; to insert punctuation marks in written or printed matter in order to clarify the meaning
the act of using certain standardized marks and sign in writing and printing, in order to make the meaning clearer

plentiful; copious: a field profuse with wildflowers; giving or given freely and abundantly; extravagant.(were profuse in their compliments)

Planck's constant.noun.symbol h
the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to the frequency of that photon; its value is approximately 6.626 × 10–34 joule-second - after Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

prejudge, prejudged, prejudging, prejudges.transitive verbs
to judge beforehand without possessing adequate evidence

the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet
Mathematics.-.a transcendental number, approximately 3.14159, represented by the 'picnic bench' looking symbol, that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears as a constant in many mathematical expressions

pulsate, pulsated, pulsating, pulsates.intransitive verbs
to expand and contract rhythmically; beat; quiver; vibrate

a regular or rhythmical beating; a single beat or throb; the rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck; the perceptible emotions or sentiments of a group of people (politicians want to know the pulse of the people)
Physics.-.a brief, sudden change in a normally constant quantity: a pulse of current; a pulse of radiation; any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity
pulse, pulsed, pulsing, pulses.intransitive verbs
to pulsate; beat; pulsate
Physics.-.to undergo a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by brief, sudden changes in a quantity
take the pulse of.idiom
to judge the mood or views of a political electorate (the politician was able to take the pulse of the grassroots voters)

the act of pulsating; a beat, throb, or vibration

the edible seeds of certain pod bearing plants, such as peas and beans; a plant yielding these seeds

asection or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole; a part separated from a whole; a part that is allotted to a person or group, as (a helping of food); the part of an estate received by an heir
portion, portioned, portioning, portions.transitive verbs
to divide into parts or shares for distribution; parcel; to provide with a share, an inheritance, or a dowry
portionable, portionless.adjectives

partake, partook, partaken, partaking, partakes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to take or have a part or share; participate; to take or be given part or portion.(the guests partook of a delicious dinner); to have part of the quality, nature, or character of something; share
transitive verb use.to take or have a part in; share in
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