Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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penetrate, penetrated, penetrating, penetrates.transitive-and.intransitive verbs
transitive use.to enter or force a way into; pierce; to enter into and permeate
intransitive use.to pierce or enter into something; make a way in or through something; to gain admittance or access

a unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored
petaled or petalled.adjective

the female, ovule bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style and ovary

pummel, pummeled also pummelled, pummeling, pummelling, pummels, pummels.transitive verbs
to beat, as with the fists; pommel (he pummeled the dough till it was ready for the oven); beat as with the fists)

a light producing organ found especially in marine fishes that emits light from specialized structures or derives light from symbiotic-luminescent-bacteria

placate, placated, placating, placates.transitive verbs
to allay the anger of, especially by making concessions; appease;  to calm
placater, placation.nouns
placatory or placative.adjective

power of attorney.noun,.plural.powers of attorney
a legal instrument authorizing one to act as another's attorney or agent, which, depending upon the powers granted in the document, one with power of attorney can act with full effect as if it was the actual person

pseudonym, pseudonymousness.nouns
a fictitious name, as often assumed by an author; a pen name

putrefy, puttrefied, puttrefying, puttrefies.verbs
transitive use-to cause to decay and have a foul odor
intransitive use-to become decayed and have a foul odor

decomposition of organic matter, especially protein, by microorganisms, resulting in production of foul smelling matter; putrefied matter; the condition of being putrefied

palliate, palliated, palliating, palliates.transitive verbs
to make (an offense or crime or disease) seem less serious; extenuate; to make less severe or intense; mitigate; to relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorde

palliative.adjective.(pronounced pal e ah tiv)
relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure; tending or serving to palliate
one that palliates, especially a palliative drug or medicine

extreme or unnatural paleness

chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas

an ostensible or professed purpose; an excuse; an effort or a strategy intended to conceal something
pretext, pretexted, pretexting, pretexts.transitive verbs
to allege as an excuse

acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory.(not reactive, but proactive steps circumvent illness)

parse, parsed, parsing, parses.verbs
transitive use.to break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part; to describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence; to examine closely or subject to detailed analysis, especially by breaking up into components
Computer Science.-.to analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily processed components; used of software
intransitive use.to admit of being parsed (sentences that do not parse easily)

the production of fruit without fertilization

William Paley.1743-1805, British theologian and utilitarian.philosopher. Among his works are The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (1785) and A View of the Evidences of Christianity (1794)

tending to make or become worse; disparaging; belittling
a disparaging or belittling word or expression

a source of opinion; a critic (a political pundit); a learned person

an original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged; an early, typical example

of, relating to, or affecting the parasympathetic nervous system (parasympathetic activity; parasympathetic agents)
the parasympathetic nervous system; any of the nerves of this system

parasympathetic nervous system.noun
the part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the brain stem and the lower part of the spinal cord that, in general, inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the sympathetic nervous system, as in tending to stimulate digestive secretions, slow the heart, constrict the pupils and dilate blood vessels

peripheral nervous system.noun
the part of the vertebrate nervous system constituting the nerves outside the central nervous system and including the cranial nerves, the spinal nerves, and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

parch, parched, parching, parches.verbs
transitive verb use.to make extremely dry, especially by exposure to heat (the midsummer sun parched the earth); burn; to make thirsty; to dry or roast (corn, for example) by exposing to heat intransitive use.to become very dry; to become thirsty

indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners; lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate; casual; random; consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals;

the state or character of being promiscuous; promiscuous sexual relations; a mixture of diverse or unrelated parts or individuals; a hodgepodge
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