Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant

proxy.noun, plural.proxies
a person authorized to act for another; an agent or a substitute; the authority to act for another; the written authorization to act in place of another

the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders
psychiatric or psychiatrical.adjective
a physician who specializes in psychiatry

poignant.adjective.(pronounced 'poin {like 'coin'} yant')
incisive (poignant criticism); astute and pertinent; relevant (poignant suggestions); keenly distressing to the mind or feelings (poignant anxiety); profoundly moving; touching (a poignant reality); moving; piercing; neat, skillful, and to the point (poignant illustrations supplementing the text); agreeably intense or stimulating (poignant delight)
poignance or poignancy.noun

of or relating to money (a pecuniary loss; pecuniary motives); financial; requiring payment of money (a pecuniary offense)

capable of being used or put into effect; useful (practical knowledge of Japanese); level-headed, efficient, and unspeculative; being actually so in almost every respect; of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals (gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand); manifested in or involving practice (practical applications of calculus); actually engaged in a specified occupation or a certain kind of work; practicing; capable of being used or put into effect; useful (practical knowledge of nuclear physics); intended to serve a purpose without elaboration (practical low-heeled shoes); concerned with the production or operation of something useful (woodworking is a practical art)

capable of being effected, done, or put into practice; feasible; possible; usable for a specified purpose (a practicable way of entry); intended to serve a purpose without elaboration (practical low-heeled shoes); concerned with the production or operation of something useful (woodworking is a practical art); level-headed, efficient, and unspeculative; virtual.(a practical disaster)
practicality or practicalness.noun

profess, professed, professing, professes.verbs
transitive verb use-to affirm openly; declare or claim (I profess that I learn both from observation and intuition); to make a pretense of; pretend (he professed that he disliked driving and flying); to claim skill in or knowledge of (profess medicine); to affirm belief in (profess Buddhism)
intransitive verb use-to make an open affirmation

proliferate, proliferated, proliferating, proliferates.verbs
intransitive verb use-to grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring; to increase or spread at a rapid rate (fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate)
transitive verb use-to cause to grow or increase rapidly
proliferation, proliferator.nouns

having a tendency; inclined (paper that is prone to yellowing; children who are prone to mischief); lying with the front or face downward
prone, pronely.adverb
in a prone manner (the patient was lying prone on the bed)

phylum.noun, plural.phyla
Biology - primary division of a kingdom, as of the animal kingdom, ranking next above a class in size
Linguistics - large division of possibly genetically related families of languages or linguistic stocks
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