Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a flowing together of two or more streams; the point of juncture of such streams; the combined stream formed by this juncture; a gathering, flowing, or meeting together at one juncture or point (a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design)

to flow together; confluence

confound, confounded, confounding, confounds.transitive verbs
mix up; confuse; perplexed; puzzled; mix up; abash (an invention that confounded the skeptics); to frustrate (trivial demands that all but confounded the peace talks)

confused; befuddled (crowd of confounded bystanders stared at the appalling wreckage); used as an intensive.(a confounded fool)
confoundedness, confounder.nouns

conform, conformed, conforming, conforms.verbs
intransitive verb use.to correspond in form or character; to give the same form to; to bring into harmony or agreement; be similar; to act or be in accord or agreement; comply; agree; to act in accordance with current customs or modes; adapt
transitive verb use.to bring into agreement or correspondence; make similar
conformer, conformability, conformance.nouns

the act of conforming or the state of being conformed; the structure or outline of an item or entity, determined by the arrangement of its parts; a symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing
a person who conforms 
to condition or fact of being in agreement or harmony

similarity in form or character; agreement (I acted in conformity with my principles); action or behavior in correspondence with current customs, rules, or styles: conformity to university regulations

congruent to come together; correspond; agree
the condition, quality or fact of being congruous
congruency, congruence.nouns

conjecture, conjecturer.nouns
inference from defective or presumptive 'evidence'; a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork; a proposition (as in mathematics) before it has been proved or disproved; preconception; supposition
inflected form(s).conjectured, conjecturing
transitive verb senses-to arrive at by conjecture; to make conjectures as to 
intransitive verb senses-to form conjectures
conjectural, conjecturable.adjective
synonyms.perhaps, speculation, suppose, supposition, theory

from conjungere to join, unite in marriage; of or relating to the married state or to married persons and their relations 

joining together; Grammar

joining; connective; joined together; combined (the conjunctive focus of political opposition); Grammar
a connective word, especially a conjunction or conjunctive adverb

connive.intransitive verb
inflected form(s).connived, conniving
to collude; to scheme; to plot for selfish purposes; conspire; intrigue 
connivance also connivence.noun
the act of conniving

connote, connoted, connoting, connotes.transitive verbs
to suggest or imply as a logical connotation, or in addition to literal meaning; to be associated with or inseparable from as a consequence or concomitant.(the remorse so often connoted by guilt); a related or attendant condition; to convey in addition to exact explicit meaning (all the misery that communisn connotes)

the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes; something suggested by a word or thing; implication (the connotations of comfort that surrounded that old chair); denotation

a disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy; a merciful, kind, or lenient act; mildness (say, of weather, yet sometimes it can be inclement)

crude, cruder, crudest.adjectives
being in an unrefined or natural state; raw; lacking tact, refinement, or taste; not carefully or completely made; rough; displaying a lack of knowledge or skill; undisguised or unadorned; blunt (must face the crude truth) 
a substance, especially petroleum, in its unrefined state

carte blanche.noun,.plural.cartes blanches
unrestricted power to act at one's own discretion; unconditional authority; totalitarian attitude

one that is equal in importance, rank, or degree; coordinates - a set of articles, as of clothing or luggage, designed to match or complement one other, as in style or color
Mathematics.-.any of a set of two or more numbers used to determine the position of a point, line, curve, or plane in a space of a given dimension with respect to a system of lines or other fixed reference
of equal importance, rank, or degree (coordinate offices of a business); of or involving coordination; of or based on a system of coordinates
coordinate, coordinated, coordinating, coordinates.verbs
transitive verb use.to place in the same order, class, or rank; to harmonize in a common action or effort (coordinating the moving parts of a machine; coordinate the colors of a design)
intransitive verb use.to be coordinate (the generators coordinate so that one is always running); to work together harmoniously (a nursing staff that coordinates smoothly); to form a pleasing combination; match (shoes that coordinate with the rest of the outfit)
coordinateness, coordinator.nouns

the act of coordinating; the state of being coordinate; harmonious adjustment or interaction; harmonious functioning
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