Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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give a hoot or care a hoot; to be completely indifferent to (I don't give a hoot what you think)

determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful; obstinate; unruly; esulting from willfulness and obstinacy

harass, harassed, harassing, harasses.transitive verbs
to irritate or torment persistently; to wear out; exhaust; to impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids
harasser, harassment.nouns

hearten, heartened, heartening, heartens.transitive verbs
to give strength, courage, or hope to; encourage

heady, headier, headiest.adjective
impetuous and rash-(a heady outburst of anger); domineering; overbearing (too heady to reason with)

either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian; either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon; a half of a sphere bounded by a great circle; a half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry
hemispheric or hemispherical.adjective

humble, humbler, humblest.adjectives
not rising far from the ground; marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful; showing deferential or submissive respect (a humble apology comes from a sorrowful heart); unpretentious or lowly (a humble cottage)
humble, humbled, humbling, humbles.transitive verbs
to curtail or destroy the pride of; humiliate; to cause to be meek or modest in spirit; to give a lower condition or station to; abase; degrade
humbleness, humbler.nouns

the quality or condition of being humble

humiliate, humiliated, humiliating, humiliates.transitive verbs
to lower the pride, dignity, or self respect of; degrade; to humble

the act of humiliating; degradation; the state of being humiliated or disgraced; shame; a humiliating condition or circumstance

marked by or displaying integrity; upright (an honest lawyer); not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine (honest weight as the weigh scales had been calibrated); equitable; fair (honest wages for an honest day's work); characterized by truth; not false (honest reporting) sincere; frank (an honest critique); if good repute; respectable; without affectation; plain (honest folk); virtuous; chaste
in an honest manner; used as an intensive.(I honestly don't care) honestly interjection
used to express mild disapproval or dismay.(honestly! look at the mess you could have made)
honesty.noun, plural.honesties
the quality or condition of being honest; integrity; truthfulness; sincerity
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