Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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of, or pertaining to space; form is about spatial structure

a part of a whole; a sample of urine for analysis

spin quantization.(integral spin)(aka.spin angular momentum)
the intrinsic.angular momentum of a subatomic particle; the total angular momentum of an atomic.nucleus; a quantum number expressing spin angular momentum; in an atom the electron's spin can point in 1 of 2 directions; up (+1/2), or down (-1/2), see fermion; particle spin always occurs from fast to slow; the faster a particle spins, the heavier it becomes; high pressure, as in winds, indicates faster particle spin; chemicals with the heavier mass always have the faster particle spin; the whole universe is spinning, yet we have yet to account for it, that is, why and what is it that keeps it all spinning

A circling around a point or centre in curves that constantly increase in size; coiled or coiling in one plane, or constantly changing planes as the thread of a screw. 

The Archimedes spiral named after he who first described it, is a spiral where each successive whorl is increased by-an amount-the same width as the one before; like a spider's web.

The equiangular spiral-(all lines drawn from the center of the spiral intersect with outer walls at identical angles) is the only mathematical curve that retains the same shape while growing only at one end. These type of spirals occur in animals and plants which grow having each identically shaped segment of proportionately (percentage) increasing size. An equiangular spiral forms when a growing structure is built of components identical in shape, which increase in size by equal steps, a most orderly way to arrange these components making a whole.
   Spirals are different from helixes.

a small, usually single celled reproductive body that is highly resistant to desiccation (drying out) and heat and is capable of growing into a new organism, produced especially by certain bacteria, fungi, algae, and nonflowering plants
spore, spored, sporing, spores.intransitive verbs
to produce spores

having greater elevation; higher; upper; higher in rank, position, authority, etc.; greater in value, amount, power, etc.; arrogant; haughty

serum.noun;.plural-serums or sera
the clear yellowish fluid obtained by separating whole blood into its solid and liquid components; called blood serum 
containing, secreting or containing serum

a disturbing image or prospect; something that perturbs the mind (the specter of hunger); a visible disembodied spirit; ghost 

inflected form(s).squared; squaring
transitive verb senses.to multiply (a number) by itself, raise to the second power; to make square or rectangular (square a building stone); to test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface; to bring approximately to a right angle (squared his shoulders); to find a square equal in area to (square a circle); to regulate or adjust by or to some standard or principle (square our actions by the opinions of others); balance, settle (square an account); to even the score of; to mark off into squares; to set right, to bring into agreement
intransitive verb senses.to agree precisely; correspond (your actions should square with your words); to settle matters; especially, to pay the bill 

the point at which a nerve impulse is relayed from the terminal portion of an axon to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron – the point being like an electrical junction box where all the wires in your home meet
synapsis.noun--another word for synapse
the association of in pairs of homologous.chromosomes at the start of meiosis
synaptic or synaptical.adjectives
of or relating to a synapsis; of or relating to a synapse 

inflected form(s),.plural.scrutinies
a searching study, inquiry, or inspection; examination; a searching look; close watch; surveillance

a portion cut or marked off as separable; a section; a division, as of a limb between the joints – the body of an articulate animal, the segments of an orange
to divide into segments
segmental, segmentally, segmentation, segmented.adjectives
segmentary, segmentate.nouns

a nation that controls another nation in international affairs but allows it domestic sovereignty
the power or domain of a suzerain

a publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of society (a drug scandal that forced the mayor's resignation); a person, thing, or circumstance that causes or ought to cause disgrace or outrage (a politician whose dishonesty is a scandal; considered the housing shortage a scandal); damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behavior; disgrace; talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious.gossip

causing scandal; shocking (scandalous behavior); containing material damaging to reputation; defamatory (a scandalous report exposing unacceptable conduct)

scandalize, scandalized, scandalizing, scandalizes.transitive verbs
to offend the moral sensibilities of (a ghastly incident that scandalized the whole town
scandalization, scandalizer.nouns

one who spreads malicious.gossip

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