Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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Botany – the usually slender part of a pistil, situated between the ovary and the stigma

the supporting of life or health; maintenance; the act of sustaining; the condition of being sustained

sop, sopped, sopping, sops.verbs
intransitive verb use.something yielded to placate or soothe; a bribe; to be or become thoroughly soaked or saturated
transitive verb use.to dip, soak, or drench in a liquid; saturate; to take up by absorption (sop up water with a paper towel)
a piece of food soaked or dipped in a liquid

stern, sterner, sternest.adjectives
hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character.(a stern disciplinarian); grim, gloomy, or forbidding in appearance or outlook; firm or unyielding; uncompromising; inexorable; relentless
synonyms.severe, austere, gruff, harsh
the rear part of a ship or boat; rear part or section

stress, stressed, stressing, stresses.transitive verbs
a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression

dedicated spiritual things; the things of the spirit; made or declared holy; worthy of religious veneration; dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person

sea urchin.noun
any of various echinoderms of the class Echinoidea, having a soft body enclosed in a round, symmetrical, calcareous shell covered with long spines

a white or colorless crystalline compound, SiO2, occurring abundantly as quartz, sand, flint, agate, and many other minerals and used to manufacture a wide variety of materials, especially glass and concrete

one venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom
sage, sager, sagest.adjectives
having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment; proceeding from or marked by wisdom and calm judgment (sage advice)

any of various plants of the genus Salvia, especially S. officinalis, having aromatic grayish-green, opposite leaves used as a cooking herb; also called ramona

Mathematics – sine
1. The ordinate of the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1, 0) if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative

2. In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse. 

Fournier showed long ago that any signal can be described as a sum of sine and cosine waveforms of different amplitudes (sizes) and frequencies. If the signal under consideration is an image, the sines, and cosines become functions of space, undulating between light and dark as one moves across the image from top to bottom.

of astounding force, volume, degree, or excellence; marvelous; amazingly large or great; huge

following in time or order; succeeding

of, expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy (a sympathetic glance); favorably inclined (sympathetic to her proposal); agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial (sympathetic surroundings); of, relating to, or acting on the sympathetic nervous system (a sympathetic neuron; sympathetic stimulation)

sympathize, sympathized, sympathizing, sympathizes.intransitive verbs
to feel or express compassion, as for another's suffering; commiserate; to share or understand the feelings or ideas of another (sympathized with the other members); to be in accord; correspond

a relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other; mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity; the act or power of sharing the feelings of another; compassion or commiseration; pity; harmonious agreement; accord.(he is in sympathy with their beliefs); a feeling of loyalty; allegiance; often used in the plural (sympathies usually are with families first)

sympathetic nervous system.noun
the part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord that in general inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the parasympathetic nervous system, as in tending to reduce digestive secretions, speeding up the heart, and contracting blood vessels

a characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something else

of, relating to, or based on symptoms; constituting a symptom (a rise in unemployment symptomatic of a weakening economy

somatic nervous system
all information in the body that you are conscious of comes from the somatic nervous system; this system allows voluntary control over skeletal muscle - you intend to move your arm and you do; see also autonomic nervous system

of, relating to, or affecting the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the environment; corporeal or physical; bodily; of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera (soft internal organs); of or relating to a somatic cell or the somatoplasm

the entirety of specialized protoplasm, other than germ plasm, constituting the body; the protoplasm of a somatic cell

scavenge, scavenged, scavenging, scavenges.verbs
transitive verb use.to collect and remove refuse from (the oceans are scavened by sharks, snails and many other scavengers); to search through for salvageable material (scavenged the garbage cans for food scraps)
intransitive verb use.to feed on dead or decaying matter; to search through refuse for useful material

a distinct unit of people within a larger group

of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect; adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination; partisan; narrow minded; parochial
a member of a sect; one characterized by bigoted.adherence to a factional viewpoint

map of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

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