a highly irritating, greenish yellow gaseous halogen,
capable of combining with nearly all other elements, produced principally
by electrolysis of sodium chloride and used widely to purify water, as
a disinfectant and bleaching agent, and in the manufacture of many important
compounds including chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Atomic
number 17; atomic weight
35.45; freezing point –100.98°C;
boiling point –34.6°C; specific gravity 1.56 (–33.6°C); valence
1, 3, 5, 7.
the green coloring in plants, which in the presence
of sunlight, converts
carbon dioxide-(CO2)
and water into carbohydrates;
that process is known as photosynthesis.
Chlorophyl containing
found in large numbers in plant cells undergoing photosynthesis.
a granular protoplasmic substance (a complex of
nucleic acids and proteins) in the nucleus of animal and plant cells that
contains the genes, and readily takes a deep stain with basic dyes, and
condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.
We do not know exactly how chromatin is copied. Chromatin is formed into
a long thread which in turn breaks into segments-(chromosomes)
that are split lengthwise
with a singular verb)
the physics
of the relationship between color carrying quarks,
especially the nature of their strong interaction, which is characterized
by the exchange of gluons
Chromosomes are formed when chromatin
is fabricated into a long thread which in turn breaks into segments-that
are split lengthwise. These segments are chromosomes. In this, chromosomes
alter their structure, whereas genes-seem-inclined
not to change.
Chromosomes carry genes in
containing most of a cell's genetic material. Chromosomes define the individual
characteristics of an organism. A chromosome occurs as a threadlike structure
in the nucleus of plant and animal (eukaryotic) cells. Each chromosome
can be seen to consist of two separate threads called chromatids, held
together at one point.
A bacterial
chromosome (called a nucleoid)
is a single, very long and circular piece of DNA on which lie all of the
bacterium's genes.
The chromosome branches out from an attachment
to the cytoplasmic-membrane
in a pattern whose shape is perpetuated
by proteins bound to the DNA, making it look similar to coral,
with some parts appearing highly coiled, and others loosely wound. An extensive
system of proteins copies our chromosomes assisting in retaining the individuality
of cells.
Chromosomes are difficult to analyze as they have
so many integrated and changeable properties. Genes are carved up into
specific segments along the chromosome and connected together again after
the RNA has replicated.
marked by long duration or frequent recurrence;
not acute-(chronic
indigestion); suffering from a chronic disease; always present or encountered;
especially; constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling (chronic petty warfare)
roundabout; indirect; devious
circuity or circuitousness.noun
the use of roundabout, indirect or evasive language;
of circumstances and potential consequences;
careful to consider all related circumstances
before acting; cautious; deciding
to support or establish the certainty or validity
of; verify; to make firmer; strengthen
(the recent airplane crash confirms my belief that stronger safety regulations
are needed); to make valid or binding by a formal or legal act; ratify;
to administer the religious rite of confirmation to
confirmability, confirmer.nouns
confirmable, confirmatory.adjectives
a condition or condition surrounding and affecting
a person, either incidentally or as an essential or determining factor;
a condition or fact that affects a situation; a condition or fact that
determines or must be considered in the determining of a course of action;
often 'circumstances'; the sum of determining factors beyond willful control
(a victim of circumstance); the way something happens (the specific details
of an event); detail accompanying or surrounding an event, as in a narrative
or series of events; a particular incident or occurrence (your arrival
was a fortunate circumstance)
transitive use.circumstance,
to place in particular
circumstances or conditions; situate
under no circumstances;
in no case; never
under the
the circumstances; given these conditions; such being the case
a practice or procedure widely practiced, valid
or invalid; a widely used device
or technique; general acceptance of certain practices or attitudes (by
convention, north is at the top of most maps); a formal meeting of members,
representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society,
profession, or industry; the body of persons attending such an assembly
(called the convention to order); an agreement between states, sides, or
military forces, especially an international agreement dealing with a specific
subject, such as the treatment of prisoners of war
a settlement of differences in which each side
concessions; the result
of such a settlement; something that combines qualities or elements of
different things (the incongruous
design is a compromise between high tech and early American)
compromise, compromised,
to settle by concessions; to expose or make liable
to danger, suspicion, or disrepute (an embassy that was compromised by
hidden listening devices)
intransitive use-to
make a compromise; to promise mutually
an opinion or position reached by a group as a
whole (the will of the people {the voters' consensus was that the measure
should be adopted}); general agreement or accord (government by consensus)
on YouTube - The Corporation)
a group of individuals forming a separate legal
body; not necessarily a lawful
entity) for control, profit or both, that is granted a charter
by an issuing corporation who recognizes it as having rights laid down
by those forming it and including privileges and liabilities distinct
from those of its members who are protected under it's umbrella and who
under the corporation act in separateness from the public
formed into a corporation; incorporated;
of or relating to a corporation (corporate assets {those governed by rules
of the corporation so as to combine them into one body})
Corporation Sole.noun
another name for an English Sovereign,
a name used under the feudal system
for one who possessed title to all lands; his will is absolute; he was
law; up till December 11, 1931, Canada was ruled by a Corporate Sole
hee ability to receive, hold, or absorb; a measure
of this ability; volume; the maximum amount that can be contained (a trunk
filled to capacity); ability to perform or produce; capability; the maximum
or optimum amount that can be produced
(factories operating below capacity); the power to learn or retain knowledge;
mental ability; innate.potential
for growth, development, or accomplishment; faculty;
ability; the quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment
(the capacity of elastic to be stretched); the position in which one functions;
role (in your capacity as sales manager); legal qualification or authority
(the capacity to make an arrest
filling a space with the most it can hold (a capacity
crowd at the concert)
Symbol C
the ratio of charge to potential
on an electrically charged, isolated conductor; the ratio of the electric
charge transferred from one to the other of a pair of conductors to the
resulting potential difference between them; the property of a circuit
element that permits it to store charge; the part of the circuit exhibiting