Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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excogitate, excogitated, excogitating, excogitates.transitive verbs
to consider or think something out carefully and thoroughly

a feeling of discontent and resentment.aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another, as opposed to being thankful another has blessings
envy, envied, envying, envies.transitive verbs
to feel envy toward; to regard with envy

feeling, expressing, or characterized by envy; jealous

endorse, endorsed, endorsing, endorses.transitive verbs
to write one's signature on the back of (a cheque {also 'check'}, for example) as evidence of the legal transfer of its ownership, especially in return for the cash or credit indicated on its face; to place (one's signature), as on a contract, to indicate approval of its contents or terms; to acknowledge.(receipt of payment) by signing a bill, draft, or other instrument; to give approval of or support to; sanction; approve

an adventurous, unconventional act or undertaking

encourage, encouraged, encouraging, encourages.transitive verbs
to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten; to give support to; foster.(principles to encourage family closeness); to stimulate; spur.(priming the pump to encourage flow of water from the well)
one that encourages
the act of encouraging; the state of being encouraged

expect, expected, expecting, expects.verbs
transitive verb use.to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of (expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Monday); to consider likely or certain (expect to see them soon); anticipate; to consider reasonable or due (expect sunshine soon); suppose
intransitive verb use.to look forward to the birth of one's child; to be pregnant
expectably, expectedly.adverbs

the act or state of expecting; expectation (tense with expectancy, I waited for my name to be called); the state of being expected; something expected; an expected amount (a life expectancy of 110 years)

the act of expecting; eager.anticipation.(eyes shining with expectation); the state of being expected; something expected (a result beyond expectation); expectancy

a current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the direction of the main current, especially in a circular motion; a drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history
eddy, eddied, eddying, eddies.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move in or as if in an eddy; turn
transitive verb use.to cause to move in or as if in an eddy

a poem composed in elegiac couplets; a poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person (ancient David's poem on the death of Saul and Jonathan); something resembling such a poem or song
Music - a composition that is melancholy or pensive in tone

of, relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past; of or composed in elegaic couplets

endear, endeared, endearing, endears.transitive verbs
to make beloved or very sympathetic.(a couple whose kindness endeared them to friends)

a sudden intuitive realization where one comprehends or perceives reality; a sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something; aChristian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Emmanuel to the Gentiles

secreting internally; of or relating to endocrine glands or the hormones secreted by them
the secretion of an endocrine gland; a hormone; an endocrine gland

a secondary phenomenon that results from and accompanies another ("Exploitation of one social class or ethnic group by another {is} an epiphenomenon of real differences in power between social groups."....Harper's)
Pathology.-.an additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease
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