Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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strong force.noun
thought to be one of the fundamental.four forces necessary for all existence throughout the Universe; the others being gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak interaction.(or, the weak force). It's a fundamental physical force that acts on hadrons and is responsible for the binding together of protons-and neutrons in the atomic.nucleus and for processes of particle creation in high energy collisions, and that which is the strongest known fundamental physical force, but acts only over distances comparable to those between nucleons in an atomic nucleus – called also strong interaction,-strong nuclear force; compare electromagnetism, weak force, gravity; the Strong Interaction (or 'force') is felt by hadrons, not by leptons; the Strong Interaction holds the protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei; it dominates the other forces, yet operates within infinitesimally small spaces at the atomic level; the Strong Force is carried by the gluon

a set each of whose elements is an element of an inclusive set; a set contained within a set (like a person in a specific group)

Biology..the material on which the enzyme acts (a substance acted upon as by an enzyme); a surface on which an organism grows or is attached

produced by synthesis; specifically produced by chemical synthesis, rather than of natural origin 

refined; characterized by a lack of simplicity or naturalness; not naive
to change from a natural, simple or artless state; a sophisticated person
sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticating, sophisticates.verbs
transitive verb use.to make less naive and more aware; refine
intransitive verb use.to use sophistry
sophistication, sophisticator.noun

conforming to the current fashion; fashionable; modish

a doubter; one who believes that nothing should ever be accepted, but rather constantly questioned, as this can lead to increased knowledge; one who is always uncertain
marked by or given to doubt; questioning (a skeptical attitude – skeptical of political promises); relating to or characteristic of skeptics or skepticism
a doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind

a narrow strip of wood forming part of the sides of a barrel, tub, or similar structure; a rung of a ladder or chair; a staff or cudgel
Music.-.a set of verses; a stanza
stave, staved.or.stove, staving, staves.verbs
transitive verb use.to furnish with staves; to puncture a hole in
intransitive verb use.to be or become crushed in

stave off.phrasal verb
to ward off, hold off, or put off, as by force, guile, or evasion; repel (for decades they have been stave off the sea in Holland)

stupid, stupider, stupidest.adjectives
lacking normal intelligence or understanding; slow witted; slow to learn or understand; obtuse; lacking or marked by a lack of intelligence; in a dazed or stunned state; pointless; worthless (a stupid purpose that doesn't help others)
a person regarded as stupid
stupidity, stupidness.nouns

substantiate, substantiated, substantiating, substantiates.transitive verbs
to support with proof or evidence; verify (substantiate an accusation); confirm; to make firm or solid; to give substance to; make real or actual

containing the essential elements; essential; existing independently; of considerable amount; substantial 

excellence of beauty or form or proportion as a result of such correspondence; correspondence of opposite parts in size, shape and position; with reference to the interrelation of parts to form an esthetically pleasing whole, strictly implies correspondence in the form, size, arrangement, etc., of parts on either side of a median line or plane; the mathematical study of which is called Group Theory
symmetrical, symmetric.adjectives
having or showing symmetry 
symmetrize.transitive verb
to make symmetrical 

a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity or connected whole; organic 

forming or constituting a system
of, characterized by, based on, or constituting a system; carried on using step by step procedures; methodical

systematize, systematized, systematizing, systematizes.transitive verbs
to formulate into or reduce to a system
systematization, systematizer.nouns

prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially; behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex 

the range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; breadth or opportunity to function; room; the area covered by a given activity or subject; range; also, a viewing instrument such as a periscope, microscope, or telescope
scope, scoped, scoping, scopes.transitive verbs
to examine or study carefully and in detail

sulk, sulked, sulking, sulks.intransitive verbs
to be sullenly.aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest
a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal (stayed home in a sulk; a case of the sulks)

swindle, swindled, swindling, swindles.verbs
transitive verb use.to cheat or defraud of money or property; to obtain by fraudulent means (swindled money from the citizens)
intransitive verb use.to practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or someone's property
the act or an instance of swindling; one who swindles; a cheat

filthy or dirty; foul; depressingly squalid; wretched (sordid shantytowns); morally.degraded; exceedingly mercenary; grasping

seamy, seamier, seamiest.adjectives
sordid; base; low consciousness ego level

one who poses as a satisfied customer or associate to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.(the political party had its paid shills to sway public opinion)
shill, shilled, shilling, shills.verbs
intransitive use.to act as a shill
transitive use.to act as a shill for (a deceitful enterprise); to lure (a person) into a swindle; seamy

the highest point or part; the top; the highest level or degree that can be attained; a summit conference

scarcity.noun, plural.scarcities
insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage; rarity of appearance or occurrence
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