Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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an ancient city and state of northern Africa on the Bay of Tunis northeast of modern Tunis. It was founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth century B.C. and became the center of Carthaginian power in the Mediterranean after the sixth century B.C. The city was destroyed by the Romans at the end of the Third Punic War (146 B.C.) but was rebuilt by Julius Caesar and later (A.D. 439-533) served as capital of the Vandals before its virtual annihilation by the Arabs (698)

favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change; traditional or restrained in style (a conservative dark suit); moderate; cautious (a conservative estimate); one favoring traditional views and value; of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism

not openly practiced, avowed, engaged in, accumulated, or shown (covert military operations; covert funding for the rebels); secret; covered or covered over; sheltered
covert, covertness.nouns
covering or cover; a covered place or shelter; hiding place; thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game

the act of assembling; a body of assembled people or things; a gathering; a group of people gathered for worship

corpus.noun, plural.corpora
a large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject

morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest; not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal; pure or simple in design or style; austere

the condition or quality of being pure or chaste; virginity; virtuous character; celibacy

warm and sincere; friendly (a cordial greeting, cordial relations); gracious
cordiality or cordialness.noun
a stimulant; a tonic; a liqueur

planned or accomplished together; combined (we made a concerted effort to solve the problem)
agreement in purpose, feeling, or action; unity achieved by mutual communication of views, ideas, and opinions (acted in concert on the issue); concerted action
concert, concerted, concerting, concerts.verbs
transitive verb use.to plan or arrange by mutual agreement; to adjust; settle
intransitive verb use.to act together in harmony
concert.noun-music – a performance given by one or more singers or instrumentalists or both

relating to or exhibiting approximately 24 hour periodicity

confer, conferred, conferring, confers.verbs
transitive verb use.to bestow.(an honor, for example): conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her; to invest with a characteristic (a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility onto the administration's actions)
intransitive verb use.to meet in order to deliberate together or compare views
conferment, conferral, conferrer.nouns

counteract, counteracted, counteracting, counteracts.transitive verbs
to oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check; neutralize

contrary; retort with an alternative; opposing (moves and counter moves on the checkerboard)
one that is an opposite
Nautical.-.the portion of a ship's stern extending from the water line to the extreme outward swell
Printing.-.the depression between the raised lines of a typeface counter, countered, countering, counters.verbs
transitive verb use.to meet or return; to move or act alternatively to; to offer in response (countered that she was too busy to be thorough)
intransitive verb use.to move, act, or respond so as to be in an alternative or opposite position)
in a different direction; to or toward an opposite or dissimilar course or outcome
a flat surface on which money is counted, business is transacted, or food is prepared or served; something used for keeping a count
something/someone that counts, especially an electronic or mechanical device that automatically counts occurrences

confine, confined, confining, confines.verbs
transitive verb use.to keep within bounds; restrict (please confine your remarks to the issues at hand); limit; to shut or keep in, especially to imprison; to restrict in movement (the sick child was confined to bed)
intransitive verb use.restraining elements (wanted to escape the confines of corporate politics and bureaucracy); purview; scope (children who learned to work within the confines of the curriculum); 
confinable or confineable.adjective

the act of confining or the state of being confined

chlorofluorocarbon (CFC).noun
any of various halocarbon compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, once used widely as aerosol propellants and refrigerants; chlorofluorocarbons are believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer

in opposition or disagreement; against (debated the issue pro and con)
an argument or opinion against something; one that holds an opposing opinion or view

con2, conned, conning, cons.transitive verbs
to study, peruse, or examine carefully; to learn or commit to memory

nautical-conned, conning, cons.transitive verbs
to direct the steering or course of (a vessel)
the station or post of the person who steers a vessel; the act or process of steering a vessel

con4, conned, conning, cons.transitive verbs
to swindle (a victim) by first winning his or her confidence; dupe
of, relating to, or involving a swindle or a fraud-(a con artist, a con job); short for confidence
a swindle

slang a convict

an eccentric person, especially one with bizarre ideas

calibrate, calibrated, calibrating, calibrates.transitive verbs
to check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument; (calibrate a speedometer); adjust (calibrated the polling procedures to ensure objectivity)

based on or in accordance with general agreement, use, or practice; customary.(conventional symbols; a conventional form of address); conforming to established practice or accepted standards; traditional.(a conventional church wedding)
conventionalism, conventionalist.nouns

cliché.noun.(pronounced 'klee shay')
a trite or overused expression or idea 

a explanatory written note intended as an explanation; spoken words conveying understanding to those hearing; an annotation; a series of annotations or explanations; a statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude
comment, commented, commenting, comments.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make a comment; remark

commentary.noun, plural.commentaries
a series of explanations or interpretations; an expository.treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis; an.apt.explanation or illustration

compare, compared, comparing, compares.verbs
transitive verb use.to consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; to examine in order to note the similarities or differences of
Grammar.-.to form the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of (an adjective or adverb)
intransitive verb use.to be worthy of comparison; bear comparison (two concert halls that just do not compare); to draw comparisons
compare notes.idiom
to exchange ideas, views, or opinions

the act of comparing or the process of being compared

admitting of comparison with another or others
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