Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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now and then; from time to time
occurring from time to time; periodic; not habitual

an event or a happening
occasion, occasioned, occasioning, occasions.transitive verbs
to provide occasion for; cause
on occasion.idiom
from time to time; now and then

something that decorates or adorns; an embellishment
ornament, ornamented, ornamenting, ornaments.transitive verbs
to furnish with ornaments (ornamented the windows with hanging plants

of, relating to, or serving as an ornament or a decoration
something that serves as ornamentation, especially a plant grown for its beauty
the act or process of decorating, adorning, or embellishing; the state of being decorated, adorned, or embellished; something that decorates or adorns; an embellishment

overindulge, overindulged, overindulging, overindulges.verbs
transitive verb use.to indulge.(a desire, craving, or habit) to excess (overindulging a fondness for chocolate); to indulge excessively
intransitive verb use.to indulge in something to excess overindulgence.noun

present everywhere simultaneously

a point of view; an attitude.(a positive outlook); expectation for the future (she expected to carry on with her education); a place where something can be viewed; the view seen from such a place (what an outlook we had of the surrounding terrain viewing from high up the mountain); the act of looking out

a condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate.elements of a group; a condition of methodical or prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved; condition or state in general (in good order); a sequence or an arrangement of successive things; an authoritative indication to be obeyed (the ship's captain gave an order than all passengers should board no later than 30 minutes prior to sailing time); that which is supplied, bought, or sold (the auto dealership ordered 10 new cars); a request made by a customer at a restaurant food; the food requested (here is your order); a group of persons living under a religious rule (an order of monks); a group of people upon whom a government or sovereign has formally conferred honor for unusual service or merit, entitling them to wear a special insignia.(the Indian government awarded him its highest cultural honor, Order of the Lotus); the insignia worn by such people
order, ordered, ordering, orders.verbs
transitive verb use.to issue a command or an instruction to; arrange; predestine; ordain
intransitive verb use.to give an order or orders; request that something be done or supplied
in order that.idiom
so that
in order to.idiom
for the purpose of
in short order.idiom
with no delay; quickly
on order.idiom
requested but not yet delivered
on the order of.idiom
of a kind or fashion similar to; like (a house on the order of a mountain lodge); approximately; about (equipment costing on the order of a million dollars)
to order.idiom
according to the buyer's specifications

outweigh, outweighed, outweighing, outweighs.transitive verbs
to weigh more than; to be more significant than; exceed in value or importance (the positives outweigh the negatives)

domineering in manner; arrogant.(an overbearing person overrides the feelings of others)
overbear, overbore, overborne, overbearing, overbears.verbs
transitive verb use.to crush or press down on with physical force; to prevail over, as if by superior weight or force; dominate; to be more important than; outweigh
intransitive verb use.to bear an overabundance of fruit or offspring

omit, omitted, omitting, omits.transitive verbs
to fail to include or mention; leave out (omit a word)
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