Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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beget, begot, begotten or begot, begetting, begets.transitive verbs
to father; sire; to cause to exist or occur; produce (violence begets more violence)

a disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine, endemic in eastern and southern Asia and characterized by neurological symptoms, cardiovascular abnormalities, and edema

bray, brayed, braying, brays.intransitive verbs
to utter the loud, harsh cry of a donkey; to sound loudly and harshly (the foghorn brayed all night)
transitive use-to emit (an utterance or a sound) loudly and harshly
the loud, harsh cry of a donkey; a sound resembling that of a donkey

bray, brayed, braying, brays.transitive verbs
to crush and pound to a fine consistency, as in a mortar; to spread (ink) thinly over a surface

a major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate

bamboozle, bamboozled, bamboozling, bamboozles.transitive verbs
to take in by elaborate methods of deceit; hoodwink; deceive

of or having to do with life or living organisms; produced or caused by living organisms

beguile, beguiled, beguiling, beguiles.transitive verbs
to deceive by guile; delude; deceive; to take away from by or as if by guile; cheat
beguilement, beguiler.nouns

behold, beheld, beholding, beholds.verbs
intransitive verb use.used in the imperative for the purpose of calling attention
transitive verb use.to look upon; gaze at (we beheld a beautiful vista before us; to perceive by the visual faculty; see (beheld a tiny figure in the distance); to perceive through use of the mental faculty; comprehend-(behold, the vehicle of the future)

having or characterized by tolerant views

the statistical study of biological phenomena
biometric or biometrical.adjective

biogenesis also biogeny.noun
the principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter; generation of living organisms from other living organisms; the supposed recurrence of the evolutionary stages of a species during the embryonic development and differentiation of a member of that species, also called recapitulation
biogenetic or biogenetical.adjective
formation of a chemical compound by a living organism; also called biogenesis and recapitulation

betray, betrayed, betraying, betrays.transitive verbs
to deceive; to disappoint expectations of high standards of honesty others made have held toward a person; commit treason against (betray one's country); give aid or information to an enemy; to deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance.(betrayed Emmanuel to the Romans); to be false or disloyal to (betrayed their cause, betray one's better nature; hypocrisy); to divulge in a breach of confidence (betray a secret); to make known unintentionally (her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea; to reveal against one's desire or will reveal; to lead astray
betrayal, betrayer.noun

blunt, blunter, bluntest.adjectives
having a dull edge or end; not sharp; abrupt and often disconcertingly.frank in speech; gruff; lacking in feeling; insensitive
blunt, blunted, blunting, blunts.verbs
transitive verb use.to dull the edge of; to make less effective; weaken (blunting the criticism with a smile)
intransitive verb use.to become blunt

abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously.blunt; gruff

bold, bolder, boldest.adjectives
daring; have courage albeit sometimes without wisdom; bravery; unduly forward and brazen in manner (a bold, impudent child); clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous.(bold handwriting); steep or abrupt in grade or terrain (bold cliffs)

boast, boasted, boasting, boasts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self admiring way
transitive verb use.to speak of with excessive pride.
the act or an instance of bragging; a source of pride

brief, briefer, briefest.adjective
short in time, duration, length, or extent; succinct; concise.(a brief account of the trip); curt; abrupt
a short, succinct statement
brief, briefed, briefing, briefs
transitive verb use.to summarize; to give concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice to (briefed the astronauts before the mission)
briefer, briefness.nouns

the quality or state of being brief in duration; short; concise expression; terseness
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