Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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learnt.past tense.and.past participle.of learn

a fermion unaffected by the strong nuclear force; having to do with the electromagnetic and weak forces. Electrons, neutrons, muons, tauons and various neutrinos are leptons, and all leptons are fermions; the quanta of lepton fields include the familiar electrons which make up the outer parts of atoms, and muons, tauons, heavier particles and neutrinos. Forces between these particles is one produced by the exchange of photons and other elementary particles; leptons are light particles (photons), the six types of which are – electrons, muons, and tau, and their neutrinos-– the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino, and tau neutrino (a tauon). Each also has a corresponding anti particle.

any of a group of small, fishlike, sea animals

direct descent from an ancestor; family

a chronic disease caused by a bacillus (Mycobacterium leprae) and characterized by the formation of nodules or of macules that enlarge and spread accompanied by loss of sensation with eventual paralysis, wasting of muscle and production of deformities and mutilations. Occurs in hot tropical climates. Caused by microbes eating away at the too sugary (mostly from fruit sugars) blood and eating an overabundance of animal proteins' residue (uric acid, etc.) in the blood stream. Microbes are there to clean up garbage in the body. Balanced nutrition negates leprosy.

any of various substances that are soluble in non polar-organic solvents (as chloroform and ether), that with proteins and carbohydrates.constitute the principal structural components of living cells, and that include fats, waxes, phosphatides, cerebrosides, and related and derived compounds 

freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or regulations; room; leeway; space; elbowroom; the angular distance, measured north or south from the equator, of a point on the Earth's surface
the angular distance east or west on the Earth's surface, as measured usually in degrees, from the meridian of some particular place to the prime meridian at Greenwich, England

any of various flowerless plants composed of fungi-and algae in symbiotic union, commonly growing in flat greenish gray, brown, yellow, or blackish patches on rocks, trees, etc.

a locality; a place; a center or focus of great activity or intense concentration (the cunning exploitation of loci of power); the position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome; mathematics: The set or configuration of all points whose coordinates satisfy a single equation or one or more algebraic conditions

laminar flow.noun
at low velocities fluids flow in a streamlined pattern called laminar flow; non turbulent flow of a viscous fluid in layers near a boundary, as that of lubricating oil in bearings; at high velocities fluids flow in a complicated pattern comprising turbulent motion

The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by many Catholic Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.

Lewis, C. (Clive) S. (Staples) (1898-1963), English critic, scholar, and novelist. Born in Belfast, Ireland, Lewis was the son of a solicitor. He was educated privately and at the University of Oxford. A fellow and tutor at Oxford from 1925 to 1954, he was subsequently professor of medieval and Renaissance English literature at the University of Cambridge.

He was better known to the general public for books in which he examined and explained moral and religious problems. Examining the beliefs of traditional Christianity, his books are Beyond Personality  (1940), Miracles (1947), and Mere Christianity (1952). Best known was The Screwtape Letters (1942), in which a senior devil sardonically instructs his apprentice nephew in methods of mortal temptation. Lewis described his own conversion to Christianity in Surprised by Joy (1955). He also wrote a popular series of children's books known as the Chronicles of Narnia, which began in 1950 with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

a town of southern Switzerland at the northern end of Lake Maggiore. First mentioned in 749, it passed to Milan in 1342 and was taken by the Swiss in 1512. The Locarno Pact between Germany and various European powers was signed here on December 1, 1925 in an effort to promote peace and maintain existing territorial borders. The city is today a popular resort. Population 14,300.

electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about 4,000 (violet) to about 7,700 (red).angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye

a prescribed form or set of forms for public Christian ceremonies; ritual; the sacrament of the Eucharist

the use of an object(s).in making a determination or choice at random (chosen by lot); the determination or choice so made; used extensively in Old Testament times

a 'suck up'; a 'brown noser'.slang
a sycophant; a toady; a dweeb; an obsequious man or woman; a servile follower; to wait on as a footman; a flunky; attender
lackeyed, lackeying, lackeys.transitive verbs

a specialist in law

loathe, loathed, loathing, loathes.transitive verbs
to dislike someone or something greatly; abhor
loathsome; hateful
arousing loathing; abhorrent; offensive; loth, hateful

unwilling or reluctant; disinclined.(I am loath to go on such short notice); hateful; loathsome

lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic.(reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation)

money or property bequeathed to another by will; something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past (a legacy of religious freedom); heritage

of, relating to, or dealing with literature (a literary award); of or relating to writers or the profession of literature (literary circles); versed in or fond of literature or learning; appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing; pedantic

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