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uttered without the use of normal words or syllables; incomprehensible as speech or language (a cry . . . that . . . sank down into an inarticulate whine); unable to speak; speechless (inarticulate with astonishment); going unexpressed (inarticulate sorrow)
Biology – not having joints or segments
inarticulateness or inarticulacy.noun

not favorable; not auspicious

secure from violation; impregnable to assault or trespass; invincible (fortifications that made the frontier inviolable)
inviolability or inviolableness.nouns

expressing a command or plea; peremptory.(requests that grew more and more imperative); having the power or authority to command or control; impossible to deter or evade; pressing (imperative needs of the homeless); urgent;
meaning in Grammar
a command; an order; an obligation; a duty (social imperatives); a rule, a principle, or an instinct that compels a certain behavior (a people driven to aggression by territorial imperatives)

having an exceedingly bad reputation; notorious; causing or deserving infamy (disgrace); heinous (an infamous deed)

evil fame or reputation; the condition of being infamous; disgrace

being or seeming to be without an end; endless; continual; tiresomely long; wearisome

sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal or forbidden by custom; the statutory crime of sexual relations with such a near relative
of, involving, or suggestive of incest; having committed incest

an intervening episode, feature, or period of time

too small to be noticed or make a significant difference; negligible (inappreciable fluctuations in temperature)

the portion of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus and, in human beings and other mammals, consisting of two segments, the small intestine and the large intestine

stormy (inclement weather); showing no clemency; unmerciful

impossible to reduce to a desired, simpler, or smaller form or amount (irreducible burdens)
irreducibility or irreducibleness.noun

incapable of being perceived by the senses; incapable of being realized or defined intangible, intangibility or intangibleness.nouns
something intangible, especially an asset that cannot be perceived by the senses; often used in the plural.(intangibles such as goodwill and dedication) 

inveigh, inveighed, inveighing, inveighs.intransitive verbs
to give vent to angry disapproval; protest vehemently; to attack with words; inveigh against; to carry in against

incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued; tireless
indefatigability or indefatigableness.noun

inter, interred, interring, inters.transitive verbs
to place in a grave or tomb; bury

well known and very distinguished; eminent; noted

illustrate, illustrated, illustrating, illustrates.verbs.
transitive verb use.to clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons; to clarify by serving as an example or comparison; to provide (a publication) with explanatory or decorative features
intransitive verb use.to present a clarification, an example, or an explanation
the act of clarifying or explaining; the state of being clarified or explained; material used to clarify or explain; an example.

the act or an instance of enjoining; a command, a directive, or an order
Law – a court order prohibiting a party from a specific course of action

Inquisition.(he brutality of those using the name Christian for their atrocities, from the book.Fox's Book of Martyrs; they were as far away from living the spiritual meaning of the name Christian in their actions as one could possibly get)

The Inquistion was established by the papacy in the Middle Ages, charged with seeking out, trying and sentencing persons they determined to be guilty of heresy.(those who thought different than the established authority, jurisdiction, and governmental functions in effect at that time - history having later shown who were the true people of love). Holy Roman Emperor Charles V introduced the Inquisition into the Netherlands in 1522, where it failed to wipe out Protestantism.

The Inquisition was a tool the dark side, mankind's easily influenced to do evil, ego, used to fulfil the purpose of the collective mass consciousness.(mankind's thoughts are reflected back in real events). So it is important to learn thoughts of peace because the very attention to them causes them to occur because the infinite intelligent enery has inherent within it the automatic organizing power to create it. It's the same organizing power that has organized everything from the universe to the myriad functions of the human body, the animals, the plants, etc.

The ego knows and is subject to all the tricks to destroy others, by getting us individually to believe that 'we' are separate from 'them' - the 'others' out there in the world. Destroyers are too ignorant to understand whatever is done to others comes back sometime later on oneself and with increased severity. It's all a trick of the dark side to con man into destroying man, and then sit back and laugh while those humans who did things of hurt reap the heartaches they have sown. That way all get destroyed. And that's the plan of the dark side.

There are many beliefs in separation - that Christians are separate from Jews, Jews from Muslims, New Zealanders are separate from Arabs, etc. We all want to live and have the same things.

In the meantime we go through this stage of life until we see the need for a higher consciousness, see that it's the ego that has made merchandise of others, that it's the ego thoughts we all have that has affected the universe adversely.

The Spanish Inquisition was established in Sicily in 1517, but it was also unable to wipe out Protestantism in Naples and Milan. Historians have noted that many lands which had institutions such as the consistory.(an assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the promulgation of papal acts) in Geneva, which were as repressive as the Spanish Inquisition in afflicting Protestants.

The Spanish Inquisition was established with papal approval in 1478 at the request of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I. This Inquisition was to deal with the problem of Marranos, Jews who converted to Christianity; after 1502, it turned its attention to similar converts from Islam, and in the 1520s to persons suspected of Protestantism. Within a few years of the founding of the Inquisition, the papacy relinquished virtually all supervision of it to the sovereigns. Thus, the Spanish Inquisition became more an instrument of the state than of the church, although churchmen, especially Dominicans, always functioned as its officers.

It was centrally directed by the Supreme Council of the Inquisition, but its procedures were similar to its medieval counterpart. It became in time a byword for cruelty and obscurantism, but its methods were much the same as those of similar inquisitorial institutions in other countries of Europe. The support it received from the Spanish monarchs, especially Philip II, assured that it would have a greater impact on religion, politics, and culture than similar inquisitorial institutions elsewhere. This political support enabled Tomás de Torquemada, the first and most notorious grand inquisitor, to execute thousands of reputed heretics.

The grand inquisitor and his tribunal had jurisdiction over local tribunals in colonies such as Mexico and Peru. 

The Inquisition was finally suppressed in Spain in 1834..comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

difficult to manage or govern; stubborn; unruly; difficult to mold or manipulate (intractable materials); difficult to alleviate, remedy, or cure (intractable issues government often attempts to compromise on)
intractability or intractableness.noun

a foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction, an object of extravagant, shortlived passion
possessed by an unreasoning passion or attraction
infatuate, infatuated, infatuating,infatuates.transitive verbs
to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment; to cause to behave foolishly infatuate.adjective

a flowing in: an influx of foreign capital; a mass arrival or incoming (an influx of visitors to the city); large influxes of refugees

not partial or biased; unprejudiced; fair
impartiality or impartialness.noun

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