Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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the systematic-procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished; skill or command in handling such fundamentals

passing with time; transitory (the transient beauty of youth); remaining in a place only a brief time (transient laborers). 
one that is transient, especially a hotel guest or boarder who stays for only a brief time
synonyms.transitory, ephemeral, fleeting, fugitive, momentary, evanescent

one who is learned in theology
the study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational.inquiry into religious questions

of or relating to theology or to specialized religious study theologically.adverb

the study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions

having four feet, legs, or leglike appendages
a vertebrate animal with four feet, legs, or leglike appendages

an expanse of land or water; a specified or limited area of land (developing a 30-acre tract);
Anatomy – a system of organs and tissues that together perform a specialized function: the alimentary tract; a bundle of nerve fibers having a common origin, termination, and function
2 – a leaflet or pamphlet containing a declaration or an appeal, especially one put out by a religious or political group

taut, tauter, tautest.adjectives
pulled or drawn tight; not slack; tense (nerves taut with anxiety); kept in trim shape; neat and tidy

tautology.noun, plural.tautologies
needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy; an instance of such repetition
Logic..an empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are factually true or false; for example, the statement 'either it will rain tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow'
tautological or tautologic.adjective

thrust, thrusting, thrusts.verbs
transitive verb use.to push or drive quickly and forcibly; push; to issue or extend (poplars thrusting their branches upward); thrust out his finger; to force into a specified condition or situation (she thrust herself through the crowd, he was thrust into a position of awesome responsibility); to include or interpolate improperly
intransitive verb use.to shove something into or at something else; push; to pierce or stab with or as if with a pointed weapon; to force one's way
a forceful shove or push; a driving force or pressure; the forward directed force developed in a jet or rocket engine as a reaction to the high velocity rearward ejection of exhaust gases; a piercing movement made with or as if with a pointed weapon; a stab; the essence; the point (the whole thrust of the project was to make money)

lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time
one that serves for a limited time (a temporary teacher filled in while the regular teacher was out of town)

of, relating to, or limited by time (a temporal dimension; temporal and spatial boundaries); of or relating to the material world; worldly (the temporal possessions what people believe to be permanent); lasting only for a time; not eternal; passing (our temporal existence)

the condition of being temporal or bounded in time

tit for tat.noun
repayment in kind, as for an injury; retaliation

telling the truth; honest; corresponding to reality; true

an area of land; a region; the land and waters of those indigenous to the area

good faith; fidelity
troth, trothed, trothing, troths.transitive verbs
to pledge or betroth

transmit, transmitted, transmitting, transmits.verbs
transitive verb use.to send from one person, thing, or place to another; convey; send; to cause to spread; pass on (transmit to the other offices); to impart or convey to others; hand down; to pass along (news or information); communicate; to send a signal as by wire or radio
intransitive verb use.to send out a signal

a violent windstorm, frequently.accompanied by rain, snow, or hail; furious.agitation, commotion, or tumult; an uproar
tempest, tempested, tempesting, tempests.transitive verbs
to cause a tempest around or in
tempest in a teacup.or.tempest in a teapot.idiom
a great disturbance or uproar over a matter of little or no importance

a procedure for critical.evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial (a test of one's eyesight; subjecting a hypothesis to a test; a test of an athlete's endurance; an intelligence test); a series of questions, problems, or physical responses designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability
test, tested, testing, tests.verbs
transitive verb use.to subject to a test; try (tested the pen by scribbling on scrap paper; testing each mango for ripeness by pressing and smelling it; testing job applicants); to determine the presence or properties of a substance; to assay metal in a cupel
intransitive verb use.to undergo a test; to administer a test (test for acid content; test for vaccine toxicity); to achieve a score or rating on tests (took the entrance examinations and tested high); to exhibit a given characteristic when subjected to a test (showed intelligence in physics)

something that serves as tangible proof or evidence (the spacious plan of the new city will forever be testament to the foresight of its founders); a statement of belief; a credo
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