Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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harsh, unfair treatment; the handle of any of various tools or implements; a vertical passage housing an elevator; a long, narrow, often vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for mining ore; a tunnel; a duct or conduit for the passage of air, as for ventilation or heating; the main axis of a feather, especially its distal portion; the long, narrow stem or body of a spear or an arrow; a spear or an arrow
shaft, shafted, shafting, shafts.transitive verbs
to treat in a harsh, unfair way; to equip with a shaft

a level of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status; a horizontal layer of material, especially one of several parallel layers arranged one on top of another
Geology.-.a bed or layer of sedimentary (of sediment {material like dirt and fragments from the weathering of rock that settles to the bottom of a liquid}) rock having approximately the same composition throughout

sketchy, sketchier, sketchiest.adjectives
lacking in substance or completeness; incomplete; slight; giving only major points or parts; superficial; resembling a sketch

of or relating to meaning, especially meaning in language; of, relating to, or according to the science of semantics

a curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point; a three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis; a helix; something having the form of such a curve (a spiral of black smoke; spiral binding of a notebook)
of or resembling a spiral; circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance; coiling around an axis in a constantly changing series of planes; helical
spiral, spiraled, spiraling, spirals.verbs
intransitive verb use.to take a spiral form or course. 2. To rise or fall with steady acceleration
transitive verb use.to cause to take a spiral form or course

preservation or deliverance from destruction, difficulty, or evil

a deficiency; a flaw

the distinctive.complex of connotations or implications.inherent in a point of view (putting a spin to the facts so as to sway others from the truth to the way the spinner intends for others to understand them); interpretation, especially political or corporate words, promulgated to sway public opinion; the act of spinning; a swift whirling motion; a state of mental confusion (with so many decisions, my head's in a spin); a short drive in a vehicle (took a spin in the new car); the flight condition of an aircraft in a nose-down, spiraling, stalled descent; 
Physics.-.spin quantization or integral spin
spin, spun, spinning, spins.verbs
transitive verb use.to tell, especially imaginatively (spun tales for the children); to draw out and twist (fibers) into thread; to form (thread or yarn) in this manner; to cause to rotate swiftly; twirl; to play a phonograph record or records, especially as a disc jockey
intransitive verb use.to make thread or yarn by drawing out and twisting fibers; to rotate rapidly; whirl; turn; to go for a ride; to fish with a light rod, lure and line and a reel with a stationary spool
spin off.phrasal verb
to derive.(a company or product, for example) from something larger
spin out.phrasal verb
to rotate out of control, as a skidding car leaving a roadway
spin one's wheels.idiom
to expend effort with no result

an unexpected variation or reversal

snivel, sniveled, sniveling, snivels.intransitive verbs
to complain or whine; to sniffle from having a case of the body being overloaded with poisons, a condition commonly called a cold; to run at the nose
the act of sniffling or sniveling; nasal mucus

regarded as sacred and inviolable

sane, saner, sanest.adjectives
of sound mind; mentally healthy; having or showing sound.judgment; reasonable

the quality or condition of being sane; soundness of mind; soundness of judgment or reason

skedaddle, skedaddled, skedaddling, skedaddles.intransitive verbs
to leave hastily; flee

a small group of advanced students in a college or graduate school engaged in original research or intensive study under the guidance of a professor who meets regularly with them to discuss their reports and findings; a course of study so pursued; a meeting for an exchange of ideas; a conference

a unit of measure, approx half-cubit, the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when the hand is fully extended, formerly used as a unit of measure equal to about nine inches (23 centimeters); the extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof; the breadth; the distance between the tips of the wings of an airplane; the section between two intermediate supports of a bridge; something, such as a railroad trestle or bridge, that extends from one point to another; a period of time (within the span of a lifetime)
span, spanned, spanning, spans.transitive verbs
to measure by or as if by the fully extended hand; to extend across in space or time (a bridge that spans the gorge; a career that spanned 40 years)

seethe, seethed, seething, seethes.intransitive verbs
to come to a boil; to churn and foam as if boiling; to be in a state of turmoil or ferment (the nation seethed with suppressed revolutionary activity); to be violently excited or agitated (she seethed with anger over the insult)

saucy, saucier, sauciest.adjectives
impertinent or disrespectful; impertinent in an entertaining way; impossible to repress or control; piquant; pert.(a saucy red dress)
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