Based on Merriam-Webster's
Collegiate® Dictionary
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angular momentum.noun
the vector
product of the position vector (from a reference point) and the linear
momentum of a particle; the vector
sum of the angular momentums of each component particle of an extended
having, forming, or consisting
of an angle or angles; measured by an angle or by degrees of an arc; bony
and lean; gaunt: an angular face; lacking grace or smoothness; awkward
(an angular gait)
the act, process, or result of imparting life,
interest, spirit, motion, or activity; the quality or condition of being
alive, active, spirited, or vigorous; the art or process of preparing animated
animate, animated,
to give life to; fill with life; to impart interest
or zest to; enliven; to fill with spirit, courage, or resolution; encourage;
to inspire to action; prompt; to impart motion or activity to; to make,
design, or produce (a cartoon, for example) so as to create the illusion
of motion (an animated flower)
possessing life; living; of or relating to animal
life as distinct from plant life; belonging to the class of nouns that
stand for living things (the word dog is animate; the word car is inanimate)
not isotropic (isotropic
is identical in all directions; invariant with respect to direction);
properties that differ according to the direction of measurement
departure from the regular arrangement, general
rule, or usual method; abnormality
from the regular arrangement
of an anomaly; tending to be anomalous
an anomaly; the state of being anomalous
inflected form(s)-annihilated;
transitive senses-to
cause to be of no effect; nullify; to destroy the substance or force of;
to regard as of no consequence; to cause to cease to exist; especially;
kill; to destroy a considerable part of (bombs annihilated the city); to
vanquish completely; rout (annihilated the visitors 56-0)
intransitive senses of a particle and its
to vanish or cease to exist by coming together and changing into other
forms of energy (as radiation or particles)
(same meaning)
to reduce to nothing; obliterate;
to make ineffective or inoperative; neutralize (annul the drug's effect);
to declare or make legally invalid or void.(wants
the marriage annulled)
anorexia nervosa.noun
a psychophysiological disorder usually occurring
in teenage women that is characterized by an abnormal fear of becoming
obese, a distorted self image, a persistent aversion to food, and severe
weight loss. It is often accompanied by self induced vomiting, amenorrhea
(suppression of menstruation), and other physiological changes; happens
in those having thoughts of hate toward the self;
antagonize, antagonized,
antagonized.transitive verbs
to oppose or counteract in such a way as to incur
the the dislike of
the state of being opposed or hostile
to another or to each other; an opposing force
an adversary;
an opponent
showing antagonism; acting in opposition
of the Bovidae family having permanent hollow
unbranched horns
the pollen bearing part
of the
an original model or type
after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype
("Frankenstein . . . Dracula . . . Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . . . the archetypes
that have influenced all subsequent horror stories" ...New York Times);
an ideal example of a type; quintessence.(an
archetype of the successful entrepreneur)
Act of Union of 1840
the Act of Union passed in 1840 by the British
Parliament united what was Canada at the time,
which was the North American provinces of Upper and Lower Canada (which
were, Canada West, which was Ontario, and Canada East, which was Quebec).
English was originally to be the only official language, but by grace of
the English, French was allowed so that the French culture would not die.
French Canadians protested because Ontario was given as many legislative
seats as Quebec had, which had a larger population.
Parliament had created the two provinces in 1791
to separate British colonists, many of them Loyalist refugees from the
American colonies now resident in Upper Canada; to separate them from a
Roman Catholic, French speaking group in Lower Canada, so that the French
could continue their culture without obligation to now change their language
and customs.
The 1840 act provided for a single government headed
by a royally appointed governor and a legislative assembly equally apportioned
between the former divisions. The union created the Province of Canada.
The sections were known as Canada East and Canada West.
with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Atlantic Charter,
August 14, 1941
joint declaration by the
United States and Britain, to which Canada is a signatory, issued during
World War II, expressing certain common principles in their national policies
to be followed. It declared that the U.S. and Britain sought no territorial,
or any other, aggrandizement from the war. They proclaimed the right of
all peoples to.choose their own.form.(notice
it doesn't say 'political party')of government (*)
and not to have boundary changes imposed on them. The right of all nations
to have access to the earth's natural resources was also recognized, as
was the desirability of economic cooperation among nations and improved
living conditions for working people..comprised
from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Articles of Confederation
was the first constitution
of the United States. The Articles were in force from March 1, 1781, to
June 21, 1788, when the present Constitution
of the United States went into effect. The Articles were written in
1777 during the early part of the
American Revolution by a committee of the Second Continental Congress
of the former 13 British colonies. The head of the committee, John Dickinson,
presented a report on the proposed articles to the Congress on July 12,
1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration
of Independence. Dickinson initially proposed a strong central government,
with control over the western lands, equal representation for the states,
and the power to levy taxes.
Because of their experience
with Great Britain, the 13 states feared a powerful central government;
consequently, they changed Dickinson's proposed articles drastically before
they sent them to all the states for.ratification
in November 1777. The Continental Congress had been careful to.give
the states.as
much independence as possible.and
the limited functions of the federal government. Despite these precautions,
several years passed before all the states ratified the articles.
The articles
created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers
to a central government. The national government would consist of a single
house of Congress, where each state would have one vote. Congress (the
central government) had the power to set up a postal department, to estimate
the costs of the government and request donations from the states, to raise
armed forces, and to control the development of the western territories.
With the consent of nine of the thirteen states, Congress could also coin,
borrow, or appropriate money as well as declare war and enter into treaties
and alliances with foreign nations.
Under this
constitution the federal government was unable to levy taxes..Microsoft®
Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.

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