Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a complete range or extent

Mathematics.-.the shortest line between two points on any mathematically defined surface; examples in nature of shortest paths

the chronology (arrangement of events in time) of the earth's history as determined by alleged-geologic events
geochronologic or geochronological.adjective

geology.noun,.plural.geologies.".....speak to the earth and it shall teach you....." ...Job 12:8
the scientific study of the origin, history and structure of the earth; the structure of a specific region of the earth's crust; the scientific study of the origin, history and structure of the solid matter of a celestial body
geologic or geological adjective 

of immense size, volume, or capacity; gigantic; enormous

germinate, germinated, germinating, germinates.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to sprout or grow
intransitive verb use.to begin to sprout or grow; to come into existence (an idea began to germinate in his mind)
germination, germinator.nouns

grasp, grasped, grasping, grasps.verbs
transitive use-to take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand; to clasp firmly with or as if with the hand; to take hold of intellectually; to comprehend; to apprehend
intransitive use-to make a motion of seizing, snatching, or clutching; to show eager and prompt willingness or acceptance (grasps at any opportunity)
the act of grasping; a firm hold or grip; an embrace; the ability or power to seize or attain; reach (victory in the election was within her grasp); understanding; comprehension

exceedingly eager for material gain; avaricious

a well mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior

gentle, gentler, gentlest.adjective
considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender; not harsh or severe; mild and soft (a gentle scolding; a gentle tapping at the window); easily managed or handled; docile.(a gentle horse; not steep or sudden; gradual (a gentle incline); of good breeding; refined and polite
gentle, gentled, gentling, gentles.transitive verbs
to make less severe or intense (the peaceful sunset gentled her dreadful mood); to soothe, as by stroking; pacify; to tame or break, a domestic animal, for instance (gentle a horse

physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion (a grueling campaign)

a motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech; the act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis; an act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude (sent flowers as a gesture of sympathy)
gesture, gestured, gesturing, gestures.verb
intransitive verb use.to make gestures
transitive verb use.to show, express, or direct by gestures

a hypothetical.particle.postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass

glut, glutted, glutting, gluts.verbs
transitive verb use.to fill beyond capacity, especially with food; satiate; to flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand
intransitive verb use.to eat or indulge in something excessively
an oversupply

generate, generated, generating, generates.transitive verbs
to bring into being; give rise to (generate a discussion); to produce
Computer Science.-.to produce (a program) by instructing a computer to follow given parameters with a skeleton program

having the ability to originate, produce, or procreate

all of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common.ancestor.(mother and daughters represent two generations); a class of objects.derived from a preceding class (a new generation of computers); the act or process of generating; origination, production, or procreation

outward appearance or aspect; semblance; a mode of dress

gnaw, gnawed, gnawing, gnaws.verbs.(pronounced 'naw')
transitive verb use.to bite, chew on, or erode with the teeth (gnaw a hole; waves gnawing the rocky shore); bite; to afflict or worry persistently concerns that constantly gnawed me)
intransitive verb use.to bite or chew persistently (a dog gnawed at the bone

an air of compelling.charm, romance and excitement, especially when alluring
full of or characterized by glamour

a diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship, also called plot; a pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships; also called chart
graph, graphed, graphing, graphs.transitive verbs
to represent by a graph; to plot (a function) on a graph

cup or plate that, according to medieval.legend, was used by Emmanuel at the Last Supper and that later became the object of many chivalrous.quests; also called Holy Grail; the object of a prolonged.endeavor
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