Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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of, relating to, caused by, or affecting life or living organisms; the science of life that deals with the origin, history, physical characteristics, habits, etc. of plants and animals
of, or connected with biology

emission of visible light by living organisms such as the firefly and various fish, fungi, bacteria such as those that travel on the Anglerfish. To produce this light oxygen, a molecule called luciferin and luciferase is required. The oxygen and luciferin produce the light, and luciferase, an enzyme slows the reaction produced by the other two down, so that all the molecules fire at once producing a flash! Luciferase is a mystery!

Marine biologist Jean-Francois Rees of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium says that."...animals can't produce the molecules for bioluminescence by themselves. Its origin is a mystery. Somebody somewhere in the marine environment is making it, but nobody knows who."

The potency produced by the oxygen and the luciferin isn't necessary for light production, and without the inhibitive luciferase, the chemical reaction would be used up far too quickly. All three components are necessary to produce this defensive mechanism. If they didn't exist simultaneously, deep sea life relying upon bioluminescence would have been quickly eradicated.

There is no plausible answer other than God planned a system to ensure that they would be around for a long while.

Bioluminescence is common in deep sea animals.

bitter, bitterish.adjective
marked by intensity or severity; acrid; being relentlessly determined; vehement; exhibiting intense animosity (bitter enemies); harshly reproachful; marked by cynicism and rancor; intensely unpleasant 

mild; smooth; agreeable; a little insipid

blasphemy, blasphemer.nouns
the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, and/or the spiritual things of God
inflected form(s).blasphemed, blaspheming, blasphemes
transitive senses.to speak of or address with irreverence; to revile; to abuse 
intransitive senses.to utter blasphemy

impiously.irreverent; profane; to blaspheme

a disease or injury of plants resulting in withering, cessation of growth, and death of parts without rotting; an organism that causes blight; something that frustrates plans or hopes; something that impairs or destroys; a deteriorated condition (urban blight) 
transitive senses-to affect (as a plant) with blight; to cause to deteriorate 
intransitive senses-to suffer from or become affected with blight

lacking due concern; carefree

the science or study of plants; the plant life of a particular area (the botany of the Kananaskis area); the characteristic features and biology of a particular kind of plant or plant group.

poisoning resulting from certain bacillus (botulinus) producing the toxin botulin, which is sometimes found in foods improperly canned or preserved. Botulism grows in moist dark conditions which have an absence of sufficient air.

a payment to encourage the destruction of noxious animals; a payment for the capture of or assistance in the capture of an outlaw

a period of time spent in some activity

frontal lobe – the largest and most anterior (at the front) part of each cerebral hemisphere
ganglion.noun; plural-ganglia or ganglions
a group of nerve cells forming a nerve center, especially one located outside the brain or spinal cord
gray matter – brownish gray nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive tissue
occipital lobe – the posterior (at the rear) lobe of each cerebral hemisphere, having the shape of a three-sided pyramid and containing the visual center of the brain.
parietal lobe – the division of each hemisphere of the brain that lies beneath each parietal bone
temporal lobe –  the lower lateral lobe of either cerebral hemisphere, located in front of the occipital lobe and containing the sensory center of hearing in the brain

brash, brasher, brashest.adjectives
hasty and unthinking; impetuous; rash; lacking in sensitivity or tact; presumptuously forward; impudent; shameless; audacious; bold; flippant; brazen; cheeky

marked by flagrant and insolent.audacity; shameless; having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; made of brass; resembling brass, as in color or strength
brazen, brazened, brazening, brazens.transitive verbs
to face or undergo with bold self assurance (brazened out the crisis)

bolster, bolstered, bolstering, bolsters.transitive verbs
to buoy up (visitors bolstered the patient's morale); to support or prop up with or as if with a long, narrow pillow or cushion; 
bolsterer, bolster.nouns
a long narrow pillow or cushion

of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic; rural; of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks; pastoral
a pastoral poem; a farmer or shepherd; a rustic

a blow or cuff with or as if with the hand
buffet, buffeted, buffeting, buffets.verbs
transitive use.to hit or beat, especially repeatedly; to strike against forcefully; batter (winds that buffeted the tent); beat; to drive or force with or as if with repeated blows (was buffeted about from job to job by the vagaries of the economy); to force (one's way) with difficulty.
intransitive use.to force one's way with difficulty (a ship buffeting against the wind

bequeath, bequeathed, bequeathing, bequeaths.transitive verbs Law.-.to leave or give (property) by will; to pass (something) on to another; hand down (bequeathed to their children a respect for other human beings)
bequeathal.or.bequeathment, bequeather.nouns

the act of giving, leaving by will, or passing on to another; something that is bequeathed; a legacy

beastly; marked by brutality or depravity; brute; lacking in intelligence or reason; subhuman

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