Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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implement, implemented, implementing, implements.transitive verbs
to put into practical effect; carry out (implement the new procedures' enforce; to supply with implements)
implementation, implementer.nouns

a means of achieving an end; an instrument or agent; a tool or an instrument used in doing work (a gardening implement; a tool for chopping wood such as an axe); tool

marked by inventive skill and imagination; having or arising from an inventive or cunning mind; clever (an ingenious scheme); clever; having genius in creativity; brilliant in innovative ideas 

originality, inventive; cleverness; talented; skillful in doing something; inventive skill or imagination; cleverness; imaginative and clever design or construction
synonyms.creativeness; creativity; ingeniousness; invention; inventiveness; skill; skillfulness; aptitude; adroitness; expertise

incapable of associating or blending or of being associated or blended because of disharmony, incongruity, or antagonism.(incompatible views in politics)
one that is incompatible

the state or quality of being incompatible; mutually.exclusive or antagonistic qualities or things

displaying or marked by a lack of consistency, especially (not regular or predictable); erratic.(inconsistent behavior); lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory.(inconsistent statements); not in agreement or harmony; incompatible (an intersection inconsistent with the road map)

the state or quality of being inconsistent; something inconsistent: many inconsistencies in your proposal; incongruous, incompatible, discordant, uncongenial, discrepant

a space, especially a small or narrow one, between things or parts (there is a gleam of luminous gold, where the sinking western sun has found a first direct interstice in the clouds)

a distinctive doctrine, system, or theory, such as below:
a distinctive doctrine, system, or theory, such as:

a system of control of government, where citizens in each state (region, district, area) hold the supreme authority, and are the primary source of political power; government officials elected by majority vote, where each, are representatives held accountable to those who elected them, and can only rule within guidelines and with constraints approved by the majority of citizens 

a name used to designate an alternate political group holding the same principles as that of Democracy

a system of government where the populace, when right, are corrected by propaganda or force; according to the former director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover (yeah, I know) it's."the revolutionary materialistic ideology used by its adherents to justify their efforts by any and all means for the forcible establishment of a worldwide.Totalitarian.social order."
   Wherever communism has been tried, the State does not wither away. It stays on to terrorize the people, and no one but the State has any rights or wealth that is significant. Vladimir Lenin during Russia's infamous Bolshevik Revolution."The goal of socialism is communism."
   Really, it's an economic system characterized by no individual property rights, and a system of 'liberal' government in which the state plans and controls, or tries as best they can to control, the economy, and a single often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a 'higher social order' in which all goods are equally shared by the people (welcome to Canada and her 'transfer payments'); but really it's all just an excuse for progression towards the majority of wealth produced ending up through the application of business and people control methods, into the hands of the few attempting to gain and/or maintain control over what they wish, and especially over those who may have wealth and opposing political views..example of what Ottawa, the Federal capital, has done under previous governments, to Alberta.
   Norman Thomas, six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America, who died in 1968, made that pretty clear when he said."The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

a system allowing government to correct the majority of the peoples' wishes for primary benefit to the ruling elite (a millionth of a step below communisn)

a Socialism offshoot, being, a system of government where the government rules by parliamentary dictatorship and the people are propagandized into believing they are free and have it as good as it can get

an opportunity for government to show who is correct

an opportunity for government to make money on the production of others; brings sophisticated slavery into vogue - earn $28. an hour while having to exist within a $40. an hour environment; where corporations would rather pay taxes to the fed than to employees who in turn would spend into society, where it would eventually be taxed back anyhow

an opportunity for government to make money on the distribution of goods and services

an excuse for the state to interfere with the freedom of persons within it

impend, impended, impending, impends.intransitive verbs
about to take place; imminent

remaining sound, entire, or uninjured; not impaired in any way; complete

interpose, interposed, interposing, interposes.verbs
transitive use-to insert or introduce between parts; to place (oneself) between; to introduce or interject (a comment, for example) during discourse or a conversation; introduce; to exert (influence or authority) in order to interfere or intervene (interpose one's veto)
intransitive use-to come between; to come between the parties in a dispute; intervene; to insert a remark, a question, or an argument
interposal, interposer, interposition.nouns

instigate, instigated, instigating, instigates.transitive verbs
to urge on; goad; to stir up; foment; incite
instigation, instigator.nouns

intrude, intruded, intruding, intrudes.transitive verbs
thrusting or coming in without permission; to put or force in inappropriately, especially without invitation, fitness, or permission (intruded opinion into a factual report), warrant, or welcome, consent or approval; intrude suggests violation of another's privacy
intransitive verb use.to come in rudely or inappropriately; enter as an improper or unwanted element

not changing or subject to change; constant

not formal or ceremonious; casual (an informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner; informal contract, nothing written down, just understanding between hearts); not being in accord with regulations or forms (an informal agreement); suited for everyday wear or use (informal clothes)

illuminate.(pronounced 'illum in ate' {ate the apple}), illuminated, illuminating, illuminates.verbs
transitive verb use.to make understandable; clarify; to enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand; to provide or brighten with light; to decorate or hang with lights
intransitive verb use.to become lighted; glow; to provide intellectual or spiritual enlightenment and understanding
illuminate.(pronounced 'illumin it').noun
one who has or professes to have an unusual degree of enlightenment

the act of illuminating; the state of being illuminated; a source of light; spiritual or intellectual enlightenment

illumine, illumined, illumining, illumines.transitive verbs
to give light to; illuminate

insufficient to produce a desired effect (an ineffectual effort to to transfer to another location); useless; worthless (the ineffectual medical treatments for illnesses); lacking effectiveness
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