Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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on which; in close consequence of which (the instructor entered the room, whereupon we got to our feet)

whet, whetted, whetting, whets.transitive verbs
to sharpen (a knife, for example); hone; to make more keen; stimulate.(the frying bacon whetted my appetite
the act of whetting; something that whets

a reward or payment for labor or services; a recompense.(the wages of a diligent lifestyle)
wage, waged, waging, wages.transitive verbs
to engage in (he waged great effort to get his model ready for the country fair)

complete (a whole wardrobe for the tropics); containing all components; not divided or disjoined; all in one unit (a whole loaf); constituting the full amount, extent, or duration.(his speech showed he was on the qui vive the whole time); having the same parents (a whole sister)
Mathematics.-.not fractional; integral
a number, group, set, or thing lacking nothing; a complete thing
entirely; wholly (a whole new idea)
as a whole.idiom
all parts or aspects considered; altogether (disliked the length but enjoyed the play as a whole)
on the whole.idiom
considering everything (on the whole, a happy marriage); in most instances or cases; as a rule (can expect sunny weather, on the whole)
completely; entirely ("The old American purposes are still wholly relevant."....John F. Kennedy); exclusively; solely

the side or edge of a road, way, path, or highway
situated at or near the side of a road, way, path, or highway (a wayside inn)
fall by the wayside.idiom
to fail to continue; give up
gone by the wayside.idiom
to be set aside or discarded because of other considerations

the natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence; keenness and quickness of perception or discernment; ingenuity: living by one's wits; sound mental faculties; sanity.(scared out of my wits); the ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship between seemingly.incongruous or disparate things; one noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.
at my wits' end.idiom
at the limit of one's mental resources; utterly at a loss
have my wits about me.or.keep my wits about me.idiom
to remain alert or calm, especially in a crisis

cunning tricks; a stratagem or trick intended to deceive or ensnare; artifice.(the wiles of one skilled in deceit)
wile, wiled, wiling, wiles.transitive verbs
to influence or lead by means of wiles; to pass time agreeably (wile away a Sunday afternoon by lazing in the park)

wicked, wickeder, wickedest.adjectives
evil by nature and in practice; bad; highly offensive; obnoxious: a wicked stench; slang.- strikingly good, effective, or skillful (a wicked curve ball; a wicked imitation)
wicked, wickedly.adverbs

withhold, withheld, withholding, withholds.verbs
transitive verb use.to keep in check; restrain; to refrain from giving, granting, or permitting; keep; to deduct (withholding tax) from an employee's salary
intransitive verb use.to refrain or forbear

said or done on purpose; deliberate; voluntary; obstinately bent on having one's own way; unruly

wriggle, wriggled, wriggling, wriggles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to turn or twist the body with sinuous writhing motions; squirm; to proceed with writhing motions; to worm one's way into or out of a situation
transitive verb use.to move with a wriggling motion (wriggle a toe) wriggle.noun
a wriggling movement; a sinuous path, line, or marking

wiggle, wiggled, wiggling, wiggles.intransitive and transitive verbs
to move or cause to move from side to side with short irregular twisting motions (wiggled restlessly in her chair); wiggle a finger at a waitron
a wiggling movement or course

a delusive or misleading hope; an illusion
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