Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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circumvent, circumvented, circumventing, circumvents.transitive verbs
prevent from happening; to go around; to avoid or get around by artful maneuvering (he planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape); gain superiority over, outwit 

cite.transitive verb
inflected form(s).cited, citing
to refer to; to mention or bring forward as support, illustration or proof; call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court); to mention formally in commendation or praise 

a binding agreement; a compact; bargain
covenant , covenanted, covenanting, covenants.verbs
transitive use-to promise by or as if by a covenant; promise
intransitive verb use.to enter into a covenant

noisily insistent.(protesters in a crowd); loud demands and complaints; marked by confused din or outcry; tumultuous; (the busy clamorous market) (a clamorous woman) 

marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy; surreptitious
clandestineness, clandestinity-nouns

a set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain.attributes or traits in common; a kind or category; a division based on quality, rank, or grade (a grade of mail; package sent third class)
class, classed, classing, classes.transitive verbs
to arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify

classify, classified, classifying, classifies.transitive verbs
to arrange or organize according to class or category; to designate.(a document, for example) as confidential, secret, or top secret

clique, cliquishness.nouns.(pronounced 'kleak', also 'klik')
a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially, one held together by common interests, views, or purposes 
cliquey, cliquy, cliquish.adjectives

descended from the same source and having remarkable similarities; no individuality; all the same

clumsy, clumsier, clumsiest.adjective
lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkward; awkwardly constructed; unwieldy (clumsy wooden shoes); inept (a clumsy excuse) 

an agreement or a covenant; pact; bargain
compact, compacted, compacting, compacts.verbs
transitive verb use.to combine; to consolidate; compose; to make by pressing or joining together; to press or join firmly together (a kitchen device that compacted the trash)
losely and firmly united or packed together; dense (compact clusters of flowers); occupying little space compared with others of its type (a compact camera; a compact car); brief and to the point; concise.(a compact narration); marked by or having a short, solid physique (a wrestler of compact build)
intransitive verb use.to be capable of being pressed tightly together or to become so pressed (garbage that compacts easily)
a small case containing a mirror, pressed powder and a powder puff; an automobile that is bigger in size than a subcompact but smaller than an intermediate

a number of things of the same sort gathered together or growing together; bunch; a number of persons, animals or things grouped together

relating to, based on, or involving comparison; estimated by comparison; relative (a comparative newcomer)
Grammar..of, relating to, or being the intermediate degree of comparison of adjectives, as better, sweeter, or more wonderful, or adverbs, as more softly

coagulate.transitive verb
to become a soft, semi solid mass; to cause a fluid to curdle (to form into curd {the coagulated part of milk})
a substance that brings about coagulation
a coagulated mass
tending to cause coagulation
a substance that causes coagulation
a clot; curd

coal tar.noun
a viscous black liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of coal and used as a roofing, waterproofing, and insulating compound and as a raw material for many dyes, drugs, and paints

systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of laws; a systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct (a traffic code); a system of signals used to represent letters or numbers in transmitting messages; a system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity; a  system of symbols and rules used to represent instructions to a computer; Genetics (the genetic code)
code, coded, coding, codes.verbs
transitive use-to systematize and arrange (laws and regulations) into a code; to convert (a message, for example) into code
intransitive verb use
Genetics.-.to specify the genetic code for an amino acid or a polypeptide

critical mass.noun
the smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level

the neck; a neck shaped anatomical structure, such as the narrow outer end of the uterus

of or relating to a neck or a cervix

all the courses of study offered by an educational institution; a group of related courses, often in a special field of study (the engineering curriculum) attributive.often used to modify another noun (curriculum development; curriculum enhancements)

a noisy disturbance; a condition of turbulent motion; a hubbub (heard a commotion in the hall)

serenely self possessed; calm; cool
compose, composed, composing, composes.verbs
transitive use.to make up the constituent parts of; constitute or form (an exhibit composed of French paintings); the many ethnic groups that compose our nation; comprise; to make or create by putting together parts or elements; to create or produce (a literary or musical piece); to make (oneself) calm or tranquil.(compose yourself and deal with the problems logically; to settle or adjust; reconcile.(they managed to compose the differences the research paper had); to arrange aesthetically or artistically
intransitive use.to create a literary or a musical piece
Printing.-.to arrange or set (type or matter to be printed); to set type
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