Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins into simpler, soluble substances, as occurs in digestion

relating to, characterized by, or promoting proteolysis

ordinary speech or writing, without metrical (composed in poetic meter; metrical verse; five metrical units in a line; of or relating to measurement) structure; commonplace expression or quality
prose, prosed, prosing, proses.intransitive verbs

Law – the deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath; the breach of an oath or a promise

the office and jurisdiction of a pope; Roman Catholic Church; the system of church government headed by the pope

Protestant Reformation-a number of conditions in 16th century Europe account for the success of Martin Luther and the other reformers as compared to their predecessors. Both the Holy Roman emperor and the pope were declining in power and were preoccupied with the threat posed by the Turks. The invention of printing in the 15th century made possible the rapid dissemination of the reformers' ideas. Finally, the growth of secular learning, the rise of nationalism and the increasing resentment of the pope's authority among both rulers and ordinary citizens made people, especially in northern Europe, more receptive to Protestant teachings.Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a member of a Western Christian church whose faith and practice are founded on the principles (beliefs) of the Protestant Reformation--justification by faith through grace, belief that the Bible is God's revelation to mankind inspired by Him and that all believers are part of His eternal family; pesecution of Protestents
adherence to beliefs of a Protestant church; Protestants considered as a group

feeling or expressing remorse for one's misdeeds or sins
one who is penitent

not penitent; unrepentant
impenitence, impenitent.nouns

the level of respect at which one is regarded by others; standing; a person's high standing among others; honor or esteem; widely recognized prominence, distinction, or importance (a position of prestige in diplomatic circles)
attributive-often used to modify another noun (a prestige address or the prestige groups in society)

the extent or range of function, power, or competence; scope; range; range of vision, comprehension, or experience; outlook
Law--the body, scope, or limit of a statute

the forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state; a code of correct conduct (a violation of safety protocols, academic protocol); the first copy of a treaty or other such document before its ratification; a preliminary draft or record of a transaction
Computer Science..a standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers
protocol, protocoled or protocolled, protocoling or protocolling, protocols or protocols.intransitive verbs
to form or issue protocols (Greek proto- + Greek koll¶ma, sheets of a papyrus glued together {from kollan, to glue together, from kolla, glue})
protocolar or protocolary.adjective

petty, pettier, pettiest.adjectives
of small importance; trivial.(a petty grievance); marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views; marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters; secondary in importance or rank; subordinate

a widespread affliction or calamity; a sudden destructive influx or injurious outbreak (a plague of locusts, a plague of accidents); a cause of annoyance; a nuisance; a highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague
plague, plagued, plaguing, plagues.transitive verbs
to pester or annoy persistently or incessantly; harass; to afflict with or as if with a disease or calamity (income tax is often a plague to those working more overtime)
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