Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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being in compliance with the law; lawful (a legitimate business); being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards (legitimate advertising practices); based on logical reasoning; reasonable (a legitimate solution to the problem); authentic; genuine (a legitimate complaint); born of legally married parents (legitimate issue); of or relating to drama of high professional quality that excludes burlesque, vaudeville, and some forms of musical comedy (the legitimate theater)
legitimate, legitimated, legitimating, legitimates.transitive verbs
to make legitimate; make lawful; to demonstrate or declare to be justified
legitimateness, legitimation, legitimator.noun

an intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze

a place

lure.noun-(see also 'allure')
something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward; an attraction or appeal; a decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish; a bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk
lure, lured, luring, lures.transitive verbs
to attract by wiles or temptation; entice; to recall (a falcon) with a lure

causing shock or horror; gruesome; marked by sensationalism.(a lurid account of escapades); ghastly; glowing or shining with the glare of fire through a haze (lurid flames); sallow or pallid in color

capable of causing death; of, relating to, or causing death; fatal; extremely harmful; devastating (accusations lethal to the candidate's image)

worthy of the greatest honor or distinction; crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor
one honored or awarded a prize for great achievements especially in the arts or sciences (a Nobel laureate); a poet laureate

a wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes and victors in athletic contests; honor and glory won for great achievement; a shrub or tree, such as the mountain laurel, having a similar aroma or leaf shape
laurel, laureled also laurelled, laureling, laurelling, laurels.transitive verbs
to crown with laurel; to honor, especially with an award or a prize

legally obligated; responsible; at risk of or subject to experiencing or suffering something unpleasant

a place, especially with reference to a particular event (the locale of a biennial concert); the scene or setting, as of a novel

lame, lamer, lamest.adjectives
weak and ineffectual; unsatisfactory (a lame attempt to apologize); lame excuses for not arriving on time; disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficult or impossible (lame from the accident, he walked with a cane, a lame wing kept the bird from flying); marked by pain or rigidness (a lame back)
lame, lamed, laming, lames.transitive verbs
to cause to become lame; cripple

linger, lingered, lingering, lingers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; tarry; stay; to remain feebly alive for some time before dying; to persist (an aftertaste that lingers); to proceed slowly; saunter; to be tardy in acting; procrastinate
transitive verb use.to pass (a period of time) in a leisurely or aimless manner

is a form of the negative golden rule and that which doesn't contravene.the golden rule upon which all laws are based (supposedly); law today has been downgraded from the golden rule and corrupted to refer to rules established by agreement of those in corporations making them, usually by authority of a corporation such as various levels of government be they city, municipal, state, provincial, federal (a legal right authorized by or based on their corporate rules); the body of policies.(rules and principles) used to govern and enforced by a another corporate body, the policy enforcers, the police

being within the law; allowed by law; established, sanctioned, or recognized by the law

legal means 'according to corporate rules'; that which is legal are rules corporations make, and governments no longer make rules according to majority will of citizens, but rather, that of the will of the shareholders of the corporation (and it's not the people that elected them), because government at all levels are now corporations, and rules made by them are often unlawful according to the golden rule used throughout history to provide a safe equitable society for mankind and not one subjugated by the will of those in corporations who make the rules; concerned with law.(legal papers); established by law; statutory; in conformity with or permitted by law (legal business operations, nb, counterfeiting of money is legal, but illegal counterfeiting of money is not - translated - they can do it and shift the burden onto you, but you are not allowed to do it)
one that is in accord with certain rules or laws (investments that may be legally made by fiduciaries and certain institutions, such as savings banks and insurance companies, also called legal list)

the specialized vocabulary of the legal profession considered to be intentionally complex or abstruse

a long handled spoon with a deep bowl for serving liquids
ladle, ladled, ladling, ladles.transitive verbs
to lift out or serve with a long handled spoon

lade, laded, laden.or.laded, lading, lades.verbs
transitive verb use.to load with or as if with cargo; to place (something) as a load for or as if for shipment; to burden or oppress; weigh down; to take up or remove (water) with a ladle or dipper
intransitive verb use.to take on cargo; to ladle a liquid

laden.verb.past participle.of lade
weighed down with a load; heavy; oppressed; burdened
lade, laded, laden.or.laded, lading, lades.verbs
transitive verb use.to load with or as if with cargo; to place (something) as a load for or as if for shipment; to burden or oppress; weigh down; to take up or remove (water) with a ladle or dipper
intransitive verb use.to take on cargo; to ladle a liquid

a comparative of little; not as great in amount or quantity (had less time to spend with the family); lower in importance; consisting of a smaller number; few
with the deduction of; minus (five less two is three)
less.adverb.comparative of little
to a smaller extent, degree, or frequency.(less expensive
a smaller amount (she received less than she asked for); something not as important as something else (people have been punished for less)
much less.or.still less.idiom
certainly not (I'm not blaming anyone, much less you)
little, littler.or less.also.lesser, littlest.or.least.adjectives
small in size (a little dining room); small; short in extent or duration; brief (there is little time left); small in quantity or degree (little bit cold); unimportant; trivial.(a little matter); without much power or influence; of minor status
less, least; not much; scarcely (stupidly he works long hours, sleeping little); not in the least; not at all (they little expected such a generous gift)
a small quantity or amount (give me a little); something much less than all (I know little of their history); a short distance or time (a little down the road; waited a little)
a little.idiom
somewhat; a bit (felt a little better)
little by little.idiom
by small degrees or increments; gradually

lessen, lessened, lessening, lessens.verbs
transitive verb use.to make less; reduce
intransitive verb use.to become less; decrease

lofty, loftier, loftiest.adjectives
of imposing height; elevated; exalted; high
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