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inflected form(s).abated, abating, abates
transitive verb senses.to put an end to (abate a nuisance); nullify.(abate a writ); to reduce in degree or intensity; moderate; to reduce in value or amount; make less especially by way of relief (abate a tax); deduct, omit.(abate part of the price) 
intransitive verb senses.to decrease in force or intensity; to become defeated or become null or void; to decrease in amount or value
synonyms.decrease, ebb, subside, wane
-abate stresses the idea of progressive diminishing (the storm abated) 
-ebb meaning to die down in force or intensity; ebb suggests the receding of something (as the tide) that commonly comes and goes (the ebbing of daylight) 
-subside  implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation (the protests subsided after a few days) 
-wane suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive (waning enthusiasm)

straying from the right or normal way; deviating from the usual or natural type; atypical
a departure from what is right, true and correct; a deviation from the normal or the typical

having a similar quality or character; of the same kin; related by blood; analogous

sunk to or existing in a low state or condition (abject poverty); cast down in spirit; servile, spiritless (a man made abject by suffering); showing utter hopelessness or resignation (abject surrender); expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit (abject flattery) (an abject apology) 

abnegate.transitive verb
to deny and refuse (the king abnegated his throne); renounce; give up 
abnegation, abnegator.nouns

staying in a place; home; house; residence

allot, allotted, allotting, allots.transitive verbs
to parcel out; distribute or apportion (allotting land to homesteaders; allot blame); to assign as a portion; allocate.(allotted 20 minutes to each speaker); assign

abound, abounded, abounding, abounds.intransitive verbs
to have plenty; to be filled; teem

the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus

abrade, abraded, abrading, abrades.transitive verbs
to wear down or rub away by friction; erode; to make weary through constant irritation; wear down

a ruler having unlimited power; a despot.(a person with unlimited power or authority (a corporate autocrat); ruling by oneself; dictator
autocratic or autocratical.adjective

abrogate, abrogated, abrogating, abrogates.transitive verbs
to abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority

abet, abetted, abetting, abets.transitive verbs
to approve, encourage, and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on; to urge, encourage, or help (a person) (abetted the one in control of the corporation)
abetment, abettor.or.abetter.nouns

sudden; hasty 

allocate, allocated, allocating, allocates.transitive verbs
to set apart for a special purpose; designate.(allocate a room to be used for storage); to distribute according to a plan; allot (allocate rations for a week long camping trip) 

abscissa.noun, plural.abscissas.or.abscissae
symbol.x; the coordinate representing the position of a point along a line perpendicular to the y-axis in a plane Cartesian coordinate system

having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless; relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding; lacking interest in or desire for sex; in asexual reproduction new plants are identical to parent plants, asexual reproduction involves no union of cells or nuclei of cells, there are no mingling of genetic traits

absolve.transitive verb
acquit; a setting free from obligations or responsibilities; to pronounce free from guilt or pain

a means by which something is done or caused; instrument; a force or substance that causes a change (a chemical agent); one that acts or has the power or authority to act; one empowered to act for or represent another (an author's agent; an insurance agent; a musician's agent); a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government (an FBI agent; a spy)

agency.noun, plural.agencies
the condition of being in action; operation; the means or mode of acting; instrumentality; a business or service authorized to act for others (an employment agency)

anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, anticipates.transitive verbs
to feel or realize beforehand; foresee; to look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect.; to act in advance so as to prevent; forestall; to foresee and fulfill in advance; expect.
anticipatable, anticipatory.adjectives

the act of anticipating; an expectation; foreknowledge, intuition, and presentiment

an unfathomable chasm; a yawning gulf; an immeasurably profound depth or void

resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable; very profound; limitless (abysmal wars); deep; very bad (an abysmal performance)

American Revolution (1775-1783)
conflict between 13 British colonies (*) in North America and their parent country, Great Britain. It was made up of two related events: the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the formation of the American government as laid out by the Constitution of the United States in 1787. First, the war achieved independence from Great Britain by the 13 colonies in America(the Treaty of Paris recognized this). Second,the newly created United States of America established a republican form of government, in which.power resided with the people

Virginia, for a while, remained loyal to the king of England, but finally had enough of British tactics..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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