Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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an excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze (a mania for neatness)
Psychiatry – manifestation of manic depressive illness, characterized by profuse and rapidly changing ideas, exaggerated gaiety, and excessive physical activity; violent abnormal behavior; insanity

Mania, abnormal mental state characterized by an elevated or irritable mood, exaggerated self importance, racing thoughts, and hyperactivity. People with mania typically feel intoxicated with themselves and with life. They may display an indiscriminate enthusiasm for manipulating people, spending money, and pursuing sexual adventure. Manic people may also display impatience or hostility toward other people. If frustrated, they may physically abuse their friends, children, or spouse.

Mania has many other characteristics. People with mania often have inflated self esteem and self confidence and assume they have more wit, courage, imagination, and artistry than everyone else. Severe mania may include delusions of grandeur, such as the belief that one is chosen by God for a special mission-(such as God's avenger with a purpose to be self important through acts of violence toward others or even murder).--

Mania typically involves a decreased need for sleep, so manic-(resembling mania)-people often wake up early in a highly energized state. Mania makes people extremely talkative. Their loud, rapid fire speech sometimes continues unabated without regard for others. Mania also involves a flight of ideas, racing thoughts that cause speech to go off in many different directions. People in a manic state become easily distracted by irrelevant sights, sounds or ideas, which further disrupts thinking and speech.

People with mania may also devise grandiose plans or engage in reckless self indulgence. For example, they may invest indiscriminately in risky projects, get involved in many different social activities, flirt to the point of indecency and intrude in other people's private lives to the point of being obnoxious. Manic people display many signs of impaired judgment and self destructive behavior. These signs include taking airplane trips all over the country, gambling to excess, buying outrageously expensive gifts, engaging in reckless sexual behavior and abusing alcohol or other drugs.

Most people who experience episodes of mania also experience spells of severe depression. This pattern of mood swings between mania and depression defines a mental illness known as bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive illness. In bipolar disorder, episodes of mania usually begin abruptly and last from several weeks to several months. Mild manic episodes can last a year or more. Depression may follow immediately or begin after a period of relatively normal functioning. Manic episodes may require hospitalization because of impaired social behavior or the presence of psychotic symptoms. 

Mania may result from other conditions besides bipolar disorder. Medical conditions, such as a brain tumor or an overactive thyroid gland, can cause manic symptoms. Certain medications, such as steroids and antidepressants, can also cause mania..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

calling a curse upon someone or something; a curse; slander

Middle Ages
period in Europe dating from the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West, around the 5th century, to the 15th century (see 'Rome, History of' in Encarta).Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

relating or belonging to the Middle Ages; unenlightened (governments with a medieval attitude toward progress in free energy technologies; corporations with a medieval approach disallowing employees from ownership and control while keeping ownership and control in hands of those not working for the corporation - shareholders)

muddle, muddled, muddling, muddles.verbs
transitive verb use.to make turbid or muddy; to mix confusedly; jumble; to confuse or befuddle (the mind); to confuse; to mismanage or bungle
intransitive verb use.to think, act, or proceed in a confused or aimless manner (muddled his way through school)
a disordered condition; a mess or jumble; mental confusion
phrasal verb-'muddle through' to push on to a favorable outcome in a disorganized way

meek, meeker, meekest.adjectives
showing patience and humility; gentle; easily imposed on; submissive

having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious; having an evil or harmful influence

the quality or state of being malevolent; malicious behavior

showing great malevolence; disposed to do evil; highly injurious; pernicious

having or exerting a malignant influence; evil; malicious

a temporary or expedient substitute for something else
suitable as a temporary or expedient substitute (used a rock as a makeshift hammer)

causing wonder or astonishment; supernatural; of the highest or best kind or quality; first-rate (has a marvelous collection of rare books)

moratorium.noun, plural.moratoriums.or.moratoria
a suspension of an ongoing or planned activity (a moratorium on the further development of suburbs)

the measured arrangement of words in poetry, as by accentual rhythm, syllabic quantity, or the number of syllables in a line; a particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line; the rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines
Music.-.division into measures or bars; a specific rhythm determined by the number of beats and the time value assigned to each note in a measure

the international standard unit of length, approximately equivalent to 39.37 inches; it was redefined in 1983 as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second

any of various devices designed to measure time, distance, speed, or intensity or indicate and record or regulate the amount or volume, as of the flow of a gas or an electric current
meter, metered, metering, meters.transitive verbs
to measure with a meter (meter a flow of water); to supply in a measured or regulated amount (metered the gasoline to each vehicle)

in India and Tibet, one of a class of persons venerated for great knowledge and love of humanity; used as a title of respect for a person renowned for spirituality and high-mindedness (high consciousness)

the cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country; a single, homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension (communism and its types under names that sound like there's people freedom)

Abraham Maslow.1908-1970
American psychologist and a founder of humanistic psychology who developed a hierarchical model of human motivation, in which a higher need, ultimately that for self-actualization, is expressed only after lower needs are fulfilled

Emperor Marcus AureliusRoman Emperor Marcus Aurelius 161 to 180 AD
wrote Meditations, a classic work of stoicism
He ruled the Roman Empire from 161 to 180. His reign was marked by epidemics and frequent wars along the empire's frontiers. A champion of the poor, Marcus Aurelius reduced the tax burden while founding schools, hospitals and orphanages. A Stoic, Marcus Aurelius believed that a moral life leads to tranquility and that moderation and acceptance improve the quality of one's life. Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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